The strongest god in the city

Chapter 553 That's from the Past

Chapter 553 That's from the Past
"Young Master Ye, President Qin is gone?"

Seeing Ye Beichen appear, Hu Hua asked with a smile.

He knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for Ye Beichen to distribute "The Song of the Immortals" to the Silver Lake theaters, and Qin Shousheng was doomed to make the trip in vain.

No, it's just a few hours of waiting.

Ye Beichen replied with a half-smile, "I just left, you should go out to see it off."

Hu Shi quickly waved his hand and said, "Let's forget it, he has been waiting for more than three hours, he hasn't even drank any saliva, and his stomach is still growling with hunger. If I send him out, he might fall to the ground due to hypoglycemia." , I have to pay for it!"

How could Qin Shousheng have thought that his tragic situation had already been clearly seen by nonsense.

When he came to Ye Beichen's office, Ye Beichen threw a cigarette to me and told me that he lit one himself.

Hu Shu took a puff of cigarette before asking, "Young Master Ye, are there any new projects recently?"

"new project?"

Ye Beichen looked at the other party suspiciously, and said, "Are you planning to make another movie quickly? It's Chinese New Year, give yourself a vacation."

Hu Shu smiled wryly and shook his head: "I also want to take a rest, but I heard from Director Zhang and President Yuan that "The Song of the Immortal" will only be screened in theaters for one month? After that month, wouldn't it be..."

"If you don't open for three years, you have to wait for three years after opening, haven't you heard of it?" Ye Beichen asked with a smile.

After thinking about it nonsense, it really is.

According to the current situation of "The Song of the Immortals", not to mention the full month, even if it is full for half a month, the attendance rate is only half of the half month, and it can match the profits of other theaters for several years.

But...he understands the truth, but this is comparable to the theater circuit of a super money printing machine, so just let him be empty?

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Beichen's big laugh made Hu Ming understand that he was overthinking.

Then Ye Beichen said with a smile: "It's impossible not to make money and not open. However, you don't have to rush to make new movies. Xianchen Film and Television has no new movies, and other film and television companies have many."

Hearing this, nonsense suddenly realized.

Ye Beichen planned to wait for "The Song of Immortals" to be released, and then broadcast films from other film and television companies.

According to Ye Beichen's urination... ah no, it's personality, it is absolutely impossible to divide according to the rules.In other words, he, Ye Beichen, would definitely earn the best of the best.

There is only one theater in the future, and other companies will only squeeze their way to send movies to the theater in the future.

At that time, how Ye Beichen wants to handle the other party is not just a matter of one sentence?
Knowing Ye Beichen's plan, Hu Shuo no longer rushed to make a movie, but booked a plane ticket to go back to his hometown for the New Year.

After coming out for many years, Hu Yu really hasn't celebrated the New Year at home.

After the nonsense left, Ye Beichen looked at the time and couldn't help frowning.

According to his prediction, those who work in theaters have an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

But now it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, except for Qin Shousheng who had come to the Silver Lake theater, there was no movement in the other theaters.

To say they don't know the situation, certainly not.

"Could it be that they are still brewing some big plan?"

Ye Beichen muttered to himself, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yun Feiqian was so suppressed by him that he lost his temper. Could it be possible that several cinemas could turn the sky upside down?
Ye Beichen guessed right, several other cinemas are indeed planning.

In the magic capital, the conference room of the headquarters of Magic Cinema Line was filled with smoke.

The one at the top of the list is not Zhao Hechun, the boss of Magic Cinemas, but Wang Huacheng, the general manager of Beijing Yida Cinemas.

As the largest theater chain in the country, and also the theater chain with the highest listed market value, Wang Huacheng is qualified to sit in the first place.

Below him, there are general managers from various cinema lines.

Zhang Kefa from Hua Cinemas, Sun Yihui from Tiandi Cinemas, Li Conglin from Times Cinemas...

These people are well-known figures in the domestic film and television industry.

But at this time, everyone's faces were ugly, and they were all smoking silently.

At this moment, Zhao Hechun's mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to Zhao Hechun.

They are all waiting for this call.

Zhao Hechun took a light breath, grabbed the phone, and pressed the speakerphone: "How is it?"

"Mr. Zhao, Qin Shousheng met Ye Beichen, but he was tricked by Ye Beichen. Ye Beichen has no plans to cooperate with him at all!"

As soon as the voice from the mobile phone came out, the faces of everyone present suddenly sank.

Ye Beichen has no intention of cooperating at all!

"Well, I see."

Zhao Hechun pressed the on-hook button and looked up at Wang Huacheng.

"President Wang, do you want to try again?"


Wang Huacheng narrowed his eyes, looked at the crowd, and asked, "What do you think?"

Then the tall and tall Li Conglin snorted coldly, and said, "Is there still a need to test? Ye Beichen's character, you should all know about it? We have already offended him to death, and there is still a use for testing!"

Hearing Li Conglin's merciless ridicule, everyone's expressions became even uglier.

However, they also admitted that what Li Conglin said was true.

Before, Xianchen Publishing Company approached them and wanted to cooperate with them to distribute "The Song of the Immortals" to their theaters.

But their response was not so good.

Be more polite, and after asking about the situation, she refused.

You're welcome, just tell the people from Xianchen Publishing Company to leave.

Their operations are no better than Qin Shousheng's.

Ye Beichen can treat Qin Shousheng like this, how can he treat them differently?
At this time, Zhang Kefa, the general manager of Hua Cinema Line, snorted and said displeasedly: "Ye Beichen wants to get involved in the film and television industry, so he can't offend us all, right? Is it? The market value of Yida is far higher than that of Hukou TV!"

As soon as Zhang Kefa finished speaking, Li Conglin said sarcastically: "What's the use of talking nonsense? Compared with the market value, he, Ye Beichen, can listen to you? You're probably living in a dream!"


As soon as Zhang Kefa's complexion changed, he wanted to fight back.

Seeing this, Wang Huacheng coughed heavily, and said in a deep voice, "Okay! Are you here to plan countermeasures, or to quarrel?"

Hearing this, both of them snorted in displeasure, and didn't speak again.

"President Wang, what do you think?" Zhao Hechun kicked the ball to Wang Huacheng again.

With everyone watching, Wang Huacheng frowned and thought for a moment before slowly saying: "Issue an order in the name of the theater alliance. Inform the person in charge of the future theater to come to a meeting to discuss the film schedule. The predecessor of his future theater is also A member of the theatrical alliance. I thought, wouldn't he dare not come?"

"Yes, let's do that! When the time comes, we will make unified arrangements and vote!"

"Hmph, he, Yuan Hesan, was a beneficiary of the cinema alliance before, even if he had the guts to take us seriously!"

A few people said something to each other, and they believed that Yuan Hesan would definitely submit.

Only Li Conglin did not speak.His eyes were full of melancholy.

A beneficiary of the cinema alliance?
That was a long time ago!

(End of this chapter)

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