Chapter 103 103 Healing!

"Made, dead toad, scare labor and management."

The man just now was so angry that he cursed at the frog, and then he felt puzzled, so he kicked a stone at the frog.


This kick caused the stone to fly directly over the frog to the depths of the bridge hole, and hit Ye Yan who was hiding in the dark. It just so happened that it hit the abdomen, causing him to cry out in pain.


This time, several people finally heard clearly that there must be someone hiding in the depths of the bridge hole, and they immediately became alert, staring intently inside.

Since it was already the middle of the night, without the illumination of a flashlight, it was difficult to see what was in the depths.

"Second brother, go in and see if there is really someone hiding." The boss of the group immediately ordered the second child next to him.

"Brother, you know that I have bad eyesight, third child, go and have a look." The second child couldn't help but swallowed after hearing what the boss said, and followed the instructions to the third child next to him.

"Brother and brother, you all know that I have bad legs and feet, you go and see the fourth brother." The third child quickly learned to say something to the fourth child.

"Big brother, second brother and third brother, I have been timid since I was a child, and you all know that I am afraid of dirty things. I will definitely not go to see this, whoever wants to go!" Seeing this, the fourth child shook his head quickly. Even if he died, he didn't dare to see it alone.

Anyway, several people just pushed back and forth, and no one dared to look at it for a long time.

"A few useless things, I still have to see your big brother do it." The boss cursed angrily.

Just when he was about to go deep into the innermost part of the bridge hole to check the situation except for the other three, an accident happened.

I don't know whose cell phone rang, and the sudden sound startled several people.

"Whose phone number?" The boss asked the three of them out of breath.

"Boss, it's your phone number." Both the second and third child pointed at himself with disgust.

"Fuck, you're going to scare labor and capital." The boss quickly took out the phone from his pocket, glanced at it, and quickly connected the phone.

"Er Gouzi, where are you?" A bald man's voice came from the phone.

"Brother Bald, our brothers are looking for someone." The boss quickly answered the bald man's words, and then waved his hand to signal the three younger brothers to leave the bridge hole.

"Well, did you find out what happened?" the bald man asked immediately.

The four looked at each other, and the boss replied to the bald man, "I didn't find anything, so let's go back to the bar."

"Okay, come back quickly, Sister Wei plans to go out in person today." The bald man nodded.

"Brother Bald, who the hell is it that you want to bother Sister Wei to go out in person?" After hearing what the bald man said, several people asked curiously.

"What are you talking about, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, come back quickly." The bald man said to several people angrily, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Seeing that they hung up the phone, they decided to go back to the bar without interest.

"Boss, don't you want to go in and take a look?" The fourth child who had been shouting suddenly and timidly asked the boss.

"Made, go and see." The boss gave him a white look.

"Forget it, Sister Qiangwei is looking for us, don't waste time, go back quickly." When hearing what the boss said, the fourth child shook his head quickly.

Ye Yan walked out from the bridge hole just as the backs of the few people gradually moved away and disappeared into the night.

His face was paler than before, just because of a stone, his injury became more serious.

"Damn it, Lin, I knew you wouldn't let me go so easily."

Now this bridge hole is obviously not safe, he has to hurry up and change to another place to heal his injuries, if he doesn't get better as soon as possible, his life will be in danger at any time.

But Lin Mo's kick was too powerful. Unless he met someone who knew medical skills, it would be impossible for him to get better from the injury in less than half a month.

"Medical skills!"

"How did I forget that there is still a place in Shanghai that can heal my wounds."

A place suddenly flashed in Ye Yan's mind. This was an address his master had told him. If he had any serious injuries in Shanghai, he would go to that place and he would be cured.

With his seriously injured body dragging, Ye Yan didn't stay any longer, relying on what little strength he had left, he headed towards the address given to him by his master.


It is still an inconspicuous alley, with green moss growing on the steps.

The plaque of Tianhe Medical Hall came into view.

Ye Yan clutched his abdomen and knocked on the door bolt vigorously. It was all a gamble whether he could heal the wound on his body.

Soon, the wooden door of Tianhe Medical Hall was opened, and the crooked old man leaned out half of his body from inside. Ye Yan was almost shocked when he saw the old man for the first time.

His eyes were pitch black and his skin was withered. It was not what a normal person should look like at all.

"You are the doctor Zhu mentioned by my master?" Ye Yan asked the old man in a questioning tone.

"What medicine to buy?" The old man did not answer Ye Yan's words, but asked him in a hollow voice, as if the two were not on the same channel at all.

"I want you to heal my injuries." Ye Yan had no choice but to respectfully say to the old man. At present, all his hopes are placed on the old man.

"come in."

The old man then turned sideways, allowing Ye Yan to enter the medical hall.

Smelling the unpleasant smell of medicinal food, Ye Yan felt for the first time that he could still be so nauseous. Even when he was abroad, he smelled the stench of rotting corpses, but he didn't have such a bad smell.

"Your injury is very serious, it will take at least three days to fully heal." The old man then said to Ye Yan in a cold tone.

Traditional Chinese medicine is very particular, and the old man just took a look at Ye Yan, and he could tell which injury on his body was the most serious.

For an ordinary person, such a serious injury might have already died.

"Three days is three days, as long as you can heal my injury, I will be grateful." Ye Yan was overjoyed.

At first, I thought that such a serious injury would take at least half a month to heal even if I met a doctor who was good at healing, but I didn't expect it would only take three days.

"The injury on your body contains a kind of dark energy. If you want to expel this dark energy from your body, you must use acupuncture." The old man still said to himself, ignoring Ye Yan's words.

As he spoke, he took out the package from his arms, and spread out the package to form rows of silver needles.

"Go and lie down." The old man pointed to the wooden bed beside him, and motioned Ye Yan to lie down.

"I'll leave it to you." After Ye Yan took a deep breath, he followed the old man's words and went to lie down on the wooden bed. The pain in his abdomen also intensified at this moment.

In the next second, he only felt a few silver needles piercing his body, and as the silver needles pierced the acupoints, a hot stream gushed out from the dantian.

Soon, Ye Yan couldn't see the old man's movements at all, and a few more silver needles pierced in. With the guidance of the silver needles, the air flow slowly flowed from the dantian into the abdomen and straight to the upper jaw.

Whenever this airflow was about to rush out of the abdomen, an invisible dark force turned into a high embankment to block it, and the collision of the two forces made Ye Yan miserable.

The old man still didn't change his expression, and pierced all the silver needles into Ye Yan's body one by one in a special way.

Soon, the dantian qi broke through the high embankment and reached the upper jaw in one go.

Ye Yan also felt unprecedented relief at this moment, and the dark energy in his abdomen disappeared.

"Get up, you just need to heal your wounds with herbs, and you will recover within three days." With a big wave of the old man's hand, all the silver needles on Ye Yan's body returned to the package.

Ye Yan was dumbfounded by this scene. Even his master might not be able to do this kind of skill.

Obviously, the old man in front of him has unfathomable strength.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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