The strongest god in the city

Chapter 512 Star Technology Company

Chapter 512 Star Technology Company
The valuation of 500 billion is done.

Twenty points of financing, the same is done.

When Yun Feiqian learned that Ye Beichen actually planned to cash out through financing and use the money to form a theater chain himself, he did not hesitate at all.

Two words - send money.

Three words - make him crazy.

If God wants man to perish, he must first make him mad.In the eyes of Yun Feiqian and the others, Ye Beichen was already crazy, and they didn't mind, so they pushed Ye Beichen again.

The only thing that was out of control was that after Yunjia's Yunzhong Fund joined the competition, several other capital groups that were still hesitating also made a decision to invest in Hukou TV.

The final result is that Yunzhong Fund leads the investment, and Red Mountain Capital and Star Fund jointly invest in the financing.

Well, that's right, the Star Fund is the Star Fund controlled by Zhang Fanhu.

Ye Beichen is not willing to miss out on financing, even if it only takes three points, which shows that his desire to control is really strong.

Yunzhong Fund only got ten points of shares and bid 50 billion yuan.

Hongshan Capital got seven points of shares and bid 35 billion yuan.

Three points of shares in Star Fund, um... didn't pay, and offset it with Ye Beichen's shares.

15 billion, as long as it is listed, it is not a lot of money.

Participating in the competition, there are many more powerful capital groups.For example, Ruanjin Group is Papa Ma's financial backer.

But so what?Ye Beichen didn't even bother to use the capital of the small island country, so he was directly kicked out.

In three days, the financing was completed quickly. Ye Beichen and Qian Shaocheng successfully cashed out 50 billion yuan, all of which were deposited into Ye Beichen's bank card.

Afterwards, Qian Shaocheng and Zhang Fanhu set off for the United States to make final preparations for listing.

This time, Yunzhong Fund and Hongshan Capital were fooled.

Listed without BCDE round of financing?

In this regard, they raised a solemn protest, but it is not an egg, do they have the right to speak?
Not only do they have no right to speak, they have no way to object, and they even have to quickly dispatch people to create momentum for the listing of Hukou TV.After all, they have already invested a lot of money, and it is hard to get off the tiger!
In this regard, both families said that they were really aggrieved to meet such a powerful lunatic as Ye Beichen.

The only thing that supported Yun Feiqian was Ye Beichen's death plan.

He waited for Ye Beichen to pour all his money into the theaters, and then he would lose all his money!
Theater, is it so easy to do?

However, at this time, Ye Beichen had no time to deal with the affairs of theaters, he was standing outside an electronic research institute.

Accompanying Ye Beichen was Yin Jiaxiong who came from Yulan City, besides Zhou Yifei who was puzzled.

Called by Ye Beichen, Yin Jiaxiong spent three hours rushing to the magic capital, and spent another three days before finally finding a place that met Ye Beichen's requirements.

"Brother Ye, this research institute covers an area of ​​[-] square meters. It used to do research on precision electronics. Last year, the staff of the research institute was recruited, and the place was temporarily vacant."

Speaking of this, Yin Jiaxiong pointed to the surroundings and said: "Look, there are high walls and power grids around. As long as you guard the gate, ordinary people can't get in or get out. By the way, there are troops stationed 200 meters through the woods. If there is any danger , won’t you stand by and watch?”

Ye Beichen nodded.

With the relationship of the Zhao family, I will definitely say hello in advance.

Once there is danger, the other side will not stand idly by.

"how's the price?"

Yin Jiaxiong thought for a while, and said: "Brother Ye, I found out clearly that this is an official place, and it is generally only rented and not sold. The rental price is not high, and 50 a year is enough. If it matters, I think it should be able to Buy it."

Ye Beichen nodded, looked at Zhou Yifei again, and asked, "Mr. Zhou, what do you think?"

"Young Master Ye, are you planning to let me come here to do research?"

Zhou Yifei held back his words for a long time, and finally asked.

Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "How is it? Do you like it?"

Zhou Yifei didn't answer immediately, but looked around and said softly: "Away from the urban area, with green mountains and green waters, and avoiding the hustle and bustle, I couldn't be more satisfied."

"In that case, let's go here."

Without hesitation, Ye Beichen dialed Mr. Zhao directly.

Two hours later, Ye Beichen completed all the procedures and obtained the asset certificate.This research institute, listed under the name of Polaris Investment, cost only 500 million.

To Ye Beichen, 500 million is no longer considered money.

Star Technology Company, this is the latest name of the institute.

Afterwards, several buses arrived with dozens of researchers and assistants.

Afterwards, a bus came, and Gou Xiong brought dozens of newly trained security guards under his command to station.

No one knows that the technology giant group that will affect the world and even a wider range in the future was born on this day.

Ye Beichen handed Yin Jiaxiong one billion yuan to purchase equipment.

Afterwards, he sent everyone away and wandered around the research institute—the current Xingchen Technology Company.

Wandering around is not the purpose, his purpose is to equip Xingchen Technology Company with the safest guarantee.

What high walls, power grids, and security guards are useless in the face of real enemies, let alone the army stationed hundreds of meters away.

While walking, Ye Beichen opened the system mall - prestige mall.

The last time he completed the task, he got the right to use any item in the prestige mall for one month, and now is the time to use it.

As for what to do after a month of trial, Ye Beichen wasn't worried at all.

Once the movie is released, his reputation will only skyrocket.At that time, are you still worried that there will be no reputation guarantee?
Defensive battle armor: low-level individual defensive combat uniform, trial reputation value 10, discarded.

Combat Fortress: Low-level team combat base, use reputation value of 20, discarded.

Defensive chariots...abandoned.

Stealth fighter... Abandoned.

Ye Beichen threw away pieces of defensive or offensive equipment, and when he was a little impatient, his eyes locked on a trial item, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Intelligent defense base, intermediate defense equipment, used to arrange a site within [-] square meters, can set white list and trigger conditions, and carry out intelligent attacks.The attack strength can be set, the attack range can be set, and the intensity can be set according to the enemy's strength...

Trial prestige worth 100 million!
"It's you!"

These settings are exactly what Ye Beichen needs.

You can't come to a thief and just shoot him over and blow him into scum, right?

You can't come to a powerful enemy, go up and beat him on the chest, and nothing will happen, right?
"Ba la la, come out!"

Hearing Ye Beichen's call, a bang of a pink princess dress appeared in front of Ye Beichen.

"Brother, do you want to exchange for a smart defense base?"

"Yes, I want this, arrange it here for me."


Ba la la responded, and when she waved the magic wand, a palm-sized black box appeared in her hand.

This palm-sized black box is the core component of the intelligent defense base.

 Speed ​​up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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