The strongest god in the city

Chapter 485 Someone Should Be Unlucky

Chapter 485 Someone Should Be Unlucky (Part [-])
"Hey, old five, are you still writing that shit online novel recently? Let me tell you, the third brother posted it, and the Ye Group is actually his family's property! Hahaha... Our brother posted it!"

Li Zian seemed to have found a vent. He was hiding on the phone at the corner and almost laughed out loud.

The fifth child in his mouth is Cao Junfei.

He thought that Cao Junfei would be surprised, shocked, and as ecstatic as he was, but he wasn't.

"Oh, that's it, I see. I'm eating here, so let's not talk about it."

Cao Junfei's reply was so plain that Li Zian was in a daze. He suspected that what he said just now was not the same as what Cao Junfei heard.

"Fifth brother! The third brother posted it, our third brother posted it! Did you hear clearly? He is the eldest son of the Ye Group!"

Li Zian spoke again, his tone a bit more serious, but he still couldn't hide the excitement in his words.

At this moment, a female voice suddenly smiled coquettishly on the other end of the phone: "Brother Cao, don't call anymore, why not have a drink with him. I'll feed you..."

"Shu Xin,"

Listening to the ambiguous voice on the other end of the phone, Li Zian's eyes widened.Obviously, Cao Junfei was not fed wine with a cup, but with his mouth...

Li Zian licked his dry lips, envious in his heart.


Li Zian was shocked suddenly, as if he had grasped something important.

He seemed to have heard the woman's voice before, and the woman's name... Shu Xin?Is it Cao Junfei's favorite female star?
It seems that it can really match up!
"Hey, Fifth, you too..."

Li Zian's words stopped abruptly because there was a busy tone on the phone - the other party hung up the phone.

I don't know if it was Cao Junfei who hung it up, or Shu Xin who hung it up.

Li Zian suppressed the horror in his heart, and quickly called Cao Junfei again.

But as soon as the phone rang, it was hung up.

Call again, the prompt has been shut down...

"It's really shameless! I only care about my own pleasure!"

Li Zian cursed bitterly, and then glanced at Ye Beichen's back not far away, a smug expression appeared in the corner of his eyes: "When the third brother covers me, I, Li Zian, will have a prosperous day! Even if you Cao Junfei is a fool today Well, what can we do? Hmph!"

Snorting coldly, Li Zian found Liao Anjian's number again and dialed it.

As soon as the phone call was made, Li Zian pretended to be mysterious and called out: "Xiao Qi, I have big news for you! Absolutely shocking news! News about our third brother! You should be mentally prepared, don't be scared and cry!"

"Well... Zian, I'm busy right now, let's talk when I have time."

"Busy again?"

Li Zian froze for a moment, a strange thought appeared in his mind.

"Well, yes, I..."

Liao Anjian was talking, when suddenly a voice came from beside him: "Boss, Manager Zhao from the decoration company has come to settle the bill. This is the bill. Take a look, there is still a balance of 120 million outstanding."

"120 million? Okay, you go and settle it with Manager Zhao, don't let him make a second trip. By the way, you let them have a meal in the store tonight, as a thank you for working day and night, I Come over later."

"Boss, you are really a good person!"

"Okay, stop sycophanting. Go ahead and take a good look."

Liao Anjian gave an order, and thinking that the phone hadn't hung up yet, he said, "Zian, I'm busy here, so I won't tell you. I'll talk to you when I have time."

"Wait! 120 million? Xiaoqi, what kind of store are you running? You're not... Hey, hello, Xiaoqi?"

Well, the phone was hung up again.

Li Zian held the phone, dazed in a daze.

It is not surprising that Liao Anjian opened a store. After all, Li Zian also has some savings, and he can do it with an investment of 10,000+.

But for Liao Anjian's store, the final payment for decoration alone is 120 million, so how much will it cost in total?
A store costs several million for decoration alone, so how big is the investment for the entire store?Over ten million?
Li Zian didn't dare to think about it anymore, he felt his heart was about to burst.

"Another disloyal thing! I made it myself, but I didn't even think about bringing my brothers to get rich together! Everyone has no loyalty, and they don't even care about brotherhood!"

Li Zian was swearing and cursing, but his heart had already set off a storm.The turbulent waves made him extremely panic.

Ye Beichen took off, Cao Junfei turned over, Liao Anjian developed, and everyone left him far behind.

How long has it been since we haven't contacted each other, how can there be such a big change?

Li Zian pondered for a while, frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "It's just that we haven't seen each other for more than a year. During the Chinese New Year today, the third brother sent me a text message of blessings, and I also replied a happy new year Right? By the way, last time he gave out red envelopes in the group, I even took the initiative to say hello to him!"

Indeed, he took the initiative to say hello, but he directly ignored Ye Beichen's "help".

"No, I have to think of a way, and then fight for it. Back then, my third brother and I were a three-eighth golden combination, but they were the best buddies! Liao Anjian and Cao Junfei, can you compare with my relationship with my third brother?"

Muttering to himself, Li Zian became more confident.

He glanced at the gloomy Ni Fake and smiled disdainfully.

As long as Ye Beichen covers him, Ni Fa is a piece of shit!

Thinking of this, Li Zian stepped forward with great briskness.

At this time, Ye Beichen was still talking with Gao Mengyu.

Gao Mengyu's expression was so close that he almost stuck to Ye Beichen by accident.

"Big sister, can you pay attention to the influence?" Ye Beichen moved a bit and smiled wryly.


Gao Mengyu curled her lips, looked straight into Ye Beichen's eyes, and asked softly, "What? Are you afraid?"

These words are too provocative.

Ye Beichen afraid?

Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "You forced me to do this!"

Not only did Ye Beichen's performance not make Gao Mengyu flinch, but the latter smiled coquettishly, "Come on, my Young Master Ye."

This scene was watched by many people, and everyone's eyes widened.

Is the woman in front of me really Gao Mengyu, the eldest daughter of the Gao family?

The Gao Mengyu they remembered was an iceberg beauty.It's not the same person as the woman in front of her who is so hot that she is almost seducing her!
Ye Beichen flinched, he smiled awkwardly, picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip to cover up his embarrassment.

Seeing this, Gao Mengyu curled her lips, the expression in her eyes was beyond words.

On the sofa next door, where Luo Chengbin and Ni Fake sat, the atmosphere was very depressing.

"Xiao Luo, I didn't hear that Aunt Luo wanted you and Miss Gao..."


Hearing Ni Fake's words, Luo Chengbin snorted coldly, put the wine glass in his hand heavily on the coffee table, and said with a sneer, "My mother's opinion depends on whether I am willing or not. You sit first, and I will go."

After leaving such a sentence, Luo Chengbin got up and left.

Looking at Luo Chengbin's back, Ni Fake had a sinister smile on his lips.

If he guessed correctly, Luo Chengbin went to find his mother.

"Now, someone should be unlucky."

 Before I knew it, 100 million words...

(End of this chapter)

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