Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 113 113 Did He Tell You About Marriage?

Chapter 113 113 Did He Tell You About Marriage?
"Son, this is the pork rib soup made by Auntie herself. How would you like it?"

After Mother Lin returned to the hospital with the soup, she served a bowl for Chen Xinyu herself.

"Thank you auntie."

Chen Xinyu politely said thank you to Mother Lin.

Knowing that she is pregnant, she will always have a different emotion when facing Lin's mother in front of her. After all, she is Lin Mo's mother.

"Mom, where's mine?"

After seeing Mother Lin serving Chen Xinyu a bowl of soup so enthusiastically, Lin Mo asked her pretending to be jealous.

"There's still a bowl, make it yourself." Mother Lin glanced at the wooden bowl next to her out of the corner of her eye, and then signaled to Lin Mo.

Sure enough, Mother Lin's thoughts were all on Chen Xinyu, while Lin Mo was left aside by her.

"This gap is really huge."

Lin Mo complained a little dissatisfied, and then poured himself a bowl of soup.

"You son of a bitch, get me a bowl too." At this moment, Father Lin who was standing aside said to Lin Mo.

Before Lin Mo could respond, Mother Lin said to him, "What are you drinking? It's for the children's health."

"Aren't you the dignified chairman? If you want to drink, go out and buy it yourself."

Lin's father was dumbfounded by what Lin's mother said, and he didn't know how to refute, so he stood there with a very dissatisfied expression, but he was helpless.

Lin Mo shrugged, saying that he could do nothing.

"Auntie, Lin Mo and I can't drink so much, so you can let uncle drink some." Chen Xinyu took the initiative to speak for Father Lin at this time.

"It's okay, he doesn't drink." Mother Lin smiled at Chen Xinyu, her eyes were full of the elder's doting on the younger.

This is completely opposite to the attitude towards Lin's father, or it can be said to be two extremes.

There is a kind of not drinking, which is what Lin's mother said not to drink. Seeing Lin's father standing aside with envious eyes, Chen Xinyu felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, you drink and don't worry about me." Father Lin also said to Chen Xinyu stiffly.

As an elder, he can never lose face in front of Chen Xinyu, although so far he has no face at all in front of several people.

"Mom, help me take care of Xiaoyu in the hospital. I'll go out to do something." After drinking the soup in the bowl, Lin Mo said to Lin's mother beside him.

Chen Xinyu paused for a moment at his words, stopped the ladle in his hand, and looked at him blankly.

"What's the matter, are you in a hurry?" Mother Lin was also slightly taken aback, looking at Lin Mo suspiciously and asked.

"Well, after all, these things happened in Xiaoyu's group, and people need to deal with them." Lin Mo nodded, and did not say what he really thought, but used other reasons to prevaricate it.

"Let your dad deal with such trivial matters, and you can spend more time with Xiaoyu in the hospital." After hearing Lin Mo's explanation, Lin's mother replied disapprovingly.


"Let's forget it, he's an outsider, so he's not suitable."

Lin Mo then glanced at Father Lin with a little disgust.

Father Lin finally seized the opportunity to vent his dissatisfaction, "You son of a bitch, are you no longer an outsider?"

"Old man, you're really right." Lin Mo rolled his eyes at Father Lin contemptuously.

"Then how long will it take you to come back?" Mother Lin asked Lin Mo at this time.


He didn't give a specific time, but only replied vaguely.

As for how soon he can return to the hospital, it mainly depends on when he finds Ye Yan's bastard.

He was sure that Ye Yan hadn't returned to the capital at this time, maybe he was wandering around the hospital.

The building caught fire was planned by him alone, and the call he made before was just to divert Lin Mo's attention.

It's a pity that he shouldn't have mentioned Chen Xinyu on purpose, otherwise Lin Mo wouldn't have reacted so quickly and rushed to the Chen Group.

"Okay, come back early, don't make Xiao Yu wait too long." Mother Lin seemed to see that Lin Mo intended to leave, and didn't stop him anymore, but reminded him to go early and return early.


Lin Mo nodded, and then looked at Chen Xinyu on the hospital bed. The most important thing now is to appease this little girl.

There was a trace of helplessness in her big watery eyes.

"Wait for me to come back."

Lin Mo smiled helplessly and rubbed her head gently.

Chen Xinyu nodded, not wanting to part with the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Although Mother Lin was with her, she always wanted Lin Mo to be by her side.

But she knows that Lin Mo can't be with her all the time, there will always be time to deal with other things, no matter how reluctant she is, she has to learn to let go.

This scene was seen by Lin's mother, and her heart was deeply touched.

She has seen many girls, none of them will show such eyes like Chen Xinyu.

She seemed to be gradually beginning to understand why Lin Mo had divorced before.

It is not easy to meet a girl like Chen Xinyu, and it would be a pity to miss it.

After Lin Mo left, only Chen Xinyu and Lin's mother were left in the ward, and Lin's father left the hospital together.

"Xiao Yu, tell Auntie, how far have you and Xiao Mo developed?" In order to divert Chen Xinyu's attention, Mother Lin asked with a smile while holding her hand.


Chen Xinyu blushed suddenly, not knowing how to answer Lin's mother's question.

But after all, Lin's mother came from here, so she understood in an instant, and asked with a more intense smile, "When do you and Xiaomo plan to have a child?"

"This...we're still considering it."

Chen Xinyu hesitated for a moment, but did not tell Mother Lin that she was pregnant.

Of course, Mother Lin was obviously disappointed when she heard this answer, but she nodded understandingly, "When do you and Xiao Mo plan to get married?"


Chen Xinyu didn't know how to answer again. She had been with Lin Mo for so long, and it seemed that she had never considered this question.

Now that she even has children, she should consider getting married.

"Has Xiao Mo never mentioned marriage to you?" Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu with some doubts and asked.


Chen Xinyu pursed her lips and nodded, but didn't try to defend Lin Mo.

"This child is too irresponsible!" Lin's mother immediately felt angry and defended Chen Xinyu.

"Auntie, it's because we haven't figured it out yet, don't blame Lin Mo." Chen Xinyu immediately explained to Lin's mother.

"Marriage is a major event in life, and it should be carefully considered. Then there must be an engagement." Mother Lin said still very dissatisfied.

In her eyes, Lin Mo seemed to be an irresponsible person at this moment.

"Maybe. He hasn't figured it out yet." Chen Xinyu didn't know how to explain for Lin Mo.

Lin's mother saw Chen Xinyu's loss in her eyes, "Wait for him to come back and see how I deal with him!"


"Old man, I will trouble you about the Chen Group."

In the corridor of the hospital, Lin Mo still handed over the task of handling the Chen Group to Father Lin.

Speaking from experience, Father Lin is undoubtedly more suitable than him, not to mention he has to deal with the trouble of Ye Yan.

Father Lin didn't refuse, and immediately asked Lin Mo curiously, "You son of a bitch, why are you here?"

"Don't worry about this." Lin Mo gave him a white look, and then left the corridor first.

"Little bastard, come back early, don't make people wait too long!"

Lin's father yelled at him helplessly, then took out his mobile phone and called a certain number, "Go and investigate the matter of Mrs. Chen."

He also left the hospital to deal with the affairs of the Chen Group.

This is not too difficult for him.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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