The strongest god in the city

Chapter 554 Forcing him to lose face

Chapter 554 Forcing him to lose face

"The theater alliance? What the hell?"

After receiving Yuan Hesan's call, Ye Beichen asked in puzzlement.

He understands the literal meaning, but he doesn't know the specifics.

Yuan Hesan also just received a call, telling him to go to a meeting to discuss the arrangement of the next season's unified filming.

"Young Master Ye, the theater chain alliance is not just an alliance formed by various theater chains. In a general sense, it also connects distribution companies and film companies."

Hearing Yuan Hesan's explanation, Ye Beichen narrowed his eyes and asked jokingly, "In other words, if you don't obey orders, you may be sanctioned by many parties?"

Yuan Hesan paused when he heard the words, and then replied helplessly: "That's true."

"We need them?" Ye Beichen asked back.

Yuan Hesan didn't answer immediately, but thought for a while before replying cautiously: "Young Master Ye has his own distribution company and his own theater chain, so you don't need to rely on them for distribution and release, and your own theater chain can contract all the film and television companies. But... the film and television company, they have a lot of artist resources, especially middle-level artists..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Hesan didn't say any more.

Ye Beichen understood.

The film and television company has a large number of contracted artists, but his Xianchen film and television start-up has few contracted artists at all.You can't just rely on a few actors to make a movie, can you?

Even, once the performing arts company reveals its tone, it is very likely that even the extras will not dare to make a movie for Xianchen Film and Television.

It has become a luxury for Xianchen Film and Television to make films by itself.

"It turns out that they are waiting here."

Ye Beichen smiled coldly and said, "In that case, you should go there."

Hearing this, Yuan Hesan sighed slightly in his heart. It seemed that he still had to give in.

"Young Master Ye, then... what if they ask "The Song of the Immortals" to be screened in other theaters? We will give "The Song of the Immortals" to them?"

"Leave it to them? Do they have technical support?" Ye Beichen asked disdainfully.

It is indeed feasible to hand over "The Song of the Immortals" to other theaters for screening, and to play the ordinary 3D version.

But is the audience looking for 3D?You can even ask, did the audience come for "The Song of the Immortals"?

No, they are for the holographic simulation experience!
If other theaters are allowed to show "The Song of the Immortals", the audience will spend money to buy tickets, which is tantamount to cheating the audience.

You may be able to earn a little money, but it is also smashing the theaters and the signboard of "The Song of Immortals".

It doesn't matter if you smash other people's signboards, Ye Beichen doesn't allow anyone to smash your own signboards!

Yuan Hesan was a little embarrassed: "Then... what does Young Master Ye mean?"

Seeing Ye Beichen smile coldly, he said in a cold voice, "Remember the film and television companies that dare to speak out against you."

After saying this, Ye Beichen closed his mouth, his eyes were full of coldness.

On the other side, Yuan Hesan waited for a long time, but did not wait for Ye Beichen's next words, so he had to take the initiative to ask: "Young Master Ye, what else?"

"No, that's all."

"Then... what if they arrange the filming?"

Ye Beichen smiled slightly, and replied softly: "Their arrangements are their business. I just want to see which film and television companies want to oppose me, Ye Beichen!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Hesan couldn't calm down for a long time.

Ye Beichen is looking for a gunshot!

He had explained the pros and cons clearly just now, but Ye Beichen was still determined to make trouble with the film and television company.

"Young Master Ye shouldn't be so irrational."

Yuan Hesan muttered to himself, suddenly his pupils shrank, and he whispered, "No! That's not what Ye Shao meant!"

In an instant, Yuan Hesan finally understood what Ye Beichen meant.

Just now, he only analyzed that Ye Beichen had a distribution company and a theater chain, so he didn't need to look at the faces of other distribution companies and theater chains.

But he missed one point, Ye Beichen controls the big killer of the future cinema!
There will be holographic analog projectors in the theaters of the future!
In the case that other theaters cannot own holographic analog projectors, other film and television companies must only set their sights on future theaters.

Urban romance, comedy, and literary films may not require holographic simulation technology, but fantasy, fairy tales, martial arts, and horror films are equipped with holographic simulation technology, and the effect is hundreds of blocks away from 3D technology!

In the future, theaters will definitely become the target of film and television companies!
There are many film and television companies, there are many film and television actors, and there are many theaters that can show movies.But in the future, there is only one theater chain, and there is no other semicolon.

Looking at it this way, it wasn't Ye Beichen who bumped into the muzzle of the gun, but Ye Beichen to see who dared to bump into the muzzle of his gun!
Thinking of this, Yuan and Sanfang finally calmed down a little nervously.

The meeting will be held tomorrow, and by going here, he is almost going to oppose most of the entertainment industry!

Thinking about it, it seems that I am a little excited!
The next day, Yuan Hesan arrived at the headquarters of the Magic Theater Line at 55:[-].

According to the notification time, the meeting will be held at ten o'clock sharp.

But when he came to the big meeting room of the magic theater line, he couldn't help being taken aback.

The conference room was already full of guests, and all the eyes were representatives of various distribution companies, theater chains, and film and television companies.

What surprised him was that these people were not talking or joking, but were all sitting upright, only a few of them were talking in low voices.

From this point of view, it seems that the meeting is not about to start, but more than half of it has already been held.

At this time, someone spotted Yuan Hesan and poked the neighbor with his arm.

After seeing Yuan Hesan, the notified person notified others in the same silent way.

Soon, dozens of people in most of the conference room looked at Yuan Hesan.

On their faces, some were proud, some gloated, some ridiculed, and some were jealous.There was also hatred in their eyes - that was Qin Shousheng.

The appearance of all living beings is nothing more than that, right?

"Oh, Mr. Yuan is here? Sit down quickly."

It was Zhao Hechun who was sitting on the rostrum who spoke, with a smile on his face, and his voice was a bit exaggerated.

Yuan Hesan suppressed the doubts in his heart, found a seat nearby and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Zhao Hechun cough lightly, and said loudly: "The discussion just now is over. Next, I will summarize everyone's opinions."

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Hesan immediately became angry.

He stood up slowly, and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Zhao, don't you need me to participate in your discussion?"

Yuan Hesan's voice attracted everyone's attention.


Zhao Hechun frowned, wondering: "President Yuan, you are late, the meeting starts at eight o'clock, you can't let us wait for you alone, until ten o'clock?"

"Eight o'clock? You announced that it was ten o'clock!" Yuan Hesan's anger was gradually revealed.

In the meeting room, the atmosphere suddenly stagnated.

But Zhao Hechun looked at Yuan Hesan suspiciously, and then smiled casually: "Then it may be that the staff below made a mistake. When the meeting is over, I will order him to leave. You should sit down first."

Yuan Hesan laughed.

He sat down with a smile.

Originally, he was thinking about the old relationship, thinking that everyone had a cooperative relationship before, and he didn't want to be too tit-for-tat.

But now, they are forcing him to lose face to everyone!

This is no wonder he, Yuan Hesan.

(End of this chapter)

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