Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 116 115 A Not So Romantic Marriage Proposal!

Chapter 116 115 A Not So Romantic Marriage Proposal!
"This... I'm still thinking about it."

After finally understanding Lin's mother's thoughts, Lin Mo said dumbfounded.

"Come on, don't think I don't know about your little thoughts." Mother Lin looked at Lin Mo with blazing eyes, as if she had seen through him long ago.

"What care can I have?"

Seeing Lin's mother getting more and more exaggerated, Lin Mo didn't know how to explain it.

"Your father was just like you when he was young. He still couldn't bear to marry me. When we were together, he always liked to play around and spend time outside."

At this time, Mother Lin said to Lin Mo slowly, telling the old story between her and Father Lin.

"You don't think it's because I don't want to propose to Xiao Yu because I don't like the colorful world outside?" He said with a helpless expression after listening to Mother Lin's words.

"Isn't it?" Mother Lin asked back. Obviously, she still regarded Lin Mo as Father Lin, and to put it bluntly, she didn't trust him.

"You're really worrying too much. The reason why I didn't propose to Xiao Yu is that I planned to surprise her on a special day."

Lin Mo explained to Lin's mother that he hoped to dispel her worries in this way. He had considered this issue as early as a few weeks ago.


Perhaps it was because of Father Lin, she always maintained a trace of doubt about Li Lin Mo's words, with a look of suspicion in her eyes.


Lin Mo nodded, then thought for a while and said, "I plan to propose to Xiao Yu in the next few days."


This time it was Mother Lin's turn to be stunned, her eyes gradually turned from suspicious to unbelievable, but she quickly asked suspiciously, "You didn't say that just to make me happy, did you?"


"I really don't trust you at all."

Lin Mo looked at Mother Lin with a dark face, feeling as speechless as he wanted in his heart. He never thought that he would be suspicious of her even after saying this.

"Xiao Yu is a good boy, I just don't want you to let her down." Mother Lin said to him seriously.

After only a few hours of getting along with her, she fell in love with this daughter-in-law. No matter how she looked at her, she was very pleasing to the eye. In terms of personality, Chen Xinyu would definitely be a very good wife.

If Lin Mo doesn't cherish and loses such a good girl, she may never find another one in this life. She is cherishing for Lin Mo.

"Don't worry, I won't let Xiao Yu down." Lin Mo nodded, and at this moment he answered Mother Lin's words very seriously.

It's really hard to find a girl like Chen Xinyu, it would be a pity to miss it, not to mention she is still pregnant with Lin Mo's child, how could she live up to her feelings.

"With your words, I am relieved."

Mother Lin finally stretched her brows and showed her kind smile again, "Hurry up, I want to hug my grandson sooner."

"Not in a hurry."

Lin Mo smiled, and replied in a flat and slow tone.

If she told Mother Lin the news that Chen Xinyu was pregnant, she might not even be able to sleep tonight, because she was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all.

"I don't care, I must conceive within this year." Mother Lin said to Lin Mo with a soft snort.

"Will it be too fast?" Lin Mo asked her jokingly after listening.


Mother Lin rolled her eyes at him angrily, "I think you learned to speak when I was Xiaoyu's age."

After finishing speaking, she walked into the ward and stopped discussing these topics with Lin Mo. Anyway, the two must get pregnant within this year, which is her bottom line.

Fortunately, she didn't tell Mother Lin the news that Chen Xinyu was pregnant, otherwise, with her personality, who knows how excited she would be tonight.


Seeing Mother Lin walking into the ward, Chen Xinyu immediately greeted her.

"Xiaoyu, Auntie is going back first, let Xiaomo stay with you in the hospital." Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu on the hospital bed and said.

"I will send you."

"No, just take a good rest."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and originally planned to get up to see Mother Lin off, but was stopped before she lifted the bed.

"Auntie, go slowly!"

"I'll see you again tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Mother Lin left the ward again, just as Lin Mo was still outside, so she took her out of the hospital.

After sending Mother Lin home, he returned to the ward with a sigh of relief, and looked at Chen Xinyu who was lying on the bed, "How do you feel, are you better?"

"Well, it feels better."

Chen Xinyu nodded, and then asked Lin Mo curiously, "What did Auntie tell you just outside?"

"Didn't you hear?"

"No, the sound insulation in the ward is too good, I didn't hear clearly."

Chen Xinyu pouted and shook her head, then looked at Lin Mo expectantly, "Tell me quickly, what Auntie told you."

"she says."

Lin Mo walked to Chen Xinyu's side, whispered something in her ear, and her little face flushed instantly after she finished speaking.

"It's a good thing we didn't tell her about the pregnancy, otherwise we wouldn't be able to sleep tonight." Lin Mo then said to Chen Xinyu happily.

"Apart from this, what else did Auntie tell you?" Chen Xinyu pouted and asked.

"Don't tell you."

Lin Mo smiled, and brought the prepared supper in front of Chen Xinyu, "Are you hungry? The sweet and sour pork ribs are specially prepared for you."

"Hmph, don't eat."

Chen Xinyu puffed her cheeks in dissatisfaction, and turned her head to the other side.

"Really don't eat?"

"Well, you bullied me!"

Chen Xinyu nodded, and pursed her lips aggrievedly, "If you don't tell me what Auntie said, I won't talk to you anymore."

"What can she say, just tell me not to let you down and marry you early." Lin Mo smiled helplessly, and told Chen Xinyu everything Lin's mother had said to him just now.

"Then when are you going to propose?"

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu asked him in a very soft voice. In fact, she has always been concerned about this issue.

"Then when do you want me to propose?"

Lin Mo smiled faintly, and threw the question back to Chen Xinyu.


She was silent for a few seconds, and then answered Lin Mo's question, "I think you propose now."

"you sure?"

Hearing Chen Xinyu's answer, Lin Mo squinted his eyes and looked at her, "Now I'm proposing, but there is no ring."

"It's okay, I don't care."

Chen Xinyu shook his head. Although he said he didn't care, he was still a little disappointed in his heart, so that his expression looked sluggish, giving people an unhappy feeling.

"Dear Miss Yu, from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply, will you marry me?"

Lin Mo no longer hesitated, and knelt down on one knee beside the bed to propose to Chen Xinyu. There was no ring, no audience, only the smell of potion in the air.

"I am willing."

Although Chen Xinyu didn't have a good picture and didn't even have an engagement ring, she still said those three words to Lin Mo without any hesitation.

She had waited too long for this scene, and she didn't want to wait any longer because of some secular conventions.

"Give me your hand."

Seeing that Chen Xinyu agreed, Lin Mo smiled mysteriously, and took out an exquisite gift box from his pocket.

"This is?"

Chen Xinyu was stunned when she saw the gift box. The moment Lin Mo opened the gift box, she covered her mouth for a long time and couldn't react.

"Miss Yu, I have been preparing this ring for several weeks, and I have been thinking about when I can wear it for you."

Lin Mo took off the ring from the gift box and said something to Chen Xinyu, then put the ring on her ring finger.

"Mr. Lin, these days I have been thinking about when I can wear the ring you prepared for me, and I put it on today."

Looking at the ring, Chen Xinyu was so moved that her eyes were blurred with mist. She had really waited for this day for too long.

A century is nothing more than that.

To be continued

ps: please subscribe!

 Oh, what a nice middle finger

(End of this chapter)

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