The strongest god in the city

Chapter 525 The gloomy premiere

Chapter 525 The gloomy premiere
January 1 is the last day of the first month of the new year.

This day, for Rong Mengya, is destined to be an unusual day - the first movie in her life, and the first movie in her life to appear on the big screen as the heroine, will have a premiere ceremony!

Even for Lin Ruofeng, the man who was almost at the top, he was still extremely nervous when this day came.

Not long ago, he brought his agent and transferred the contract to Xianchen Film and Television, and he is now a contracted actor of Xianchen Film and Television.

Whether he can return to the top, whether he can vent the hatred buried deep in his heart, depends on today's premiere.

Everyone in Xianchen Film and Television is ready for the premiere. They have been preparing for the premiere for three days. Just contacting the reporter, the promised transportation expenses have already reached one million.

These arrangements were all handled by Xian'er, Ye Beichen didn't bother.

The premiere ceremony was scheduled for seven o'clock in the evening, but it was already evening, and Ye Beichen hadn't arrived yet.

At this time, Ye Beichen was at Xianchen Technology Company, his face sinking like water.

He overestimated the current level of technology, even if he brought all the data to Zhou Yifei, Zhou Yifei failed to meet his requirements.

At the beginning, he gave Zhou Yifei three days to digest it, and it took Zhou Yifei more than six days to finally understand the simulation diagram thoroughly.

Afterwards, the whole team spent eight days, and under Zhou Fei's explanation, it was considered that they had a good understanding.

After nearly half a month, it was the day before yesterday.Afterwards, the team began to use technical data to develop the holographic multifunctional projector Ye Beichen needed.

Even though Ye Beichen gave a general idea, they still only reached the edge.

In fact, Ye Beichen also made things difficult for them.

The mature application of a new technology, which one does not go through several years of research?A few years, not too much.At most, more than ten years or decades, it may not be able to be used maturely.

Yesterday afternoon, when Ye Beichen came to the technology company, he thought he could get the test product and try the effect first.But in the end, there was nothing.

Ye Beichen's violent temper!
He directly called Zhou Yifei to the office, and gave him a careful analysis of the holographic multifunctional projector from the inside to the outside.

How to use holographic sensing technology for imaging, how to communicate with neurons, how to see virtual simulation become real...

Zhou Yifei was stunned.

At that moment, Zhou Yifei turned into the most obedient student, while Ye Beichen was the omnipotent mentor.

From yesterday afternoon to now, Ye Beichen has been paying attention to research and development.However, the facts still failed to meet his requirements.

Judging from the current situation, it will take at least five days to manufacture the test product.At that time, it can be put into mass production and then put into use in various movie theaters.

"Young Master Ye, we have tried our best."

Seeing Ye Beichen's face sinking like water, Zhou Yifei leaned over and said weakly.


Ye Beichen sighed and shook his head, and said helplessly: "Forget it, if you can't make it to the premiere, you can't make it. The quality of our movies is already high-quality. Hurry up and develop it. Within five days, I want to see the production machines of technology companies." It's all working!"

In order to ensure complete closure and secrecy, technology companies have invested in several production lines dedicated to the production of technology products.

Production workers?

What do hundreds of assistants do?

Leaving Xingchen Technology Company, Ye Beichen went straight to Future Cinema, the magic capital of the future theater chain.

At present, the entire future theater chain is closed, but it is obviously inappropriate to put the premiere in other places.

Therefore, Xian'er made the decision to temporarily open the future theater closest to Xianchen Film and Television for one night as the venue for the premiere.

When Ye Beichen came to Future Cinema, it was past 06:30 in the evening.

At the entrance, two girls in the uniform of the future cinema are guarding the door.

"Sir, please present the invitation..."

As soon as a girl opened her mouth, she was held back by another girl, who squeezed out a bright smile on her face.

"Young Master Ye, please come in."

Ye Beichen nodded with a smile, and walked into the premiere hall.

Behind him, the girl who recognized Ye Beichen just now jumped up excitedly.

"Xiao Qi, did you see that Young Master Ye smiled at me just now?"

"Xiaomei, you said that... just now is our big boss, Young Master Ye?"

Hearing this, Xiaomei gave her a look: "Let you pay more attention to the Internet. The last time Hukou TV was listed, didn't you read the report? Ye Shao is the big boss behind Hukou TV and owns more than half of the shares of Hukou TV. That's five 600 billion!"

Xiaomei said excitedly, her eyes were about to burst into stars.

However, Xiao Qi frowned, and said cautiously: "Xiaomei, do you think Young Master Ye offended someone? There are still 10 minutes left, and the premiere is about to start. But now...only a few Reporter?"

That's right, there are still 10 minutes until the premiere.But when Ye Beichen entered the venue, all the main creators were present except him, but the reporter...

Ten fingers can be counted over.

Ye Beichen scanned, eight.

There are still 10 minutes before the premiere, but only eight reporters have come!Among them, two reporters sent by Hukou TV will also live broadcast the premiere.

There are not as many main creators!

This is awkward.

Ye Beichen walked to the front row, sat down beside Xian'er, and found that neither Xian'er nor the others looked very well.

Seeing Ye Beichen appear, Xian'er quickly explained: "Haohuang, I have contacted dozens of media in the past two days, and they all agreed to send people over, but now..."

As she spoke, she gestured to the reporters behind her, how many people were there?

Ye Beichen squeezed Xian'er's little hand, and said, "It's okay, I just haven't prepared it yet, so let Yun Feiqian be proud first."

If his guess is correct, there must be Yun Feiqian's beginning and end among them.

At this time, the mobile phones of Xian'er and Zhang Zhenfa rang back and forth.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Zhang, hello, your reporter... huh? Can't make it through? Refund us for the travel fare? This... huh? Has it been charged to our account?"

"Editor Chen, is your reporter here... um? Can't come because of something? That's fine..."

"Editor Xu, do you... have a temporary task? Okay, then you are busy."

The phones of Xian'er and Zhang Zhenfa rang relentlessly, and the media called one after another with only one purpose - not to come.

Premiere, they don't attend.

Just 10 minutes, more than 20 phone calls, more than 20 sorry.

Xian'er was about to cry.

Premiere, doomed to screw up.

Ye Beichen's face also darkened. He smiled coldly and said, "Remember these media, and refuse them to participate in any interviews in the future!"

Others are in the entertainment industry, wishing to be interviewed by reporters every day.And Ye Beichen, he has the confidence to refuse!
While Xianchen Film and Television is gloomy, Shengshi Entertainment is in full swing.

(End of this chapter)

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