Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 106 106 Provocative Ye Yan!

Chapter 106 106 Provocative Ye Yan!

The old man in front of him seemed to have seen that he was unwilling.

"Lin Mo, before returning to the capital, I must prepare a big gift for you." Ye Yan secretly thought that if it wasn't for Lin Mo, he wouldn't be in such a mess.

For so many years, whether in Kyoto or abroad, he has never been humiliated. Lin Mo didn't send people to look for him all the time, so he would come here to make a fuss.


three days later.

Chen Group Plaza.

"Mr. Lin, remember to think of me at all times." After bidding farewell to Lin Mo, Chen Xinyu turned and entered the group.

After entering the group, a black figure appeared from the side. Ye Yan was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, staring fixedly at her back.

"This time, I won't be careless again." Ye Yan said coldly.

A perfect plan gradually took shape in his mind. Before he chose to leave Shanghai, he would return all the humiliation and grievances he had suffered to Chen Xinyu.

"Fatty, I need you to do something for me." He immediately took out the mobile phone he had prepared and called Fatty Wang who was still working as a security guard in the Chen Group.

"Boss, you finally called me. Where have you been these days?" Fatty Wang was overjoyed when he received Ye Yan's call, and asked Ye Yan excitedly while holding the phone.

"Don't worry about this, I just need you to help me with one thing, and I will teach you kung fu after the task is completed." Ye Yan said to Fatty Wang indifferently.


After Fatty Wang heard Ye Yan's words, he almost jumped up from his chair excitedly. What he admired most about Ye Yan was his martial arts skills. He was so handsome.


Ye Yan nodded, and kept observing the surrounding crowd to see if anyone noticed his existence.

"Boss, just tell me, your business is mine." Fatty Wang patted his chest with his big hand and said to Ye Yan.

"I need you to block the safety passage on the top floor, can this be done?" Ye Yan immediately expressed his thoughts to Fatty Wang.

At present, only Fatty Wang can help him with this.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

After listening to Ye Yan's words, Fatty Wang was stunned, his expression gradually became serious, blocking the safe passage is not a joke.

If it is more serious, it is likely to violate legal responsibility, and if you are not careful, you may go in and drink tea.

"Don't ask too much about this matter. Knowing too much is not good for you, can you do it?" Ye Yan ignored Fatty Wang's words and asked him in a cold tone.

"Okay, this matter is on me." Fatty Wang thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed to help Ye Yan.


Seeing that Fatty Wang agreed to himself, Ye Yan didn't continue talking nonsense, and hung up the phone directly.

"Boss, when will you teach me kung fu... ah." Fatty Wang hurriedly shouted to the phone, but Ye Yan had already hung up the phone, and only the beeping sound could be heard.

Fatty Wang sighed, seeing that the computer screens in front of him were all surveillance videos, and turned off all the cameras, "I hope the boss won't do anything out of the ordinary."

Although I don't know what Ye Yan is going to do, blocking the safe passage is a shameful thing, no matter what happened or not, as long as he is found out, it will be enough for Fatty Wang to drink a pot.

The only way is to turn off all the cameras and not leave evidence for others.

Walking out of the security room, Fatty Wang walked into the group, and according to Ye Yan's instructions, locked all the originally open safety passages on the top floor.


Ten at noon.

Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

The summer wind blows gently.
A cell phone rang, and Lin Mo looked at the unfamiliar cell phone number and connected the call.

"My surname is Lin, don't you really want to find me?"

Ye Yan's gloomy voice came from the phone, and he lowered his voice and said to Lin Mo, "To tell you the truth, I'm still in Shanghai."

"Is your injury healed?" After hearing Ye Yan's voice, Lin Mo was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help frowning his eyebrows in doubt.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that, my injuries are all healed." Ye Yan said to Lin Mo proudly.

"Just because you can't heal your wounds so quickly, there must be someone to help you. The only person who can have this medical skill in the devil is the strange old man from Tianhe Medical Hall."

Lin Mo shook his head misguidedly, and sure enough, he forgot that Ye Yan would go to Tianhe Medical Hall.

Perhaps this is the strength of the protagonist's halo, which can always turn bad luck into good luck.

