The strongest god in the city

Chapter 486 I Lost My Face

Chapter 486 I Lost Face (Second)
"Third brother..."

Just as Luo Chengbin left, Li Zian appeared in front of Ye Beichen with a big smile on his face.

At this time, Gao Mengyu was immersed in the joy of teasing Ye Beichen tirelessly.Li Zian's appearance immediately attracted her displeased eyes.

"Young Master Ye, do you know him?"

"I know." Ye Beichen nodded slightly, making Li Zian almost laugh out loud.

Haha, the third brother is the third brother, and the third brother is always the most loyal person!
Hearing this, Gao Mengyu put away her displeasure and got up: "Then you guys talk, I'll..."

Before Gao Mengyu got up, Ye Beichen pressed on her leg.

The long legs in the flesh-colored stockings touched Ye Beichen's palm, and the wonderful touch made Ye Beichen's heart flutter.

Looking up, what met him was Gao Mengyu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Cough cough."

Ye Beichen coughed dryly, put away his embarrassment, shook his head, and said, "No need. He just came to say hello, and he will leave immediately."

As he spoke, he looked up at Li Zian, and asked with a smile, "Li Zian, right?"

Li Zian was stunned.

Say hello and leave now?
This is completely different from the plot direction he expected.

He expected that Ye Beichen shouldn't introduce him affectionately. This is his brother, the person with the best relationship. Will he take the flight with him in the future and give it to those who are rich and prosperous?

how come……

"Third Brother, I..."

Li Zian spoke again, Ye Beichen frowned, and said calmly: "Why, do you have any opinions?"

"no no."

Li Zian responded reflexively, feeling depressed in his heart.

Ye Beichen actually drove him away.

"Third brother, then I..."


Ye Beichen didn't give him a chance at all, so he went out after a goodbye, and didn't bother to look at him again.

Seeing this situation, Li Zian opened his mouth, and finally had to leave with a sad face.

Behind him, Gao Mengyu's voice came: "You are so bad, you don't give him face?"

"Face is earned by oneself and lost by oneself. A snob, does he still care about face?"

Ye Beichen's cold words reached Li Zian's ears, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

A snob, so, in Ye Beichen's eyes, that's what he looks like.

Li Zian's mind suddenly exploded, and the previous scenes appeared in his mind.

Once Ye Beichen took care of him, once Ye Beichen loved him like a younger brother, and after graduation, Ye Beichen went all the way to see him, but he refused because he was busy with work, and then Ye Beichen asked him for help , he just pretended not to see...

You deserve it, it turns out you deserve it.

Li Zian laughed at himself, walking towards Ni Fake unconsciously.

But when he saw Ni Fake, his eyes were suddenly clear, and his mind was also clear.

That's right, what Li Zian wanted was a superior life.In order to be superior to others, he can easily let go of many burdens.

Ye Beichen, Liao Anjian, Cao Junfei, as long as he can't help him, he can give up.

This time, it was just a misjudgment, so what?
He, Li Zian, is quick-witted, so he can't get ahead?
Thinking of this, he quickly walked up to Ni Fake, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Ni, I was wrong. I want to get in touch with Ye Beichen, and then get the agent of Xianzi Shaping Pill in Modu for Young Master Ni." Quan. Unexpectedly, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone!"

"Is that so?" Ni Fake asked with a chuckle.

Can Li Zian deny it?
"Yes, Young Master Ni, that's what I thought. I misread Ye Beichen!"

Seeing Li Zian's indignation, Ni Fake was angry and funny at the same time.

Why, you posted Ye Beichen and got kicked away, and you ran back?When I, Ni Fa, can this be a shelter?Hehe, let me show you what Ye Beichen you posted looked like when he was slapped in the face!

However, he didn't show it at all, but nodded and responded lightly: "It's okay, sit down."

"Sit?" Li Zian was a little dazed.

"Well, sit down and watch a good show."

As Ni Fake said, just as Li Zian sat down full of doubts, Ni Fake pointed to the front and said with a smile: "Good show, let's begin."

Li Zian looked in the direction Ni Fake was pointing at, and saw a noblely dressed woman walking towards her surrounded by hugs, and Luo Chengbin followed closely beside her.

There was another figure that Ye Beichen had only seen two days ago - Luo Yuan.

Li Zian's heart moved, and he asked quickly: "Young Master Ni, that's Luo..."

"Yes, it's Aunt Luo."

Ni Fake squinted his eyes and nodded: "The three of you who keep yelling dare to rob Aunt Luo's appointed daughter-in-law, what do you think Aunt Luo will do?"

"No, Young Master Ni, you misunderstood, Ye Beichen is just..."

"No need to explain, let's watch the show."

At this time, Luo Chuyun appeared on the stage with an extremely powerful aura, coupled with shouting and embracing, immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Immediately, many people greeted Luo Chuyun, and in the banquet hall, the word "Luo Dong" appeared one after another.

Standing beside Luo Chuyun, Luo Chengbin and You Rongyan always had a smile on their faces.

Unlike Luo Chengbin, Luo Chuyun's face was calm, his eyes scanned the audience, and finally stopped on Gao Mengyu.

Seeing Gao Mengyu and Ye Beichen getting close together, Luo Chuyun's pupils shrank, and his face turned cold instantly.

"It's him!"

The low exclamation in the ear attracted Luo Chuyun's attention.

Luo Chuyun frowned and asked, "Xiao Yuan, do you know that person?"

It was Luo Yuan who spoke.

Hearing Luo Chuyun's question, Luo Yuan gritted his teeth and shouted: "Auntie, it's him who, relying on Miss Yu's family to support him two days ago, actually sneered at me. Even after I reported the name of the Luo family After the number, he actually dismissed it!"


"Aunt, I have never lied since I was a child!" Luo Yuan replied in a deep voice.

Hmm... This sentence is a lie.

At this time, Luo Chengbin also hurriedly echoed: "Mom, elder brother is always approachable and rarely gets into disputes with others. It must be Ye Beichen's rude words that make elder brother angry."

A son and a nephew, both of them hated Ye Beichen to the extreme, and Luo Chuyun believed it ninety percent of the time.

"Hehe, dare you not take my Luo family seriously? I want to see what confidence he has!"

After saying this, Luo Chuyun waved his hand and led everyone towards Ye Beichen.

Behind her, Luo Yuan and Luo Chengbin glanced at each other, both showing smug smiles.

When Luo Chuyun appeared, Gao Mengyu felt that the situation might develop in a bad direction.

Now that Luo Chuyun is walking towards her directly, Gao Mengyu is sure that something is really wrong...

"Aunt Luo."

Before Luo Chuyun approached, Gao Mengyu quickly stood up and called out politely.

Luo Chuyun ignored her, but looked down at Ye Beichen: "Young man, you are very arrogant."

"none of your business?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.Ni Fake was holding the red wine glass, but he lost his grip and fell directly to the ground.

There was a crisp "pop", but it didn't attract any attention.

(End of this chapter)

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