The strongest god in the city

Chapter 515 I still have to buy, buy, buy

Chapter 515 I still have to buy, buy, buy

Magic City, Chongyin Island.

I forgot to explain earlier, the research institute Yin Jiaxiong found is in the outskirts of Chongyin Island.

At this time, in the conference room of Xingchen Technology, Zhou Yifei and several researchers had just finished their progress report, and they all looked at Ye Beichen with some trepidation.

In order to complete the research project, Ye Beichen and his fellows poured in a billion dollars.But now, they only have a general idea, based on the 3D effect.

Other than that, everything remains theoretical.

In the research institute before, it was supported by the above, and there was no need to calculate the input or even the gain.But Ye Beichen is just an individual, and if he invested a billion dollars, he might run out of money and end up with a bunch of theories.

And more importantly, Ye Beichen's offer was something they couldn't refuse, and it was more than five times better than before.

Therefore, they have to worry.

Being watched nervously by everyone, Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "Yes, continue to study."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room immediately relaxed a lot, but Yin Jiaxiong frowned unhappily, and seemed to have a lot to say.

At this time, Ye Beichen stood up and said, "Mr. Zhou, please continue to watch over here. It doesn't matter if there is no major progress. After all, doing research is not something that can be measured by time. Just tell me what you need."

"Okay, thank you Young Master Ye for understanding." Zhou Yifei nodded emphatically.

Listening to Ye Beichen's words, Zhou Yifei actually had a feeling that he would die for his confidant.

Ask for money, give money, ask for time, give time.Is there anything more gratifying than this?

Under the delighted eyes of all the researchers, Ye Beichen took Yin Jiaxiong and left Star Technology Company.

In the car, Yin Jiaxiong held back for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back: "Brother Ye, I always feel that this matter is a bit unreliable."


Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "Where is it unreliable?"

Yin Jiaxiong frowned and thought for a while, then replied softly: "They may be professionals, but you also said just now that doing research can't be done in a day or two. Look, these days, all kinds of equipment and instruments alone Consumed more than 3 million. If this is consumed every day, one billion will not last for a few years."

Ye Beichen smiled: "I don't plan to use one billion to last for a few years. In terms of investment alone, I plan to invest no less than 100 billion in Xingchen Technology in the next three years."

Yin Jiaxiong just started the car, and when Ye Beichen's words came out, he stepped on the brakes in shock, his eyes widened: "100 billion! Brother Ye, are you kidding me! This 100 billion is probably It's a waste of time!"

Facing Yin Jiaxiong's shocked gaze, Ye Beichen waved his hand: "Don't worry, it won't take a few months, not to mention 100 billion, even 20 billion, and you can earn it back! Didn't you see that Hukou TV, which I bought for [-] billion, is about to Bring me fifty times the income?"

With an investment of 20 billion, if the listed market value can reach [-] billion, wouldn't it be [-] times the return?
But even so, Yin Jiaxiong still disagrees.Is it comparable to Hukou TV to invest in a technology company that cannot see benefits?
Yin Jiaxiong doesn't think so.

Ye Beichen didn't explain anymore, but silently opened the virtual attribute panel, and focused on the points column.

[Points]: 54778!

That's right, the points have risen to 5!

Prior to this, Ye Beichen had already transferred the first payment, 40 billion, into the Yuan family's account.

According to the agreement, within the next month, the remaining 40 billion will also be transferred to the Yuan family's account.At that time, Tianxing Cinemas will finally become an asset under Ye Beichen's name.

After spending 40 billion, the most obvious effect is Ye Beichen's points.

If you spend 40, you will get one point. [-] billion is [-] points!
In addition to the one billion invested by the technology company, Ye Beichen got 5 points at a time, bringing his total points to more than [-].

Ye Beichen's goal is obvious, that is the holographic sensing technology with 15 points.

Now, you know why Ye Beichen is not worried?

He opened a technology company and hired expert researchers, but it was just a cover to hide from others.The real source of technology is the system mall, which is perfectly presented by the hands of experts.

From 15 points, there is still more than 9 points, which is 90 billion consumption.

Ye Beichen had no choice but to spend money!

Only spending money can support him to barely survive.

Buy theaters!Buy buy buy!
Just as Ye Beichen thought of this, the phone rang suddenly, it was Xian'er's number.

"Haohuang, we have just contacted the person in charge of Silver Lake Cinemas, and there has revealed the intention to transfer..."

"Silver Lake?"

Ye Beichen frowned, and immediately said: "Okay, you make an appointment with the other party, it is best to meet today."

"The other side said that they are free today." Xian'er added.

"Okay, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Yin Jiaxiong immediately asked, "Brother Ye, do you still want to buy a movie theater? Is it too..."

"Go to your car."

Yin Jiaxiong is helpless, Ye Beichen is blooming in all directions, investing in theaters and technology companies, but Yin Jiaxiong has no hope of making money at all.

Not optimistic, this is Yin Jiaxiong's judgment on Ye Beichen's mobilization.

When Ye Beichen returned to the magic city, Ye Beichen's recent actions were heard by Yun Feiqian.

After getting this news, Yunfei remained silent for a long time.

"Qian Shao, what happened?"

Seeing Yun Feiqian's expression was not right, Zhao Zhaohui asked quickly.

Chen Luo also asked nervously, "Yes, Young Master Qian, what happened?"

Yun Feiqian glanced at everyone, and said softly: "Ye Beichen raised 50 billion cash out, and he paid 40 billion for the upfront expenses of Tianxing Cinemas. There is another 10 billion. He has newly registered a technology company and hired experts to study it. Technology Products……"

Hearing this, the entire private room fell silent.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, with shock in their eyes.

"He actually plans to buy theaters, release his own movies...and start a technology company...a billion..." Zhao Zhaohui said quietly, as if muttering to himself.

The others nodded silently.

The next moment, loud laughter sounded at the same time, resounding throughout the private room.

"Hahaha... Ye Beichen is crazy, hahaha..."

"Sell the shares of Hukou TV, buy theaters, and return technology companies! Hahaha..."

"I can't pay him Ye Beichen! Hahaha..."

"I'm a little worried now. I'm worried that Ye Beichen will be so reckless. What if he doesn't have the money to pay back the [-] million bet?"

"It's easy to do without money, the shares of Hukou TV are worth it. We have mobilized 200 billion now, and we are just waiting for Hukou TV to go public! At that time, I think he, Ye Beichen, is willing to hold the shares in his hands when he sees the stock price soaring." No!"

"Hukou TV, we are bound to win!"

(End of this chapter)

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