Chapter 107 107 Miss Rain!
"Then what should we do, we won't be trapped here." Everyone panicked. If they couldn't even make a phone call, no one would find that they were still trapped on the top floor.

"Don't panic, everyone, see if there are other safe exits."

As the president of the group, Chen Xinyu naturally became the backbone of them all at this moment.

Seeing that this safe passage was blocked, he encouraged everyone to go to other passages.

As a powerful group company in Shanghai, the Chen Group took all kinds of disasters into consideration when it was established, including fires.

For this reason, a number of special escape routes are set up on each floor, the purpose is to prevent crowding in the event of a disaster.

"The president is right, there must be other escape routes." The secretary also echoed Chen Xinyu's words at this time, the most important thing at the moment is to find a safe escape route, stay where you are and complain that you will only wait for death.

"Then look for it quickly, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, if we don't find it, we will be burned alive."

After listening to what Chen Xinyu told the secretary, several male employees regained their fighting spirit and began to look for other safe passages.

In just a few minutes, they checked all the passages, and they were all blocked without exception.

"Why is this happening? Why are all the safe passages blocked? Someone deliberately killed us?" Everyone gathered in the last escape passage in despair. Looking at the blocked gate, several female staff couldn't help but crying bitterly.

If a safe passage is blocked, it may be an accident, then all safe passages are blocked, and it has to be suspected that this is a long-planned murder.

"Don't worry everyone, someone will definitely come to save us." Chen Xinyu looked at these people who had lost hope, including her secretary, and even herself began to despair, but even so she still encouraged everyone not to lose hope .

If you don't even have the hope of surviving, how can you survive until others find that they are still trapped on the top floor.

"It's useless. There are so many people in the group. If we can't make calls, no one will find out that we are trapped here."

At this time, a person who had completely lost hope sat on the ground paralyzed, his eyes were empty and he muttered to himself.

"Everyone, don't give up. Since you can't escape for the time being, you must learn to save yourself." Chen Xinyu immediately shouted to everyone.

"Made, the president is right. We can't sit and wait for death. I don't believe that a broken door can stop me." A staff member who usually likes to work out violently kicked at the door of the safe passage.

I saw that the gate didn't move at all, and didn't even leave a single footprint.

"Destroy it, I'm tired!"

The employee who was still high-spirited just now was immediately discouraged, and also learned to sit on the ground and kept talking to himself.

"Everyone go to the bathroom. There is water there. Be careful not to inhale the smoke." Chen Xinyu looked at everyone with a serious expression. The only place where there is water is the group's bathroom.

"President, don't struggle anymore, it's useless." These people seemed to have not heard Chen Xinyu's words, and they still stopped at the same place and did not move at all.

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Chen Xinyu said seriously.

After speaking, she took the lead to leave the corridor of the safe passage, planning to find a way to save herself and try to delay the time for rescue.

As for the remaining staff, some followed her, while others stayed where they were.


Chen Group Plaza.

There are countless employees who have escaped from the group. At present, the firefighters have arrived and are planning to start fighting the fire, but the fire has gradually spread and it is difficult to extinguish it in a short time.

"What about you, Mr. Chen?"

When he came to the square, Lin Mo looked at the burning building, and stopped a staff member to ask.

"I don't know, maybe I haven't escaped in the safe passage." The staff member shook his head and said.

At present, many people still escaped from the safe passage, but Chen Xinyu was not found.

"It's dangerous here, go find a safe place." The firefighter walked up to Lin Mo at this time, reminding him with a very solemn expression.

"Excuse me, how many people are still inside?" Looking at the firefighters in front of him, Lin Mo asked with a frown.

"I don't know, we've already sent someone to investigate." The firefighter also shook his head.

"Thank you."

After listening to the fireman's words, Lin Mo didn't hesitate anymore, and ran into the safe passage in a flash to look for Chen Xinyu.

"Come out, it's dangerous inside!"

The firefighter shouted quickly, but Lin Mo had already disappeared from his sight, and then he said to the man who put on the protective clothing and was about to enter the group to fight the fire, "Captain, someone ran inside."


"Someone ran in?"

The man looked at the firefighter in surprise, and said in a very serious tone, "Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on the crowd, why would people run in?"

"He's too fast, I can't stop him at all." The firefighter explained helplessly.

He had already reminded Lin Mo for the first time, but Lin Mo's speed was too fast, and when he found out, he had already run into the safe passage.

"Hurry up and call the headquarters, and send more people over." The man didn't say anything more, and led a few team members into the passageway with a water gun.

In the safe passage at this time, people kept running downstairs holding their noses.

Looking at these strange faces, Lin Mo's expression became more and more solemn. From the beginning to now, he has not found Chen Xinyu, including the phone call, which shows that he is not in the service area.

"Miss Yu, you must be safe." Lin Mo prayed secretly in his heart, Chen Xinyu's safety was always involved in his heartstrings, and he continued to rush to the top floor.

Now that the fire is getting bigger and bigger, he is racing against time.

With his good skills, Lin Mo quickly came to the safe passage on the top floor. Looking at the closed door, he frowned again.


"Is anyone in there?" Lin Mo knocked on the door tentatively.

On the other side of the door, after hearing Lin Mo's voice, everyone shouted at him, "Someone, save us quickly!"

The next second, the door was kicked open, only to see Lin Mo standing outside the door.

"Mr. Lin Lin?"

Everyone froze, looking at Lin Mo in astonishment.

"Where's your boss Chen?" Lin Mo ignored these people, and after a glance, he didn't find Chen Xinyu.

"Mr. Chen... She went to the bathroom with some people." A staff member said to Lin Mo, and then hurried into the safe passage. Survival is the most important thing now.

The others no longer hesitated, and followed into the safe passage.

"Miss Rain!"

Looking at the office area already filled with thick smoke, even though he already knew that Chen Xinyu was in the bathroom, Lin Mo covered his mouth and yelled her name.

"Mr. Lin?"

At this time, Chen Xinyu, who was trapped in the bathroom, suddenly heard someone calling herself Miss Yu, and immediately realized that it was Lin Mo's voice, because only Lin Mo would call her Miss Yu.

But she wasn't sure if this was her hallucination.

"Miss Rain!"

It was Lin Mo's voice again. Chen Xinyu finally stopped hesitating this time and shouted excitedly, "Mr. Lin, I am here!"

Everyone in the bathroom also reacted at this time, and quickly shouted for help.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Lin Mo finally saw Miss Yu, her face was haggard, and she looked at herself in surprise.


Lin Mo took Chen Xinyu's hand, and took her to leave before reminiscing about the past, while the others were ignored.

If it wasn't for Chen Xinyu, he wouldn't have taken such a risk to come to the top floor.

At this time, the temperature in the room had risen to an exaggerated level, and everyone who had just walked out of the bathroom felt a burning sensation.

To be continued

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You just treat me as a fart, the third watch really can't do it, the concubine really can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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