Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 114 114 Hurting others will eventually hurt yourself!

Chapter 114 114 Hurting others will eventually hurt yourself!

On a street near the Chen Group, Ye Yan wrapped himself tightly in a peaked cap and a mask.

Today's news was broadcast on the TV in a nearby convenience store. After seeing Chen Xinyu being carried out of the building by Lin Mo safe and sound, Ye Yan became angry. He stared at the TV screen tightly and clenched his fists.

"You can't die like this, life is really great!"

He mocked coldly, and soon the phone in his pocket vibrated.

"Fatty Wang?"

After glancing at the note, Ye Yan half-closed his eyes and planned to hang up the phone, but suddenly realized that Chen Xinyu hadn't been burned to death, and he began to plan to take advantage of this idiot again.

"what's up?"

When he came to a corner and connected to Fatty Wang's phone, Ye Yan asked him.

"Boss, where are you?" Fatty Wang immediately asked his location.

"Why are you asking this?" Ye Yan frowned, and began to be on guard in his heart. What he is most afraid of now is to expose his position.

The reason why he still dares to stay in Shanghai now is because he is sure that Lin Mo can't find him, and Fatty Wang's words undoubtedly aroused his suspicion.

"Boss, you forgot, you said you wanted to teach me kung fu." Fatty Wang said to Ye Yan with some dissatisfaction.

Now that such a big thing has happened to the Chen Group, if the police find out what he did, his life will be over.

"Well, don't worry about it."

After hearing Fatty Wang's answer, Ye Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and he was not as defensive as before, and said in a very relaxed tone, "I will definitely teach you kung fu, but you have to do one thing for me. "

"Boss, don't play with me. Does the group's fire today have anything to do with you?"

Fatty Wang took a deep breath. He knew that he was played by Ye Yan, but he was helpless.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Ye Yan replied displeasedly, "You just need to help me put one thing into the hospital."

"Are you trying to harm the CEO again?" Fatty Wang asked immediately after hearing Ye Yan's words.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"I won't do anything illegal!"

Ye Yan smiled, "Fatty Wang, don't forget that you almost killed a group of people today. If the police find out about this, do you think they will let you go?"

"My surname is Ye, I have no grievances with you, why did you hurt me like this?" Fatty Wang was also angry, and shouted at Ye Yan on the phone.

"Because you are stupid!"

Ye Yan's simple sentence made Fatty Wang stunned speechless, and said with a very aggrieved expression, "Are you not afraid that I will report you to the police station?"

"You can try it. Don't forget that you and I are not from the same world at all. Even if the police find out about this matter, I will be safe and sound, but you are different."

Seeing Fatty Wang threatening him, Ye Yan didn't reply sympathetically.

"What do you want me to do?" Fatty Wang asked Ye Yan submissively like a deflated balloon.

"Come to xxx to see me."

After speaking, Ye Yan hung up the phone.

On the other side, Fatty Wang looked at the mobile phone that had lost the call, and tremblingly said to a figure, "He hung up the phone."

"According to his request, go to xxx to see him." Lin Mo looked at Fatty Wang in front of him coldly and ordered.

"Master Lin, please let me go."

"I don't know that Ye Yan asked me to block the door of the safe passage in order to kill Mr. Chen."

Fatty Wang's expression at this time was even uglier than crying, and he said to Lin Mo with a far-fetched grin.

"I'll just say it once, go see Ye Yan." Lin Mo ignored the Fatty Wang in front of him, he had to rely on him if he wanted to find Ye Yan.

And Fatty Wang obviously didn't want to get involved in this matter anymore, and said reluctantly, "If he knows that I betrayed him, he will definitely kill me."

"If you don't go, I will kill you as well." Lin Mo snorted coldly.

"Master Lin, please forgive me a lot." Fatty Wang then knelt on the ground and begged Lin Mo bitterly.

He had already packed his things and was about to run away, but Lin Mo caught him in an empty alley and forced him to call Ye Yan.

Originally, he was still stubborn and refused to admit his relationship with Ye Yan, but Lin Mo didn't accept this at all, and directly facing him was torture.

Unable to bear the pain, he finally had to admit his relationship with Ye Yan, and made the phone call under Lin Mo's pressure.

As for why Lin Mo knew about his relationship with Ye Yan, it was mainly because he knew the plot. Now the entire devil has Ye Yan's contact information, and Fatty Wang is the only one.

"Stop talking nonsense, your only chance to survive now is to meet Ye Yan."

Lin Mo said without the slightest sympathy, Fatty Wang didn't deserve any sympathy in his eyes, and he didn't intend to let this dog leg go.

The only value in him is to lure Ye Yan out of the dark, and he will never let anyone who has hurt Chen Xinyu.

"But if I go to see him, I will die." Fatty Wang looked at Lin Mo with a tangled expression, and he had no choice but to be in a dilemma.

"Don't worry, as long as you lure him out, I guarantee you will be fine." Lin Mo immediately assured Fatty Wang.


Fatty Wang was stunned.


Lin Mo nodded indifferently, and looked at Fatty Wang coldly, "If you want to survive, you have to do what I say."

"Okay, the big deal is death. Anyway, Ye Yan doesn't think of me as a brother." Fatty Wang gritted his teeth after hearing Lin Mo's words, and finally decided to go to xxx to see Ye Yan.

Compared with Ye Yan, Fatty Wang felt that Lin Mo was more reliable. Thinking of what Ye Yan said to him just now, he felt unwilling for a while.


Nine o'clock at night.

The light rain is pattering, and the moonlight has been covered by dark clouds.

Fatty Wang wore a black plastic raincoat and arrived at the place agreed with Ye Yan.

He was very anxious, and after glancing at the empty rooftop, he took out his mobile phone and called Ye Yan, "I'm here, where are you?"

"You don't have to worry about where I am." After Ye Yan answered the phone, he replied casually.

"Then what are you going to give me?" Fatty Wang asked suspiciously.

"At your nine o'clock direction, there is an iron box, and the things are inside." Ye Yan said to Fatty Wang immediately.

According to his words, Fatty Wang found an unremarkable small box on the ground next to it, with raindrops splashing on it.

"Pick up the box, go to the hospital where Chen Xinyu is, put this box in her ward, and your mission will be completed."

On another rooftop, Ye Yan observed Fatty Wang's every move with a telescope, and ordered.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by God for harming Mr. Chen like this?" Fatty Wang picked up the iron box according to Ye Yan's instructions, and said to Ye Yan very condemningly.

"God damn it?"

Ye Yan smiled dismissively after hearing this.

God's punishment, he really didn't take it seriously, as long as Chen Xinyu didn't die for a day, he would be unwilling!

"My surname is Ye, I would like to remind you that if you harm others, you will end up harming yourself!" Fatty Wang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"An idiot who dares to teach me how to do things is really reckless."

Ye Yan put down the binoculars angrily, and when he turned around to leave, he froze in place, looking at the scene in front of him with incredible eyes.

To be continued

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