Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 102 102 Lack of security!

Chapter 102 102 Lack of security!
"Mr. Lin, you are dishonest."

The corners of Chen Xinyu's mouth turned up slightly, and he looked at Lin Mo with the look of interrogating a prisoner.

"Why am I dishonest?" Lin Mo was slightly taken aback when he heard Chen Xinyu's words, and looked at her rather puzzled.

"Didn't you say that you have no contact with her? Why does she still come to the milk tea shop to look for you?" Chen Xinyu snorted softly, as if Holmes had possessed her, and asked Lin Mojian.

"You said it all, it was she who came to look for me, and I didn't take the initiative to contact you." Lin Mo innocently blinked at Chen Xinyu, as if she was trying to be cute, but no matter how you look at it, she looks a little hot.


Chen Xinyu covered his chest pretending to be disgusted, then pouted and said to Lin Mo, "This trick doesn't work for me, hurry up and tell the truth."

"Explain what?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu with an extremely ferocious expression, and several black question marks appeared above his head.

"How did Jiang Li know that the milk tea shop is here? Didn't you tell her?" Chen Xinyu asked Lin Mo a little dissatisfied.

This is really the conscience of heaven and earth. Chen Xinyu absolutely wronged Lin Mo. He didn't tell Jiang Li the address of the milk tea shop, which was completely investigated by Jiang Li herself.

What's more, since he voluntarily resigned, he hasn't contacted Jiang Li once, and every time she came to the milk tea shop to find something to do.

Either threaten Lin Mo, or just say some bullshit, take the trouble.

"She did the investigation herself, and it's none of my business." Lin Mo immediately explained to the little girl Chen Xinyu.

But Chen Xinyu didn't intend to let Lin Mo go so easily at all. He half-closed his eyes and said, "Then it doesn't matter to you two. Why does she still want to investigate you?"

. . . . . . (crow)

Embarrassment, the scene fell into a very embarrassing situation for a while, Lin Mo took a deep breath, and then grabbed Chen Xinyu's fleshy face with his hands.

"Your little head is thinking about something, she wants to investigate what has anything to do with me." Lin Mo said to her while pinching Chen Xinyu's face.

"It doesn't matter, don't forget, you have investigated me before!" Chen Xinyu snorted softly.

If it weren't for Lin Mo's lessons learned, her reaction would not be so sensitive, so he should be blamed for everything.

"Could this be the same thing?" Lin Mo curled his lips speechlessly after hearing what she said.

After a long time, Chen Xinyu still suspected that he had broken ties with the manager.

"I don't care, in short, you have to separate from her, and you can't have any contact with her." Chen Xinyu pouted a little aggrieved, and stared at Lin Mo with tears in her eyes.

Just these big watery eyes, as if Lin Mo had really bullied her, aroused pity.

The reason why Chen Xinyu is so sensitive is actually because she lacks a sense of security.

Maybe she is not so sensitive to other women, but the other party is Jiang Li, and the relationship between Jiang Li and Lin Mo is not ordinary, this is what makes her feel a sense of crisis.

"Don't worry, I won't have any contact with her."

Seeing Chen Xinyu's pitiful appearance, Lin Mo's heart softened instantly, and he said something softly.


Chen Xinyu nodded, and did not make trouble as unreasonably as before, and stretched out her arms to hug her.

Lin Mo smiled knowingly, walked out of the bar and hugged her in his arms.

"Sneaked out of the group again, have you forgotten what you promised your grandfather before?" Lin Mo said while holding Chen Xinyu in his arms.

At this point in time, it's not time to get off work, so Chen Xinyu must have sneaked out of the group again.

It should be inaccurate to sneak out, now even if she is upright, no one will stop her.

"I didn't forget!"

Chen Xinyu buried her head deeply in Lin Mo's arms, then shook her head frantically, "Just once, I miss you so much today."

I don't know if it was a premonition given to her by God. When I was in the group, I couldn't help but think of Lin Mo, so I planned to secretly come to the milk tea shop, so I happened to meet Jiang Li.

"Okay, it's good to have a proper rest." Lin Mo smiled helplessly, stroking Chen Xinyu's hair, he could understand how much pressure Chen Xinyu was feeling now.

"Actually, there is another reason for coming to you." Chen Xinyu looked up at Lin Mo at this moment.

"what reason?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously and asked.

"Emmm, I want the Chen Group to cooperate with Yunfeng Technology." Chen Xinyu expressed his thoughts to Lin Mo with some coercion.

The Chen Group had also negotiated with Yunfeng Technology before, but she hadn't completely taken power at that time, and Chen Zhou was in charge of the matter.

At that time, Chen Zhou wanted to buy Yunfeng Technology at a price of 50 billion, but was rejected.

Thinking about it now, Chen Xinyu finally knew why the other party refused. If it was Lin Mo, it would not be surprising.

Although the valuation of Yunfeng Technology at that time, 50 billion was a bit low, but Lin Mo was the only one who could do such a quick rejection.

"For a long time, you don't really miss me." After hearing what Chen Xinyu said, Lin Mo immediately let go of her and said jokingly.

"Nonsense, I obviously miss you very much." Chen Xinyu hurriedly said to Lin Mo emphatically, the dancing appearance was really cute.

"How much do you think?" Lin Mo naturally teased Chen Xinyu on purpose, and asked her in a frivolous tone.

"Hmph, I think so." Chen Xinyu also saw that Lin Mo was playing tricks on her on purpose, and then gestured with her little finger.

"Is that really all there is?" Lin Mo squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xinyu with a smirk.

"Well, that's it." Chen Xinyu nodded, and then exclaimed, Lin Mo carried the whole person on his shoulders.

"Die, the store is not closed yet."


Under a bridge somewhere in the magic city.

Ye Yan sat cross-legged, his face was pale, even after so many days, the injuries on his body were still serious.

"Damn it, why did this foot hurt so badly?" Ye Yan kept healing with luck, but every time his breath rushed to his abdomen, he would suffer a burst of severe pain.

This is the injury caused by Lin Mo's kick. After so many days, it has not improved at all.

Now he is extremely weak, even worse than ordinary people.

"My surname is Lin, you just wait for me. If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman." Ye Yan knew Lin Mo very well at this moment.

If it weren't for Lin Mo, he wouldn't be wronged to heal his injuries in a dark bridge hole now.

The dull pain in his abdomen made him have no time to think about Lin Mo's affairs, and he began to concentrate on healing his injuries with luck.

"Do you think the person Sister Wei asked us to find will be in this place?"

Outside the bridge hole, there was a sound of communication, which interrupted Ye Yan who was healing, and kept frowning.

"I don't know, let's look for it, and go back to make business."

Afterwards, several figures poked into the bridge hole, "No one, let's go, why would someone hide in the bridge hole these days."

Seeing the darkness in the bridge hole and not seeing any figure, they turned around and left.

"Wait, there is a situation."

Just as the few people were about to leave, there was a sound from a dark corner in the bridge hole.


I saw a frog jumping out, and then kept making frog calls.

"It's just a toad." One of the men smiled and said something disapproving.

Frog: Your whole family are all toads!
To be continued

ps: The author has a girlfriend, hee hee!

(End of this chapter)

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