"You know Tianhe Medical Center?" Ye Yan was obviously taken aback, but Lin Mo didn't expect Lin Mo to know about Tianhe Medical Center.

"Judging from your tone, the injury must have been healed by the one in the clinic." Lin Mo casually played with a coin in his hand and said to Ye Yan.

"So what, I've let you down. Not only did I not die, but I'm still alive and well, and I can kidnap that bitch Chen Xinyu again!" Ye Yan said to Lin Mo provocatively.

"Believe me, if you don't go back to the capital, you will die a miserable death!" Lin Mo's tone turned cold when he heard Ye Yan mention the kidnapping of Chen Xinyu again.

"I'm really scared. Before I leave the capital city, I will definitely give you a big surprise." Ye Yan smiled dismissively, completely forgetting Lin Mo's threat.

"Don't think that with the Ye family behind you, you can keep you. I can kill you if I want to." Lin Mo said indifferently.

"I'll give you this chance. The address is at Chengbei Passenger Station. I'll be waiting for you here." Ye Yan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"City North Passenger Station?"

Silently reading the address Ye Yan left behind, Lin Mo's expression was a little dignified.

He didn't believe that Ye Yan would really tell him the address so confidently, there must be something tricky in it.

Thinking of this, he took his mobile phone and called Qiangwei.

"Mr. Lin, what's your order?" Qiangwei asked Lin Mo respectfully after receiving the call.

"Now take someone to the Chengbei Passenger Station, Ye Yan is there." Lin Mo said to Qiangwei immediately.

Ye Yan called to show off so eagerly, and also deliberately mentioned Chen Xinyu, the purpose should be to annoy Lin Mo, prompting Lin Mo to go to the North City Bus Station to find him now.

In fact, Lin Mo really wanted to go to Chengbei Bus Station to find Ye Yan, and then completely erase him from the world.

But Ye Yan had a lot of calculations, and he shouldn't mention Chen Xinyu intentionally. This would only make Lin Mo feel that he had something up his sleeve, especially if he let himself know that he had recovered.

Ye Yan's target was never Lin Mo, but Chen Xinyu, who was working in the group. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, hung up the conversation with Qiangwei, and drove to the Chen Group.

No matter what Ye Yan's real thoughts are, Lin Mo doesn't have time to go around in circles with him now, and Chen Xinyu's safety comes first.

At the same time, a pinch of thick smoke drifted out from the Chen Group, and immediately someone shouted that it was on fire.

For a while, all the employees began to panic, and some people kept running towards the stairs and the elevator.

The top floor of the Chen Group.

"President, it's on fire!"

The secretary opened the door in a panic, and shouted at Chen Xinyu who was working.

"on fire?"

Chen Xinyu looked at the secretary with a puzzled expression, and before she could react, he smelled a pungent smell of smoke.

"Run, the fire seems to be getting bigger and bigger, if you don't run, it will be too late." The secretary shouted to Chen Xinyu.

"How could it be on fire? Doesn't the group have fire prevention facilities?" Chen Xinyu frowned all the time, and got up from his seat without any hesitation, intending to leave first and then call for help to put out the fire.

At present, no one in the group knows where the source of the fire is.

In the safe passage on the top floor.

"Who locked the door?"

The leading man cursed angrily, then kicked the door hard.

"what happened?"

Chen Xinyu came behind the crowd and asked the staff who kicked the door.

"President, the door is locked." The employee immediately explained to Chen Xinyu with a panicked expression on his face.

"How could this be?"

Everyone was taken aback, and looked at the staff member with astonishment.

The fire intensified, and if there was no way to escape from the group, all of them might die here.

No, they will definitely die here, including Chen Xinyu.

"Call, call quickly, and call for someone to come up and save us!" Some people reacted and took out their mobile phones to call for someone.

"Why isn't there even a signal?"

Those who used their mobile phones to make calls suddenly froze at this moment, because the mobile phone signal was also blocked, and they could not make calls at all.

To be continued

ps: please subscribe!

From today on, let's have three shifts every day, try to fight for it, if there is no third shift, just treat me as a fart.

(End of this chapter)

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