Chapter 516

"Young Master Ye, hello, I'm Qin Shousheng, general manager of Silver Lake Cinemas."

At the headquarters of Silver Lake Cinemas, Ye Beichen saw a smiling Qin Shousheng.

Needless to say, Qin Shousheng, like Yuan Hesan, is nothing more than an agent.The real bosses all hide behind the scenes.

However, compared with Yuan Hesan's gentle expression, Qin Shousheng's smile was a bit hypocritical.

On the way Ye Beichen came, Polaris Investment Company had collected the information of Silver Lake Cinemas and sent it to his mobile phone.

The domestic ranking of Silver Lake Cinemas is one or two lower than that of Tianxing Cinemas.

Silver Lake Cinemas has a total of more than 120 theaters, mainly distributed in second- and third-tier cities, with a total of nearly [-] screens.

"Hello, Manager Qin." Ye Beichen reached out and shook his hand.

The two sat down as guest and host, Qin Shousheng was secretly shocked.

Ye Beichen, who has disturbed the deep water in the entertainment industry, is so young?

Stepping on Zhang Ye, stepping on Zhang Feijie, and having grudges against Yun Feiqian and Zhao Zhaohui, the young man in front of him?

It looks like he's only in his early twenties, right?

After calming down, Qin Shousheng asked, "Young Master Ye, I heard that your company is buying theaters?"


Ye Beichen nodded, feeling a little disdainful.

He always came to discuss the acquisition of theater chains. What's the point of Qin Shousheng asking this one more question?
Qin Shousheng didn't notice Ye Beichen's displeasure, he looked at Ye Beichen calmly, and then said with a smile: "I don't know what impression Young Master Ye has of Silver Lake Cinemas?"

Ye Beichen looked around casually, and said, "It's okay."

Qin Shousheng narrowed his eyes, and said quite complacently: "I currently have three theaters in 120 theaters and seven screens in 980 in the Silver Lake Cinema Line. The theaters are distributed in all first- and second-tier cities, and the top third-tier cities also have a layout. Moreover, the location of each theater in our Silver Lake Cinema Line is uniquely blessed..."

Qin Shousheng talked for a long time, all bragging about Silver Lake Cinemas.It seems that after Qin Shousheng boasted, Silver Lake Cinemas is no longer weaker than Tianxing Cinemas, but the number one cinema in China!

When Qin Shousheng was bragging, Ye Beichen didn't interrupt, but it didn't mean he didn't make other preparations.

Just after Qin Shousheng finished speaking, Ye Beichen cast a blind eye, and Qin Shousheng's inner thoughts were all exposed in front of Ye Beichen.

"Young man, are you scared? With me, Qin Shousheng, you have to take 100 billion out of your pocket just by opening your mouth! At that time, I can get [-] million in bonuses alone! Today's young people , It’s really too easy to fool, I don’t feel any sense of accomplishment at all. Sigh..."

This was Qin Shousheng's inner thoughts.

In his eyes, Ye Beichen remained silent because he was overwhelmed by his words!

Seeing through the opponent's thoughts, Ye Beichen already hated Qin Shousheng to the extreme.

A person in charge of a small theater actually wants to steal billions more from him?
According to the calculations of Polaris Investment analysts, the price of all the assets of Silver Lake Cinemas plus the brand value is between 70 billion and [-] billion.

And a few days ago, analysts calculated the value of Tianxing Cinemas, which was between 75 and 85 billion!
That is to say, the Silver Lake Cinemas is only worth 70 billion yuan.And Qin Shousheng actually wanted him to pay 100 billion?

With a sneer in his heart, Ye Beichen asked calmly, "I wonder what price Manager Qin wants?"

Of course the more the merrier!

These words almost flew out of Qin Shousheng's mouth.

Of course, he wouldn't say that, but smiled confidently, and said, "The potential of our Silver Lake Cinemas is endless, so our offer here is 120 billion."

"120 billion?" A smile appeared on Ye Beichen's face.


Qin Shousheng didn't feel the coldness in Ye Beichen's smile, but continued: "Not to mention anything else, the property rights of the major theaters in the Silver Lake Cinemas alone have a huge appreciation value. 120 billion, Ye Shao It will never be a disadvantage. Of course, if Young Master Ye really wants to buy it, there is no room for negotiation."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Beichen chuckled, and asked jokingly, "Are you trying to tell me that the base price is 100 billion? If it's less than 100 billion, there's nothing to talk about?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shousheng's smile faltered.

How did Ye Beichen know his final bottom line?
Before he could figure it out, Ye Beichen had already stood up.

Glancing at Qin Shousheng with disdain, Ye Beichen said sarcastically, "You have great potential, and you can occupy the number one theater chain in the country in the future, so keep it for yourself. Sorry, I can't afford it."

After saying this, Ye Beichen didn't bother to pay attention to Qin Shousheng any more, turned around and left.

Ye Beichen left as soon as he said he would, without any hesitation, which made Qin Shou panic.

He can guarantee that the sale price will not be less than 90 billion.But now, let alone 90 billion, Ye Beichen doesn't plan to give him a dime!
"Wait, Young Master Ye, just wait."

Qin Shousheng yelled, seeing that Ye Beichen didn't pay any attention to him at all, he rushed up and stood in front of Ye Beichen, with his hands open.

"Young Master Ye, you are going to bet against Young Master Qian and Young Master Hui. There is only one Sky Star theater, and none of the other theaters will show your movie. You can't win!" Qin Shousheng said urgently.

Seeing that Ye Beichen didn't speak, Qin Shousheng followed up and said, "Except for the top ten theater chains in the country, except for the Tianxing theater chain that has been acquired by you, and our Silver Lake theater chain, it is impossible to transfer the other eight. You want to win , hope is in our Silver Lake Cinemas!"

"Really?" Ye Beichen asked lightly.

"Of course, our Silver Lake Theater has the best location, the best location, and the most stable source of tourists..."

Seeing that Qin Shousheng was going to talk non-stop, Ye Beichen smiled sarcastically and interrupted him: "Do you think it's stupid for me to pay 30 billion more in order to win [-] million? Or is it stupid? Or is it stupid? "


"Put away your little thoughts, I don't have time to play with you."

After speaking, Ye Beichen then pushed Qin Shousheng away and strode away.

Looking at Ye Beichen's back, Qin Shousheng was a little dazed.

Pay 30 billion more?

It turned out that Ye Beichen already knew the approximate value of Silver Lake Cinemas!
"You bastard, you knew the price a long time ago, but deliberately made fun of me! You deserve to lose the bet!"

Cursing bitterly, Qin Shousheng felt dizzy at the thought of reporting to his superiors later.

At this time, Ye Beichen had already walked out of the headquarters of the Silver Lake Cinemas, and his expression was not good.

What Qin Shousheng said was not wrong. According to the investigation, there is no possibility of changing hands of the other eight theaters.

Could it be that he really wanted him to use the more than 100 theaters of the Star Cinemas plus dozens of ordinary theaters to fight against the nine theaters?
In terms of quantity alone, it is difficult to parry.

Just when Ye Beichen was at a loss, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number.

Ye Beichen picked it up, and a young man's voice came from the other party.

"Young Master Ye, hello, I'm Ling Shaolong. I wonder if Young Master Ye is free now?"

(End of this chapter)

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