Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 104 104 Cooperation!

Chapter 104 104 Cooperation!

"Thank you, doctor. After I recover, I will thank you very much." Ye Yan hurriedly bowed to the old man.

"No need, stick out your index finger." The old man said to Ye Yan without any fluctuation, asking him to stick out his index finger.

"index finger?"

Ye Yan was stunned for a moment, then stretched out the index finger of his left hand towards the old man in doubt, only for a moment a silver light flashed, and a drop of bright blood hung on the silver needle.

"This is your consultation fee." The old man took out the blood box and put a drop of Ye Yan's blood into it.

Ye Yan, who was originally weak, lost his blood, his eyes were blackened, and he fell straight on the ground and passed out.

The old man didn't bother with him either, and went about his own business.


The next day.

Yunfeng Technology Co., Ltd.

"Boss, this is the prepared contract." Zhang Ming handed the drafted document to Lin Mo for review.

Now the Chen Group is in the hands of Chen Xinyu alone. It is a good thing that she wants to cooperate with Yunfeng Technology.

It just so happens that Yunfeng Technology can develop better with the resources of the Chen Group.

"Okay, let's stamp it."

After taking a casual glance at the contract, Lin Mo asked Zhang Ming to stamp the company's seal.

After stamping the seal of Yunfeng Technology on the contract, Zhang Ming said to Lin Mo, "Boss, are you hungry? It's online now, and you can switch to the public beta version."

"Already online?"

"Didn't you say we have to wait for a while?" Lin Mo looked at Zhang Ming in surprise after hearing the news that Hungry Bar was online.

"There is no problem with the software. The main reason for the early launch is to seize the market. Now many companies have begun to follow our example." Zhang Ming immediately explained to Lin Mo.

"It's normal. When it becomes popular, people will follow suit."

Lin Mo nodded, not paying too much attention to it. Now there are almost no companies in the entire Magic City that can compete with Yunfeng Technology in the e-commerce business.

"Hungry is just launched, and some celebrities are invited to endorse, so you don't have to worry about losing money in the early stage, and give users more benefits."

"Understood. As for the stars, several entertainment companies have already been arranged to cooperate. As for how much money do you plan to invest in the event?" Zhang Ming asked Lin Mo cautiously.

He can basically make decisions about the company's big and small matters, and he doesn't need to ask Lin Mo, but when it comes to capital investment, he must ask Lin Mo's opinion before he can let go.

"Put half of Yuntao's income into activities." Lin Mo ordered Zhang Ming without thinking.

Half of Yuntao's income is not a small amount.

"Are you sure, is this too much?" Zhang Ming also looked at Lin Mo excitedly.

From the initial launch of Yuntao to the present, the total income of Yunfeng Technology is close to 50 billion, half of which is about [-] billion.

It is a bit exaggerated to put so much money into Hungry Bar.

How many companies may not be able to reach a valuation of 50 billion until they go public, and Linmo has invested so much money in just one activity, which is simply unheard of.

At present, in the entire Huaguo, there is no company or enterprise that can have such a big hand as Lin Mo, and spend 50 billion to users as benefits without blinking an eye.

"You don't understand, as long as we can retain users, the current investment is nothing, and it will be returned to our account with three or four times the profit in the future."

Regarding Zhang Ming's confusion, Lin Mo did not explain too much. In such a densely populated Huaguo, the number of users is absolute money. As long as these users are retained, they are not afraid of losing money.

"Okay, I will do as you ordered." Zhang Ming nodded, seeing Lin Mo who was so confident, he no longer doubted anything.

After all, it is due to Lin Mo's foresight to deploy the e-commerce strategy in advance that Yunfeng Technology can get to this point.

Even if other companies react, they are not as fast as Yunfeng Technology.

Sometimes e-commerce and physical businesses complement each other, and Lin Mo can rely on the industry of the Chen Group to make Hungry Bar quickly become the largest food delivery platform in Shanghai.

As for other cities, under the activities of 50 billion, it is far from being comparable to other software.

"If you encounter anything, please contact me." Lin Mo got up from his seat immediately, and did not plan to stay in the office any longer, and prepared to leave with the contract.

Zhang Ming naturally followed closely behind, and he breathed a sigh of relief until he sent Lin Mo out of the company. He returned to the office area and said to those backbones, "Let's all go to the conference room for a meeting and discuss how to develop the first new user. Activity."

With Lin Mo's affirmation, he no longer has any scruples about the intensity of the activities, and with the 50 billion working capital, he can spend whatever he wants.

Others are definitely not as arrogant as they are, but Yuntao is a cornucopia. Even if the 50 billion is spent, there will still be a steady stream of funds flowing into the company's account.

So Zhang Ming, like Lin Mo, doesn't have to worry about losing money at all. As long as he retains the number of users, he will definitely make money.

As for Lin Mo, he naturally didn't have to worry about Zhang Ming's ability, and he came to the Chen Group again through the contract.

His appearance is no longer so abrupt. Now the whole group knows about the relationship between Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu. Apart from calling Mr. Lin respectfully, they dare not offend him in the slightest.

What's more, Lin Mo is also a shareholder of the Chen Group.

Those shareholders who had stared at Chen Xinyu before became very obedient after seeing Lin Mo, and greeted them with smiles when they met.

"Mr. Lin, you are here to see Mr. Chen. Would you like me to take you there?" A shareholder said to Lin Mo respectfully.

Now the Chen Group has only one Mr. Chen, and that is Chen Xinyu.

As for Chen Zhou, it seems that no one in the whole company has seen him come to the group. The reason for not coming to the group is also very simple, that is, he was driven crazy.

"Need not."

Lin Mo replied to the shareholder indifferently, how many times has she been to Chen Xinyu's office, and does she still need someone to take care of her?

Ignoring that person, Lin Mo took the contract and took the elevator, took the elevator to the top floor, and walked straight to Chen Xinyu's office.

Pushing open the door, there was no one inside, and Chen Xinyu was not found.

"Strange, where did he go?" Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, then sat down on his seat, intending to wait for Chen Xinyu to return to the office.

The door of the office was opened again, and Chen Xinyu walked in wearing the uniform that Lin Mo carefully selected for her in the morning, holding a few documents.

"Mr. Lin?"

"How did you come."

When Chen Xinyu saw Lin Mo on the seat, he looked at him in surprise.

"Come and see you." Lin Mo smiled and stood up to meet her.

"Don't make trouble, this is the group." Chen Xinyu gave Lin Mo a white look, pushed him away with a serious expression, and then walked to the desk.

"what are you thinking."

Lin Mo just planned to hug Chen Xinyu, but she didn't expect to be misunderstood. How much she misunderstood herself.

"Go, go, I'm busy with work, so go back to the milk tea shop." Chen Xinyu said to Lin Mo with a soft snort.

"you sure?"

Lin Mo was very dissatisfied with seeing that Chen Xinyu was going to drive him away when he first met. He took out the contract and said to himself, "Since you are driving me away, let's forget about the cooperation."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo pretended to sigh in disappointment, turned around and walked towards the door to leave.

"Wait, what cooperation?" Chen Xinyu quickly stopped him and asked with a slightly embarrassed expression.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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