Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 117 116 She is mine!

Chapter 117 116 She is mine!

"Mr. Lin, when did you start preparing this ring?"

After the symbolic marriage proposal, Chen Xinyu lay quietly in Lin Mo's arms, looked at the ring on his ring finger and asked him.

Although she knew that the ring was prepared by Lin Mo a few weeks ago, she wanted to know which day it was.

"On the second day after we watched the meteor shower." Lin Mo said to her with a faint smile.

The meteor shower that night was a pleasant surprise for both of them. No one thought that in the quiet night sky at night, bright meteors would fall one after another.

After that night, Lin Mo went to the largest jewelry store in Shanghai the next day and bought this valuable treasure, "Eternal Heart."

"I bought the ring so early, why did I propose so late?" After learning the exact date of Lin Mo's purchase of the ring, Chen Xinyu pouted a little dissatisfied.

If Lin Mo hadn't taken the initiative to ask Lin Mo to propose to him today, the ghost knows how long he would have hidden this diamond ring.

"I plan to pick a special day to surprise you." Lin Mo immediately explained to Chen Xinyu.

Elegance and romance never go out of style. Lin Mo doesn't want to be so hasty when it comes to a major life event like a marriage proposal. He plans to wait until a special day like a meteor shower before proposing like Chen Xinyu.

"Since you have decided to choose a special day, then today."

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a little confusion, not understanding why he had already decided to propose to him. The current hospital obviously did not meet his expectations.

"I don't want you to wait too long, so... I will take this opportunity to finish the things that should have been done long ago."

Lin Mo smiled. If it wasn't because of Chen Xinyu's words, he would have been wondering whether to take out the ring, but when he saw Chen Xinyu's eyes at that time, all the hesitation and worries in his heart disappeared.

"Is it very disappointing?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a complicated expression. Judging from the current conversation, this marriage proposal seems a bit far-fetched.

"Fool, what a disappointment."

Lin Mo shook his head and looked at her dotingly. Although this marriage proposal was not as romantic as expected, he did not regret it.


What did Chen Xinyu think of at this moment, "Why don't you take the ring back and pretend that this marriage proposal never happened?"

After finishing speaking, she blinked her big watery eyes at Lin Mo.

"It's not that good, you have already put on the ring, so there is no reason for me to take it back." Lin Mo pouted, feeling very opinionated about Chen Xinyu's proposal.

This is not a play, how can we say that it didn't happen if it didn't happen.

"Well, take it back!"

After seeing Lin Mo's refusal, Chen Xinyu coquettishly said to him with a baby voice.


Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu in confusion, squinted his eyes and asked her, "Why do you suddenly want me to take back the ring and propose again?"


Chen Xinyu blushed slightly, lowered her head shyly and explained, "I also want a romantic proposal."

"It seems that you are not the one who is disappointed." Hearing what Chen Xinyu said, Lin Mo immediately teased her, no wonder he wanted to take back the ring and propose again.

"I don't care, the promise this time is too hasty, so I don't count." Chen Xinyu didn't hide anymore after seeing through her little thoughts.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't ask for the ring if I take it back?" Lin Mo looked at her with a helpless smile and asked.

"you dare!"

Chen Xinyu became anxious immediately, and raised her little fist to Lin Mo with her cute pouted lips, which was really cute.

"Go to bed and go for a checkup tomorrow."

Lin Mo smiled, and Chen Xinyu didn't care about the topic of marriage proposal, but it was obvious that she was a little disappointed.


Nodding, Chen Xinyu stopped talking and fell asleep lying in Lin Mo's arms. His calm face was imprinted with icy colors, which made people feel very distressed.

Flicking the lost bangs on her forehead with her hand, Lin Mo also closed her eyes and gradually fell into a dream.


The next day.

As soon as Lin Mo opened his eyes, he found a figure standing in front of him. It was Mother Lin who had gone back last night. She came to the ward early in the morning to visit Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo.

"Mom, why are you here so early?"

Lin Mo sat up slightly and asked Lin Mu in front of him. Chen Xinyu, who was in his arms at the moment, also woke up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Auntie, you are here."

After seeing Mother Lin, Chen Xinyu quickly greeted her.

"I'll come and see you and make breakfast." Mother Lin said to Chen Xinyu, her eyes seemed to have noticed the ring on her hand, and her smile became more intense.

"Thank you auntie!"

"What's the point of being polite with auntie?"

Mother Lin said, and put the prepared hot porridge and mixed vegetables in front of Chen Xinyu's eyes, "You're hungry, eat it while it's hot."

"What about mine?"

Seeing that he was completely ignored, Lin Mo looked at Mother Lin with some dissatisfaction and asked.

"Take it."

Mother Lin took out two steamed buns from the insulated lunch box and handed them to Lin Mo, and then put all her thoughts on taking care of Chen Xinyu again.

Her breakfast is hot porridge with mixed vegetables, and Lin Mo can only eat steamed buns. The gap is not ordinary. Those who don't know the treatment think that Lin Mo picked it up.

"I just asked the doctor, and he said that Xiao Yu's health is fine, and he can be discharged today." Lin Mu said at this time, Lin Mo.

"Okay, then I'll go through the discharge procedures later."

Lin Mo nodded, planning to help Chen Xinyu go through the discharge procedures later, and of course take her for a full-body examination before being discharged.

"Xiao Yu, go home with Auntie after you leave the hospital." Mother Lin said to Chen Xinyu at this moment.

Perhaps it was a little unexpected, Chen Xinyu just took a sip of porridge when she choked on Lin's mother's words, clutching her chest and coughing continuously.

"Auntie. Me."

Chen Xinyu didn't know how to answer Lin's mother at this time, and glanced at Lin Mo for help.

"Mom, Xiaoyu has just recovered, so don't let her walk around, it won't be too late to go next time."

After receiving Miss Yu's distress signal, Lin Mo spoke to Mother Lin.

"Well, that makes sense."

Mother Lin nodded after listening. Just as Chen Xinyu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she continued, "Xiao Yu will go home for a few days and come back with you after her body recovers completely."


Without thinking, Lin Mo shook his head and rejected Mother Lin's proposal.

"Are you asking for a fight?"

Seeing that Lin Mo dared not give her face, Mother Lin immediately got angry and wanted to beat him.

"Anyway, Xiao Yu must go back with me."

Lin Mo curled his lips, and didn't take Lin's mother's threat seriously, and hugged Chen Xinyu tightly to declare his sovereignty.

"Xiao Yu must go back with me!"

Mother Lin was also not used to Lin Mo, and said something in a strong tone, as if she refused to even give him a chance to object.


"Just because I'm your mother, is that enough reason?"

Mother Lin said to Lin Mo with a proud face.

"So what, unless Xiao Yu says she is willing, I will take her back." Lin Mo snorted softly, not paying attention to Lin Mu's words.

"Then let Xiao Yu choose for herself."

Lin's mother didn't say anything, and let Chen Xinyu decide for herself.

Seeing the scene of Lin Mo and Lin's mother fighting each other, Chen Xinyu was in a dilemma and didn't know how to make a decision.

Although she didn't want to go back with Mother Lin, she was too embarrassed to refuse.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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