Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 108 Mission 108: Kill Ye Yan!

Chapter 108 Mission 108: Kill Ye Yan!

Faced with such an extreme temperature, everyone who walked out of the bathroom followed Lin Mo in fear.

For some reason, these people can always feel an unprecedented coolness behind Lin Mo to resist the burning of the environment.

This is naturally Lin Mo's internal strength, otherwise even he would not be able to last for so long without wearing any armor.

"Let's go, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and it will be too late." Lin Mo felt that his inner strength was decreasing, and it seemed that he could not hold on for long.

Even if the safety passages are all made of fire-resistant materials, they are not much better in the face of such a raging flame.

If all his internal strength is exhausted, he will be trapped in the building like these people.

Soon, a group of people fled down the safe passage. In the desire to survive, everyone tried their best to leave the building as soon as possible.

"Mr. Lin, I have tightness in my chest."

At this time, Chen Xinyu, who had inhaled a large amount of smoke, turned pale and lost all color, and spoke to Lin Mo with great difficulty in breathing.

"Don't talk, close your eyes, and leave the rest to me." Lin Mo then ordered Chen Xinyu, and then directly hugged her in his arms and ran to the exit on the next floor.

Chen Xinyu hugged Lin Mo's neck tightly, pressed his head against his chest, and closed his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, I leave everything to you!"


On the square of the Chen Group, some firefighters were dispersing the passing crowd, and some were trying their best to save the fire.

Suddenly, employees escaped intermittently from the safe passageway that was already empty. These were employees who had been trapped on the top floor for a long time.

"It's him!"

When the firefighter saw Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu in his arms, his pupils widened in surprise.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Lin Mo broke into the building just now.

"Quick, get them into the ambulance."

Although these people have escaped, their bodies have inhaled a large amount of harmful gas, and they need to be sent to the hospital for treatment in time, otherwise there will be great sequelae.

"Miss Yu, you can open your eyes now." Looking at the medical staff walking towards him, Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu in his arms.

Although he looks so relaxed on the surface, in fact, the internal energy in his body has already been exhausted. In order to prevent Chen Xinyu from being burned and inhaling harmful gas, he spent a lot of internal energy to protect it.

But at this moment, Chen Xinyu in her arms seemed to have not heard Lin Mo's words at all, and quietly held him with her eyes closed.

At this moment, Lin Mo frowned, obviously Chen Xinyu could not be asleep.

"Send her to the hospital for emergency treatment!"

Seeing Chen Xinyu's symptoms, the medical staff immediately yelled at the ambulance behind them, and then sent both Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu into the ambulance.

At the same time, the self-media in Shanghai are all vying to report the fire.

At present, the cause of the fire has not been found. As for whether it was a natural fire or someone deliberately set it on fire, it remains to be investigated by the police.

A certain street corner of the Chen Group.

"Damn, I was really killed by the boss this time." Fatty Wang looked at the building solemnly, and only then did he understand what Ye Yan's purpose was.

He was not stupid, thinking of what he was told, he immediately realized that the fire must have been caused by Ye Yan.

Fortunately, he turned off all the surveillance cameras before blocking the safe passage on the top floor. Otherwise, if the police got evidence, he would definitely be arrested on charges of intentional murder.

Lin's Group.

Office of the Chairman.

Father Lin was sitting on the office chair processing the documents, when suddenly the secretary hurriedly opened the door and barged in.

"Chairman, something is wrong." The secretary said to Father Lin anxiously.

"what happened?"

Father Lin frowned with displeasure, stopped the pen in his hand, and asked the secretary, "What's going on, so flustered, how decent is it!"

"A fire broke out in the Chen Group." The secretary said to Father Lin holding the report on the tablet.

"A fire broke out in the Chen family? Is it serious?" Father Lin was stunned for a moment, and then asked the secretary.

"The fire is under control now, but" the secretary looked at Father Lin with some hesitation, and handed him the tablet in his hand.


Lin's father was dumbfounded. The tablet was the scene of Lin Mo escaping from the safe passage with Chen Xinyu in his arms.

"What's going on, why is this bastard in the Chen Group?" Father Lin asked the secretary in shock.

"You forgot, Lin Shao is now dating the president of the Chen Group." The secretary carefully reminded Father Lin.

"This bastard, let him fall in love, but didn't let him risk his life!" Father Lin said abruptly. In fact, he has been paying attention to Lin Mo's news all the time.

As for the relationship between Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu, he knew it himself, and Lin's mother knew it too, but neither of them interfered too much.

After the last divorce, Lin's father and Lin's mother have taken a lot of light on it, as long as Lin Mo likes it.

"Hurry up and check, where is the bastard right now, and is he injured!" Father Lin immediately ordered to the secretary.


The secretary nodded, and quickly went to investigate Lin Mo's current movements. After finding out, he returned to the office and said to Lin's father, "Chairman, Lin Shao and the president of the Chen Group have been sent to the hospital. It is not clear yet. health condition."

"Then why are you standing there in a daze? Hurry up to prepare the car and take me to the hospital." Father Lin said angrily after watching his secretary who was still standing there after the report.

"Go here."

The secretary nodded annoyed after realizing it, turned around and walked out of the office to go downstairs to prepare the car.

"Bastard, this matter must not be known by your mother."


in the hospital.

Chen Xinyu was pushed into the emergency room, while Lin Mo stayed outside and waited.

Although he was weak, he could return to normal after a short rest because his internal energy was exhausted. But Chen Xinyu was different. Before Lin Mo arrived, she inhaled a lot of harmful gas.

After half an hour.

The lights in the emergency room went out, and the doctor came out. He looked at Lin Mo and said, "You are out of danger, you don't have to worry."

"Then is she awake?"

Lin Mo looked at the doctor in front of him and asked, who was the attending doctor who treated Chen Guoxiong before.

"Not yet, but it's not a big problem. It's just a temporary shock caused by inhaling too much carbon dioxide." The doctor shook his head and took off the protective mask after speaking.

"I see that your complexion is very bad, are you sure you don't want to go for a checkup?" The doctor immediately said to Lin Mo with concern.

"No, my own body, I know it myself."

"Well, she has been sent to Ward 3602 to rest."

The doctor sighed helplessly, then told Lin Mo Chen Xinyu's ward number, and then walked to another place.

Ward 3602.

Chen Xinyu was lying on the hospital bed wearing a ventilator, while Lin Mo watched her quietly from the side without making a sound.

Suddenly, the phone rang. In order not to disturb Chen Xinyu's rest, Lin Mo switched to silent, then walked out of the ward and connected the phone.

"Mr. Lin, Ye Yan was not found at Chengbei Passenger Station." Qiangwei's voice was on the phone.

"I see."

Hearing Qiangwei's words, Lin Mo was not surprised at all, but replied in a very cold tone.

Ye Yan, he will make this trouble disappear completely.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the story mission!

Mission content: Kill Ye Yan! (The Return of the Soldier King finale)

Completion reward: enter the next script content.

To be continued

ps: The author has already thought about the follow-up content of this book, hahahaha!

 The end of three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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