Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 115 114 Ye Yan died!

Chapter 115 114 Ye Yan died!

"How could it be you?"

Ye Yan could only stand there blankly, he still couldn't figure out why the person he least wanted to see was standing in front of him at this moment.

"Have you figured out how to die?"

Lin Mo looked at Ye Yan coldly. Based on what he knew about Ye Yan, he naturally knew that it was impossible for him to meet Fatty Wang directly.

That's just the bait that was released.

Ye Yan looked at Lin Mo with a cold face, thinking quickly about how to leave.

"go to hell!"

It is better to strike first, he no longer holds back his hands, and first burst out all the strength of his body to hit Lin Mo. Although he almost died in Lin Mo's hands last time, it was not for nothing.

After the strange old man in the Tianhe Medical Hall healed his injuries, he suddenly found that his strength had improved to a higher level, and he was vaguely about to cross the hurdle of Ming Jin and step into the Dark Jin that warriors dream of.

Blocking Ye Yan's attack, Lin Mo elbowed towards his abdomen with lightning speed.

"My surname is Lin, I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

At this moment, Ye Yan stopped Lin Mo, and with years of accumulation, he finally stepped into the dark energy.

It's hard to imagine how many warriors would have a hard time surmounting a hurdle in their lifetime. Ye Yan just broke through casually like this, which shows the strength of the protagonist's halo.


"so what."

Seeing Ye Yan's breakthrough, although Lin Mo felt a slight surprise in his heart, he still didn't take it seriously, and looked at him without any emotional change.

"I'm going to cut you to pieces!"

After realizing that the power in his body had been enriched like never before, Ye Yan was no longer afraid, and even became more excited. He took out a short blade from nowhere and rushed towards Lin Mo.

"act recklessly!"

Lin Mo didn't know where Ye Yan's self-confidence came from. He thought that he could compete with him by advancing Anjin. This illusion might be fatal.


Just when Ye Yan's short blade was about to touch Lin Mo, a long sword that radiated blue faintly blocked the short blade.

"This is?"

Ye Yan was stunned, and his dull eyes were slightly puzzled. He never thought that Lin Mo would have such a sword on his body.

"You're too noisy, it's better to shut up."

Lin Mo said something coldly, and after finishing speaking, the green sword flashed.

It seems that time has stopped at this moment, the falling raindrops are suspended and splashed in the air, everything came too suddenly.


Ye Yan's pupils dilated infinitely, he pointed at Lin Mo stiffly, and then fell straight down, with tiny sword marks on his neck.

"Is the dark energy very powerful?"

Putting away the sword, Lin Mo turned and left the rooftop.

Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: start the next story content!
"The Return of the Soldier King" finale achievement completed!

The plot of "My Best Fox Fairy Girlfriend" has officially started.

It was just one move, Ye Yan didn't even see Lin Mo's attack clearly before he was blocked by a sword.

It's just dark energy, not to mention that Ye Yan thinks he can compete with Lin Mo when he has just stepped into the threshold of dark energy. This illusion may be that he is too confident, thinking that he can be invincible to anyone at the same level.

It's a pity that Lin Mo's methods are far more complicated than he imagined, and the special skills of the meditation seal can be described as abnormal.

It can stop time, although it is only a fleeting second, but for a master duel, one second is enough to decide the outcome.

"You deal with it."

After solving Ye Yan's trouble, Lin Mo returned to the hospital, and handed over the aftermath to Qiangwei.

"Good Mr. Lin."

Qiangwei nodded, then followed Lin Mo's order and sent someone to deal with Ye Yan's body.

As for Fatty Wang, he was riding a small electric donkey on the side of the road and was about to go to the passenger station to take a bus to leave Shanghai. At this time, he was very worried.

Suddenly whistles sounded everywhere, and a group of people surrounded him.

"Wang Fugui, please go back with us and cooperate with the investigation!" The policeman in front of him looked at Fatty Wang expressionlessly, and took out the arrest warrant from his pocket.

"Comrade policeman, I haven't broken any law, so why go back and cooperate?" Fatty Wang asked the policeman in front of him pretending to be calm.

"About the fire case of the Chen Group, we need your cooperation." The policeman said coldly, and subdued him without giving him any chance to react.

"It's none of my business, I'm just an ordinary security guard, I didn't set the fire!"

Fatty Wang panicked immediately, and hurriedly yelled to explain, but no one listened to his explanation at all, so he buckled into the car.


Hospital, Ward 3602.

"Xiao Yu, rest early."

Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu who had been insisting on waiting for Lin Mo to come back and said helplessly.

"Auntie, go back and rest, you don't have to stay with me all the time."

Chen Xinyu forced a smile. Without Lin Mo's company, she seemed to have insomnia, even if she closed her eyes, she couldn't fall asleep.

"Auntie promised Xiaomo that she would accompany you in the hospital." Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu dotingly, and the more she liked this daughter-in-law, the more she liked her.

Compared with Jiang Li, she prefers that Chen Xinyu can be with Lin Mo.

"You don't need it, Auntie, I can just stay by myself." Chen Xinyu said to Mother Lin.

"Why, do you dislike Auntie?" After hearing Chen Xinyu's words, Mother Lin asked her jokingly.

"No, no. The hospital medicine has a strong smell and is not good for your health." Chen Xinyu quickly explained to Lin's mother, dancing and dancing.

"Silly boy, when Xiao Mo comes back, Auntie will leave."

As soon as Mother Lin finished speaking, Lin Mo walked into the ward with a midnight snack. When she saw that Mother Lin and Chen Xinyu were both awake, she said, "I'm back, are you still awake?"

"Stinky boy, why did you come back so late?" Mother Lin blamed Lin Mo with some dissatisfaction.

"There was some delay in dealing with things, so it was a bit late."

Lin Mo put aside the late-night snacks he had bought, and then walked to Chen Xinyu's side, "Be hungry, I bought your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs."

"Stinky boy, come out with me for a while." At this time, Mother Lin said to Lin Mo.

"what happened?"

Hearing Mother Lin's words, Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, looked at her with some doubts, and at the same time looked at Chen Xinyu.

"Come out, I have something to tell you." Mother Lin didn't reveal too much to Lin Mo, and walked out of the ward to wait for Lin Mo.

Although he was a little confused, he still walked out of the ward and asked Mother Lin, "Mom, what do you want to say to me?"

"Stinky boy, what's your relationship with Xiao Yu?" Mother Lin asked Lin Mo with a serious expression.

"This. Don't you already know?" Lin Mo frowned slightly, not understanding why Mother Lin would suddenly ask herself this.

"Let me ask you, do you really like Xiaoyu, or are you just planning to play with her?" Mother Lin asked again, her question was still as sharp as ever, which caught Lin Mo off guard.

"like her."

Lin Mo finally nodded, expressing his feelings for Chen Xinyu.

"Then when do you plan to propose to Xiao Yu?"


Lin Mo was stunned. For a long time, Mother Lin wanted to talk to him about this problem.

"Stinky boy, falling in love without getting married is just playing hooligans. If you dare to mess with Xiaoyu and abandon it, let's see how I deal with you."

Seeing Lin Mo hesitate, Mother Lin said something to him angrily.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Then tell me, when will you propose to Xiao Yu, and when will you have a child?" Immediately, Mother Lin's soul torture followed.

To be continued

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