Chapter 524
For the next few days, Ye Beichen was busy.

After he went around and bought hundreds of theaters, the total number of theaters under Tianxing Cinemas, including Ling Shaolong's, reached [-].

All first-tier cities, second-tier cities, third-tier cities, and most fourth-tier cities across the country have theaters of the Tianxing Cinema Line.


Actually, not much.

The draft of "Star List" has been sent out. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, it will be screened simultaneously in 35 theaters across the country, a total of more than 5000 theaters, and the screens involved will exceed 3 yuan!

Moreover, the proportion of film arrangement exceeds 50%!

What is the concept of 50%?More than half of all the screenings in one day were from Shengshi Entertainment's "Star List".

In contrast, even if "The Song of Immortals" fills 400 theaters, it is less than one-fifth of the other party.

The difference is that big.

But Ye Beichen was not worried about this, he had great confidence in the trump card.

Everything is going on steadily.

Ye Beichen was sitting in the office, looking at the report that had just been submitted, when the office door was knocked open, and Yuan Hesan walked in with a folder in his hands.

"Young Master Ye, the detailed information of the [-] theaters has been calculated, and all financial transactions have been handed over."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Ye Beichen nodded, took the folder and glanced at it, then asked, "What's your opinion on the arrangement of staff in the theater?"

Hearing this, Yuan Hesan's expression turned serious.

The super theater chain with [-] theaters is the only one in the whole country.Yuan Hesan didn't dare speak indiscriminately when it came to the personnel arrangement of such a behemoth.

Seeing Yuan Hesan's expression, Ye Beichen smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so serious, just say what you think."

Yuan Hesan hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously: "Then...Young Master Ye, shall I just talk about my own opinion?"

"Go ahead."

"it is good."

Yuan Hesan nodded, and said, "Currently, our cinema chains are located in all provinces of the country, but because they are all purchased, the personnel are complicated, and it will take at least a few months to adjust."

"What about your opinion?" Ye Beichen asked curiously.

Yuan Hesan hesitated again. He summoned up his courage and finally said, "I was in charge of more than 100 theaters in Tianxing Cinemas, which are also located in all provinces. My opinion is that the former regional managers of Tianxing Cinemas should be carefully reviewed. Assigned to each province, coupled with finance and operations, a complete team will be formed to directly control all theaters in each province."

After saying this, Yuan Hesan looked at Ye Beichen with some trepidation.

The former regional managers of Tianxing Cinemas were all his subordinates.Proposing to spread out his subordinates to control the theaters in various provinces is somewhat suspected of seeking personal gain.

However, Ye Beichen only thought for a moment before agreeing.

"Yes. You are in charge of this matter. There are still [-] days left before the first day of the new year, and I will give you [-] days. From tomorrow until the first day of the new year, all theaters will immediately suspend business, and special The personnel arranged it for me. Second, all the doors of all theaters were replaced and unified into future theaters.”

"Suspend business!"

Yuan Hesan was startled, but soon relieved.

Ye Beichen had already spent 130 billion to acquire the cinema, not counting the franchise.

130 billion has been thrown out, so who cares about the loss of more than ten days of suspension?


Ye Beichen nodded, and said: "You have to notify me to suspend the business, but I will pay the salary as usual. In addition, the salary of all personnel will go up... let's go up by 20.00% first. For the rest, we will look at it later."

Yuan Hesan was shocked again.

Apart from franchising, Future Cinemas has more than 360 theaters, involving more than 20.00 employees.Everyone's salary increased by [-]%... Another big investment!
Glancing at the shocked Yuan Hesan, Ye Beichen said with a smile: "Don't worry about investing, your task is to make my money worthwhile. By the way, your treatment is based on the group director level, with an annual salary of 300 million and other benefits separately. Calculate."

"Thank you Young Master Ye."

Yuan Hesan was a little surprised. He used to manage the theaters for the family, and with the year-end dividends, it was less than 200 million a year.

Moreover, before he managed the theater chain, his family uncles liked to dictate to everyone.But now, Ye Beichen didn't seem to have any intention of messing with the command.

"Follow what I said. If you have difficulties in funding, you can apply to the group."

After waving Yuan Hesan to leave, Ye Beichen fell into deep thought.

Not because of anything else, but just "applying to the group" that I just said.

At present, the future theater chain can be regarded as a separate existence from Xianchen Film and Television, but it is inseparable from the film and television company.In addition, it is also subject to Polaris investment.Because all investments nominally come from Polaris Investment Company.

Quite messy.

This was Ye Beichen's own feeling.

After thinking for a while, Ye Beichen wrote down all the companies under his name on paper.

Polaris Investment, Hukou TV, Xingchen Technology, Xianchen Film and Television, Xianchen Publishing Company, Xianchen Brokerage, Future Cinema, Changhu Group, Xinghe Security, Xingchen Rental, Xingchen Fund...

After such a count, Ye Beichen discovered that he actually owns more than a dozen holding companies, and even most of them are wholly-owned companies.

These don't include the few companies he invested in, such as Ye Erqing's game company, Liao Anjian's hotpot... well, this is not an example, the price has dropped.

Ye Beichen didn't think much of it before, but now that he counted it, he found that his business territory is not small.

A dozen companies are just the beginning, and there will be more in the future, but the management is extremely chaotic.

"It is necessary to carry out real group restructuring." Ye Beichen muttered to himself.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after the movie is over and everything is on the right track."

At this time, the phone rang, it was Gao Chengyun, the president of Changhu Group.

"Young Master Ye, you said last time that you want to expand the scope of pastoral husbandry and bring pastoral pastoralism to the market..."

When Ye Beichen heard this, he immediately smiled: "Are you trying to steal my money?"

Before, Ye Beichen and Gao Chengyun mentioned that they would expand the Pastoral Animal Husbandry under the Changhu Group and supply products to the market.In this way, the stock price of Changhu Group will also be stimulated.

Gao Chengyun smiled awkwardly, and said, "I also want to increase the market value of Changhu Market..."

"No need to explain."

Ye Beichen interrupted Gao Chengyun, and said: "You call the shareholders and hold a shareholders' meeting. Let's say, Changhu Group invested one billion, and I injected another billion. But the ugliness comes first, money, I can Leave it to you, but if the market value of Changhu Group doesn't skyrocket, don't blame me for being rude."

Gao Chengyun's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "Young Master Ye, don't worry, the market value of Changhu Group will not double this time, so I'll come and see you."


Ye Beichen nodded, and was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Do you remember Jiang Hui from last time? It's been three months, and the contract can be terminated."

Gao Chengyun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a chill.

Three months ago, Jiang Hui offended Ye Beichen and Liao Anjian, and was forced by Ye Beichen to transfer his subordinates' shares from An Group.

Now, Ye Beichen actually wants to terminate the contract with him and stop accepting the feed provided by the other party.

This is killing a donkey!

More importantly, it has been more than three months, and Ye Beichen is still thinking about it!

It's all about retribution, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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