The strongest god in the city

Chapter 527 Self-entertainment is almost the same!

Chapter 527 Self-entertainment is almost the same!

"Young Master Ye, there is news that all major online ticketing platforms have rejected the sale of tickets for "The Song of the Immortals" on their platforms. There is also news that you have a gambling agreement with Mr. Yun Feiqian, the producer of "Star List". This kind of Under such circumstances, do you still have the confidence to win?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell into silence, and everyone's eyes turned to the reporter who asked the question.

From the reporter's eyes, everyone clearly saw the color of complacency.

Sure enough, I didn't just talk casually, but came with a purpose.

That's right, this reporter was sent by Yun Feiqian to disrupt the situation.

The faces of Xian'er and the others darkened. When she was about to call the security guards to drive the reporter out, Ye Beichen waved her hand, smiled calmly, and said, "Why are you not confident?"

The reporter looked happy, and then asked, "Young Master Ye, you can still win the bet?"

Ye Beichen shrugged: "Why not?"

Ye Beichen's two rhetorical questions made the reporter a little depressed.He just wanted an affirmative sentence from Ye Beichen's mouth, but Ye Beichen just refused to give an affirmative answer.

Not reconciled, he asked again: "So, Young Master Ye thinks you can win Qian Shao's [-] million bet?"

Ye Beichen looked at him with a half-smile, and then said with a smile: "As you wish, no, it may not be as you wish, the bet, I will win."


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone looked at Ye Beichen in shock.

They thought that according to Ye Beichen's previous language, he would never say such certain words.At least, there should be some room for maneuver.

However, Ye Beichen not only let go of the words, he was very sure of it.

I'm sure to win!

"Hahaha...Okay, okay, Young Master Ye is Young Master Ye. I will definitely report what you said just now."

The reporter was very excited as if he had found a treasure.

He has already recorded Ye Beichen's words.This sentence alone is worthy of Yunfei Qian's award.

After all, in less than half a month, the two movies will be released at the same time, and then Ye Beichen will lose face.And his report is evidence that Ye Beichen slapped himself in the face!
Yunfeiqian will definitely like it!
Xian'er, Hu Hua and the others sighed inwardly.

According to the current situation, they are likely to lose.No, it's [-]% sure to lose.

Ye Beichen cast a reassuring look at everyone, smiled slightly, and did not explain.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the female reporter of Hukou TV stood up.

"Young Master Ye, I'm a special correspondent for Hukou TV, and I'm broadcasting the premiere live. Just now, some viewers chatted with me privately and wanted me to ask a few questions for them. Is it convenient?"

"Please tell me." Ye Beichen smiled.

The female reporter looked at the phone screen and said, "Young Master Ye, the audience is very interested in the fact that you were framed last time. Can you tell me the details?"

Hearing this, the other reporters showed strange smiles.

The audience is not interested in this, it is clearly trying to win sympathy for Ye Beichen.

How could Ye Beichen not know this?

He waved his hand and said: "The past is over. The original mastermind, Ma Chengfeng of Shengshi Entertainment, and several investors have all received the punishment they deserved, so I won't mention it any more."

Said it was over, but Ye Beichen still brought up Shengshi Entertainment and Ma Chengfeng.

Hukou TV is booming, and it’s the premiere of Big Boss again. How can there be fewer viewers watching the live broadcast?

The female reporter looked down at the phone, and immediately showed joy.

"Young Master Ye, the audience said that they will definitely support your film and will not let you be wronged."

Ye Beichen nodded with a smile, and thanked, "Thank you for your support. I believe that your support will not be let down."

At this time, the previous reporter stood up again: "Young Master Ye, the movie produced by your company has been rejected by major online ticketing sites. Does this mean that audiences cannot buy tickets through the Internet?"

Under his schadenfreude smile, Ye Beichen glanced at him sarcastically, and said, "Who said that? It's not just them who buy tickets online."

"Oh? Ye Shao found a partner?"

Hearing this, Ye Beichen smiled slightly: "No, I plan to make an online ticketing app myself."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned.

For a movie, make your own online ticketing APP?Isn't this a loss?

However, they soon heard that Ye Beichen not only owned a film company, but also a theater chain.

Thinking about it this way, everyone seems to have figured out Ye Beichen's big conspiracy in the entertainment industry.

Film production companies, film distribution companies, cinema chains, ticketing apps, brokerage companies...

This is a complete ecosystem.

If it succeeds, what Ye Beichen will have is an entertainment empire!
Everyone was shocked for a moment, and suddenly laughed at themselves.

Entertainment Empire?Is it that easy?
Not to mention anything else, Ye Beichen will encounter Waterloo with this movie alone.

Coupled with the fact that distribution companies and theaters are being squeezed out by their peers, Ye Beichen's failure seems to be doomed.

Entertainment Empire?

It's more like entertaining yourself!

After the reporter's questioning session, we entered the final topic - the film screening.

Hmm... more than a dozen reporters, plus more than 20 staff members of Xianchen Film and Television, have booked the venue.

Seeing this situation, the staff of Xianchen Film and Television lowered their heads deeply one by one.

The premiere ceremony is so mixed up, is there anything more miserable than this?
At this moment, they could only pray in their hearts, praying that the quality of their film would be so good that the only dozen or so reporters would be satisfied.

But in fact, it is always difficult to get what they want...

On the other side, in Yida Cinemas, the premiere of "Star List" can only be described as hot.

Song and dance performances, celebrity anecdotes, and filming anecdotes have all become gimmicks.

Afterwards, the remembering and questioning session was even more enthusiastic.

If it weren't for the fact that the time was not so early, the reporters might be able to ask questions for another two hours.

The enthusiasm is in full swing, this is the result Yun Feiqian wants.

After the reporter's questioning session, Shengshi Entertainment also arranged for the premiere.

Yun Feiqian and the others sat down in their original positions, and they all looked at each other and smiled.

There were hundreds of reporters present, and they would definitely praise her when they returned.At that time, once it is released, the box office will continue to rise.

"By the way, the online pre-sale has already started?" Yun Feiqian suddenly thought.

Seeing Lu Hezhong nodded, he said, "When the premiere opened, it had already started. Two hours have passed, so I'll take a look at the pre-sale box office."

As Lu Hezhong said, he opened the Gouyan APP and found the pre-sale data of "Star List", and his face immediately beamed with joy.

"Qian Shao, the APP was updated 5 minutes ago. We have pre-sold 1000 and [-] million box office for the first day of the show!"

Two hours, 1000 and [-] million, more than ten days before the release...

This is the rhythm of breaking [-] million at the box office on the first day!
"Well, it seems that our goal is too low..."

(End of this chapter)

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