Chapter 513
"How does this work?"

Looking at the palm-sized black box in Ba La La's hand, Ye Beichen was confused for a moment.

I saw Ba La La laughing and throwing the black box on the ground casually.

The moment the black box fell to the ground, a strange scene happened.

The black box hit the ground with a bang, and then... shattered to pieces.

That's right!

Ye Beichen saw it clearly, it was really smashed to pieces!

Just when he was a little dumbfounded, small pieces of dust suddenly floated up, and countless flashes of light rushed towards the surroundings and the sky.

Soon, under Ye Beichen's naked eyes, a light blue barrier was propped up, forming a semicircle above Xingchen Technology Company, covering the entire Xingchen Technology Company within it.

"Brother, it's done!"

Hearing Ba La La's shout, Ye Beichen looked at the sky that only existed in sci-fi movies, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he was startled, and hurriedly asked: "Ba la la, we have made such a big commotion, how can we explain it?"

Ba La La's eyes narrowed into crescents: "Don't worry, brother, the defense base is organized by energy, and others can't see it at all. Brother can see it, because the control hub is in my brain."

Ye Beichen felt relieved after hearing this.

As soon as he thought of the control hub, messages automatically appeared in his mind.At the same time, he had a very thorough view of the tens of thousands of square meters of Xingchen Technology.

On the outskirts of Xingchen Technology, Bear's subordinates were scattered all over the place, tightly guarding the entire outskirts of Xingchen Technology.

In an office, Zhou Yifei is discussing the next project-virtual [-]D simulation with dozens of researchers.

In a large lounge, hundreds of assistants looked at the new colleagues around them either confusedly or excitedly.


"Cough cough."

Ye Beichen coughed and quickly withdrew his attention.

Inadvertently became a voyeur, lost grace, lost grace.

Even though he thought so, Ye Beichen still glanced at it, and finally withdrew his attention reluctantly.

At this time, his attention was on setting the rules.

Intelligent defense base, open time - of course open 24 hours a day!
Attack target: Trespasser, according to the degree of maliciousness, give a voltage intensity attack.

Originally, Ye Beichen planned to subdivide it.But after thinking about it, there is actually no need to subdivide.

For trespassers, no matter what purpose they have, the 300V voltage will go up and the corona will stop.After waking up, Gou Xiong and others slowly interrogated him.

As for the internal personnel, after Zhou Yifei took out the rules and regulations, Ye Beichen directly threw them into the intelligent defense base system.

Once violated, it will be calculated according to the degree of severity.Those who are less serious will leave surveillance records and be punished.More seriously, those with bad intentions were also stunned and interrogated severely.

Star Technology will be the heart of all Ye Beichen's industries, and he will never allow any accidents to happen.

The layout of the intelligent defense base was carried out quietly, and no one except Ye Beichen knew about it.

After setting up the smart defense base, Ye Beichen rushed from the suburbs to the magic city without stopping to negotiate with the person in charge of the Tianxing Cinemas.

That's right, after a lot of contact, Ye Beichen's expectations were met, and finally a theater chain revealed its intention to transfer.

Tianxing Cinemas, with more than 170 theaters and more than 600 screens, ranks about eighth or ninth in China, which is not particularly outstanding.

Ye Beichen didn't care about this.

What he wanted was not one Skystar theater chain, but several theater chains. The combined power, not to mention rivalry with other theater chains, at least would not be ignored.

In the chairman's office of Xianchen Film and Television, Ye Beichen met the person in charge of Tianxing Cinemas, a tall and thin middle-aged man named Yuan Hesan.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ye Beichen directly named the topic.

"Mr. Yuan, I plan to buy your Tianxing Cinemas, please make a price."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Hesan was surprised.

This young master, don't you know what a business negotiation is?It is the kingly way to be cautious everywhere and wait for the opportunity to move.

But soon, Yuan Hesan felt that he had fallen into a passive state.

Because, he has an offer.

Too many, for fear of scaring Ye Beichen away.If there is less, I feel unwilling.

Yuan Hesan thought for a while and said, "I don't know what price Young Master Ye plans to offer?"

Ye Beichen smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Market price."

"Our Tianxing market value is not low."

"The market value is all for the purpose of going public to deceive the people who eat melons. I'm talking about the valuation of the industry."

The two of you came between me, you can be regarded as finding out the reality of each other.

At this time, Yuan Hesan was not in a hurry when he heard that Ye Beichen mentioned the valuation in the industry.He took a sip of tea before slowly saying: "Young Master Ye, before I came, my father and family uncle told me that Young Master Ye is a person with great potential. So, they gave you two choices."

"Please tell me." Ye Beichen smiled.

Seeing Yuan Hesan stretching out a finger, he said, "First, Young Master Ye's full acquisition of Tianxing Cinemas, including the current personnel arrangement, it's best not to move."

Ye Beichen nodded slightly.

When he buys theaters, he will not move people indiscriminately until he is not familiar with everything.Otherwise, an unstable situation will cause chaos.

From this point of view, what Yuan Hesan said later was more like advice.

It was also because of this piece of advice that Ye Beichen liked Yuan Hesan a little more.

"What about the second?"


Yuan Hesan stretched out another finger, and said, "According to the judgment of my father and family uncle, Young Master Ye will definitely not give up the controlling stake. Therefore, the second item is that Young Master Ye will enter the Tianxing Cinemas and acquire 51 % of the equity."

Ye Beichen understood.

The second option is probably the Yuan family's favorite choice.They expected that Ye Beichen planned to do something big and wanted to hitch a ride!
Ye Beichen had no objection to hitchhiking, but nearly half of the equity was not what Ye Beichen wanted to see.

Thinking of this, Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "You should be clear about my current enemies, right? Yun Feiqian, Zhao Zhaohui, Chen Luo, Lin Ruoyuan..."

"Although they are powerful, my Yuan family only wants to make money honestly and has nothing to do with them." Yuan Hesan smiled lightly.

Ye Beichen shrugged and said, "However, I plan to have fun with them. Mr. Yuan should be clear about the 24 million game, right? I plan to buy Tianxing Cinemas, show my own movies 24 hours a day, and have sex with them." In the end! By the way, the future arrangements will also be based on my Xianchen Film and Television. No matter what bad movies Xianchen Film and Television makes, all other movies will give way, and it will still be [-] hours a day..."

Ye Beichen was interrupted helplessly by Yuan Hesan before he finished speaking.

"Well... Young Master Ye, let's talk about the price of the wholly-owned acquisition."

Are you kidding me?This young master bought the Star Cinemas just for self-satisfaction?

Can't be bothered.

(End of this chapter)

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