The strongest god in the city

Chapter 526 Disproportionate Gambling

Chapter 526 Disproportionate Gambling

Magic City, Yida Cinemas.

Originally, with Yun Feiqian's connections, the premiere of "Star List" should be held in his headquarters - the capital.

At that time, it will definitely be an incomparably grand premiere ceremony.

However, Yun Feiqian insisted that the premiere ceremony be held in Shanghai, and when notifying the major media, he would also ask if he had received the invitation from Xianchen Film and Television.

As long as you are not stupid, you can understand the meaning of Yun Feiqian and the young masters - Xianchen Film and Television, it is better to refuse.

In the end, the media did exactly that.

On one side, Yun Feiqian, the young master of the powerful Yun family in the capital, Zhao Zhaohui, the eldest son of the entertainment industry in Shanghai, and Chen Luo, the son of a real estate tycoon in Shanghai...

On the one hand... Ye Beichen is indeed very rich, owning a majority of the shares in Hukou TV.But so what?The business scope of Hukou TV even competes with them!

As for being in the entertainment industry, Ye Beichen has no foundation. Why did they still refute the face of the young and old by sticking to Ye Beichen?

Only a few media who didn't understand the situation sent people to both premieres.

At this time, there were less than 10 minutes before the opening ceremony of the premiere, and hundreds of reporters had already gathered in the largest screening hall of Yida Cinema.From time to time, some reporters rushed in and looked for seats to sit down.

In the first row, Yun Feiqian was sitting in the middle. On both sides of him, besides Zhao Zhaohui, was a chubby middle-aged man.

Last time, Qin Rongrong's framing incident was exposed, and Ma Chengfeng became a scapegoat, and he is still squatting in prison.

The one who replaced Ma Chengfeng was the chubby middle-aged man Lu Hezhong.

Lu Hezhong looked back at the overcrowded seats behind him, and smiled obsequiously: "Young Master Qian and Young Master Hui are the ones with the most energy. With a wave of arms, there are almost not enough seats."

Hearing this, Yunfei smiled triumphantly, and asked again: "How is the situation at Xianchen Film and Television?"

"Over there? Hehe!"

Lu Hezhong smiled disdainfully, and said: "I called just now to ask, and there are now 13 reporters in total. If we hadn't sent two people there, and their own Hukou TV had sent two, they wouldn't even have ten people. Hahaha... ..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing this, Chen Luo couldn't help laughing too: "Oh, I can't, I want to go there now, to take a good look at Ye Beichen's face. Hahaha..."

"Young Master Luo, you forgot, Hukou TV is broadcasting live simultaneously." Lu Hezhong quickly reminded.


Chen Luo's eyes lit up, and he quickly turned on Hukou TV, and couldn't help but snort coldly: "It's good to have a platform, a premiere ceremony, and it's actually uploaded live. Let me take a look... Hahaha, as expected, there are only a dozen Personally, Ye Beichen is still holding on! I guess he wants to vomit blood now?"

"Hehe, vomiting blood?"

Yun Feiqian shook his head, and jokingly said, "He, Ye Beichen, still has more chances to vomit blood! Tsk tsk, 20 billion theater chain investment, [-] billion technology companies, plus movie investment... tsk tsk tsk, tiger's mouth The shares in TV have been tossed about by him like this."

Speaking of this, everyone laughed gloatingly.

What could be happier than seeing your enemies suffer?

After laughing, Lu Hezhong seemed to think of something, and asked with a smile: "By the way, I heard that all the major online ticketing platforms have rejected Xianchen Publishing Company's access to ticket sales?"

Hearing this, Yun Feiqian and the others looked at each other, feeling even more proud.

With him Yun Feiqian and Zhao Zhaohui greeting each other in person, Xianchen Publishing Company ran into obstacles everywhere.

The result is that no online ticketing platform is willing to sell tickets for "The Song of the Immortals".

In other words, all viewers who want to watch "The Song of the Immortals" must go to the cinema to buy it temporarily.

This is a toss for viewers who are used to buying tickets online in advance and watching them when they arrive.

This alone will cause "The Song of Immortals" to lose a lot of box office.

"Hehe, actually, not selling tickets online will have little impact on Ye Beichen." Zhao Zhaohui said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone showed doubts.

Then Zhao Zhaohui said sarcastically: "Why? Because no one watches their movies at all! I heard that they will show them 24 hours a day. At that time, you don't have to wait when you go, you can watch it directly, and you can reserve the show with just one ticket. .Online pre-sale? Online ticket sales? It’s all a waste!”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The crowd laughed again, causing the reporters behind them to keep taking pictures. It seemed that these few photos were enough for them to draw up a news headline——The creator of "Star List" was full of joy, confident that it would be a hit at the box office.

"It's almost time."

At this time, Lu Hezhong looked at his watch and walked up to the front desk.

"Welcome all the journalists who have worked so hard to come and participate in the premiere of "Star List". From the start to today, the "Star List" project has experienced many twists and turns, and was even suspended indefinitely. Among them, there are accidents from all parties. Fortunately , Qian Shao and Hui Shao appeared and saved the movie. Next, welcome Qian Shao and Hui Shao to appear on stage..."

Amidst bursts of applause, Yun Feiqian and Zhao Zhaohui stepped onto the stage.

This was followed by an opening statement and a brief introduction.

Subsequent procedures are all set.

The male lead Zhang Feijie, the female lead Xia Binger and the director were all invited to the stage to share their journey.

These are skipped.

It is worth mentioning that in the ensuing session of remembering and asking questions, a reporter asked a question, which attracted a lot of attention.

"Qian Shao, I heard that you and Ye Shao made a bet on the box office, betting [-] million, is that right?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience gasped.

Three hundred million bets!

But Yun Feiqian waved his hand and said gently: "Back then, Ye Beichen and I did have such a bet. But now, I really want to tell Ye Beichen to cancel the bet. Everyone may know that Ye Beichen spent a huge amount of money Funds have formed a huge theater chain. A single force is indeed huge, but it is only a small force in the national market."

Speaking of this, Yun Feiqian sighed and shook his head: "Oh, I just wanted to compete with Ye Beichen at the beginning. But now it seems that we are a bit invincible. Our target box office of "Star List" is 20. [-] million, betting against a movie that may lose everything, really... well, forget it, let's not talk about it, the next question."

For a long time, no one asked questions, and there was a twinkle in their eyes.

Yun Feiqian revealed too much information in a short sentence.Randomly pick out two of these messages, and they can become the front page.

And they quickly thought of the most suitable title - a disproportionate bet, the boss behind Hukou TV may lose!

At this time, a reporter from Xianchen Film and Television raised the same question.

(End of this chapter)

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