The strongest god in the city

Chapter 361 Is it too big to play?

Chapter 361 Is it too big to play?
"I will go with you."

Shen Siwei came to Ye Beichen's side and said in a low voice.

Ye Beichen hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said with a smile, "We should go together. After finishing the work, we have to eat Malatang!"

Hearing this, the policemen who followed Ye Beichen couldn't help but roll their eyes.

It's this time, still thinking about eating Malatang?

"It's okay if we drive by ourselves?" Ye Beichen asked.

Before the police could answer, Mr. Inoue ran away again.

"Mr. Police, don't let him escape! He is a murderer, a criminal! If you let him escape, I will sue you!"

The several policemen exchanged eye contact, and then heard the veteran policeman say, "I'll be the driver for you sir."

Upon receiving this answer, Ye Beichen smiled noncommittally.

Seeing this, the veteran policeman nodded, walked to another policeman, and whispered: "Take away the mobile phone videos of the guests."

After a while, Ye Beichen got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom with Shen Siwei and the others.

Touching the steering wheel, the veteran policeman couldn't help wondering.

Merchants who have invested billions of dollars come to eat island cuisine.

The noble son who drives a luxury car worth tens of millions also comes to eat island cuisine.

Is there anything special about this restaurant?

As soon as he thought of this, Shen Siwei suddenly called out: "Oh, our voucher is still useless."

"Hehe, it's okay, next time, let's come again." Ye Beichen replied with a smile.


Ye Beichen looked back at Zhao Gang and Chen Juan, who were a little embarrassed, and comforted him: "Don't worry, you can just report the situation according to the truth. As for your work... When the matter is over, report to Ye's Group .”

"Yip's Group!"

Zhao Gang, Chen Juan, and even the seasoned policeman were shocked.

The reason why the veteran policeman was surprised was that the Ye Group had become so popular in recent years that it suppressed all the news in Yulan City.

It seems that in the entire Yulan City, only one Ye Group is shining these days.

Zhao Gang and Chen Juan were even more surprised, because they flew here from the Devil's Land this time just for the Ye Group...

Immediately after the Rolls-Royce, the police car boarded.

Matsushita-kun's fearful expression disappeared again, replaced by a fierce expression.

"Inoue, call the headquarters immediately, I want to make Yulan City Police and Yulan City famous together!"

He spoke in Japanese, so the policeman sitting next to him and watching him couldn't understand him at all.

"Hi Yi."

Mr. Inoue nodded his head reflexively, hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "Matsushita-san, do you want to make a little adjustment first? I think the other party seems to be very confident."

"Confidence? Hmph! Yulan is just one of the hundreds of cities in China, even Hui Province, which is not a well-developed province among dozens of provinces. How can a small Hui Province be as big as my big island country?" China to compete? Call me and build momentum first! I want to spread the news to the world, and let the noble races of the world see how uncivilized the Chinese people are!"

Speaking of this, he slapped the seat heavily, not wanting to affect the wound, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

"Hi Yi!"

Mr. Inoue responded, took out the phone, and started to dial.

The police around him immediately stopped him: "What are you doing?"

"Mr. Police, we are victims! You Huaxia, don't you have any concept of good and evil?"


The policeman snorted and said, "Whoever is the victim will naturally record a statement later."

"I'm calling a lawyer!"

Mr. Inoue didn't bother to argue anymore, so he answered directly.


The policeman sneered in his heart, but did not stop him.

Seeing this, Mr. Inoue laughed and dialed the phone as if he had won a great victory.

When the phone was dialed, he immediately put on a gritted face.

Hearing his yelling, the policemen didn't pay attention, they just thought he had found an island lawyer...

Ten minutes later, the Rolls-Royce Phantom and the police car stopped at the gate of the Municipal Bureau at the same time.

When Ye Beichen got out of the car, the smile on his face grew wider.

Not to mention Ye Beichen, even Zhao Gang and Chen Juan, both of them looked extremely relaxed.

The only difference is that the veteran policeman has a strange expression on his face, and he doesn't know whether it's gloating or what.

After Mr. Matsushita and Mr. Inoue got out of the car, they gave Ye Beichen a cold look.

From their eyes, Ye Beichen saw excitement and pride.

Excited and proud?
No matter what kind of moths he used, Ye Beichen didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart.

Municipal Bureau, inquiry room.

Ye Beichen and others, including Mr. Inoue and Mr. Matsushita, were scattered in several inquiry rooms and took statements separately.

Different from the tense atmosphere in several other inquiry rooms, Ye Beichen was drinking tea one after another.

Officer Lu, who was sitting opposite him, smiled helplessly.

That's right, it's Officer Lu, and it's Officer Lu again.

"Young Master Ye, I snuck this from Bureau Chen's collection. It's his Longjing."

Officer Lu spoke, not without the intention of flattering him.

It's because Ye Beichen's name is too big!

After all, Hukou TV is headquartered in Shanghai, as is Changhu Group, which can only affect Yulan City.

But after a few days, Ye's Group rose from the ground and became a star enterprise in Yulan City and even the entire Hui Province.

With such efficiency and achievement, Officer Lu felt the pressure sitting in front of Ye Beichen.

His proud identity is not worth mentioning in front of Ye Beichen!
"Hehe, thank you very much." Ye Beichen responded with a light smile.

Officer Lu was not displeased at all. He smiled helplessly and said, "Young Master Ye, did you play too big this time?"

"Is there?" Ye Beichen asked casually.

These words made Officer Lu hold back for a while.

"Young Master Ye, they are islanders after all. Even a small matter may involve diplomatic aspects. You beat them..."

When Police Officer Lu said this, he suddenly thought of the dealer who was beaten and maimed by Ye Beichen last time.Compared with the traffickers, these two islanders are indeed light.

Ye Beichen frowned, and said with a smile, "They should fight."

Listen, the young master is the young master, and he can still be so stubborn after hitting the little devil.

Officer Lu secretly praised in his heart, and just about to say something, the phone on the table rang.

After picking up the phone, Officer Lu frowned, his face becoming more and more serious.

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Officer Lu said worriedly: "Young Master Ye, the little devils are holding on to the fact that you injured them, saying that if you are not brought to justice, they will stab the media in the island country!"

"Island media? Let him poke it, I don't believe it, how high can a small company in a small island country jump!"

Ye Beichen snorted coldly, and then said lightly: "Officer Lu, they're making trouble, but Matsushita's molestation of women can't escape, right? How long can it be locked up?"

Hearing this, Officer Lu was in a cold sweat.

Ye Beichen didn't want to think about how to solve the immediate crisis, but he was still thinking about punishing Matsushita.

(End of this chapter)

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