Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 118 Chapter 117 Home!

Chapter 118 117 Go home!


Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a troubled face. If she refused Lin's mother like this, it would definitely reduce her favorability.

"Xiao Yu, don't be afraid, whether you like it or not, Auntie will not blame you." Mother Lin said to Chen Xinyu immediately.

"I'll go back with my aunt."

Thinking that she would be the daughter-in-law of the Lin family in the future, Chen Xinyu no longer struggled. In order to maintain her goodwill in Lin's mother's heart, she still made a decision and agreed to go back with Lin's mother.

Seeing that Chen Xinyu had made his own decision, Lin Mo stopped arguing with Lin's mother and began to eat the two steamed buns just now.

"Auntie cleaned up the room for you last night."

Mother Lin happily said to Chen Xinyu with a faint smile. After speaking, she glanced at Lin Mo who was eating steamed buns, and said in a neutral tone, "You brat, don't go back, there is no room for you anymore."

"Where is my room?"

Hearing what Lin Mu said, Lin Mo obviously knew that Lin Mu deliberately took revenge on him.

"Give it to Xiaoyu."

Mother Lin said to him without any sense of disobedience.

She did it on purpose. Who told Lin Mo to snatch Chen Xinyu from him just now?

"It's okay, I'll just live with Xiao Yu."

Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and said to Mother Lin disapprovingly, but he quickly met the other party's eyes.

"You have a pretty good idea."

"It's okay to go back and live, but you can only sleep in the living room." Mother Lin said to Lin Mo immediately, and at the same time showed a slightly satisfied smile.

"Aren't there still a few vacant rooms at home, can't we just tidy them up?" Lin Mo curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and sure enough, he forgot the old love when he had a new love.

Before seeing Chen Xinyu, Mother Lin still had one Xiaomo long and one Xiaomo short; after seeing Chen Xinyu, it was a big change, and she directly called him a brat.

Transfer all the concern for him to Chen Xinyu, so the love will disappear, right?

"Are you cleaning up yourself?"

Mother Lin rolled her eyes at Lin Mo and asked.

"Forget it, the living room is the living room."

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth twitched a few times, and he finally chose to sleep in the living room. After all, tidying up the room was too troublesome for him, so he might as well sleep directly on the sofa in the living room with a blanket in his arms.

"After eating, go and handle the discharge procedures for Xiaoyu."

Mother Lin then shook her head helplessly and told Lin Mo.



At ten o'clock at noon, Chen Xinyu, who had completed the discharge procedures, followed Lin's mother out of the hospital after a complete physical examination.

Lin Mo walked at the end with the test report. After reading the above content, he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

Sure enough, as the female doctor had predicted, Chen Xinyu was indeed pregnant, and judging from the current test report, the previous incident did not have any impact on the child.

"Let's drive."

Back in the car, Lin Mo put away the test report, became the driver of Lin Mu and Chen Xinyu, and drove towards Lishui Bieyuan.

Along the way, Lin's mother was chatting with Chen Xinyu about the family affairs, while Lin Mo was ignored and couldn't intervene at all.

After about half an hour, he drove back to his former home. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar furniture, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Welcome home."

As the unyielding master, Mother Lin said enthusiastically, this was to Chen Xinyu, and Lin Mo was left alone.

"Auntie, where is Uncle?" Chen Xinyu asked Mother Lin at this time.

"He went to the group."

"Come on, Auntie will show you the room."

Mother Lin replied with a smile, then took Chen Xinyu's little hand, and was about to show her to familiarize herself with the house.

Seeing Mother Lin abducting his woman like this, Lin Mo had no choice but to dare not speak out, he came to the balcony on the second floor, looking at the distant scenery, everything was still so familiar.

Not long after, Mother Lin took Chen Xinyu to the balcony on the second floor, looked at Lin Mo in front of her and said, "Xiao Yu is hungry, go to the kitchen to make lunch."

"Where's Aunt Wu?"

Lin Mo then asked with some doubts.

The Aunt Wu he was talking about was the nanny of the family. In the past, she was responsible for the hygiene and daily life of the family.

"I asked her to go back and rest for a few days."

Mother Lin quickly answered Lin Mo's question, and at the same time urged him with a slight frown, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go downstairs and make lunch for Xiao Yu."

Seeing this, Chen Xinyu stuck out her tongue at Lin Mo playfully, as if gloating.


Lin Mo answered angrily, and then, under the supervision of Lin's mother, went to the kitchen on the first floor to start making lunch.

Otherwise, how can I say that Mother Lin is the real big shot? It's just a sentence, and Lin Mo doesn't even have a chance to resist.

With his excellent cooking skills, he quickly prepared a large table of meals, which were complete in color, fragrance and taste.

"Hurry up and eat."

Seeing Mother Lin and Chen Xinyu sitting in the living room, Lin Mo immediately called out to them.

The next second, Chen Xinyu and Mother Lin came to the restaurant. Looking at the delicious food on the table, Mother Lin asked Lin Mo in surprise, "Boy, when did your cooking become so good?"

"My cooking skills have always been so good." Lin Mo replied to Lin's mother shyly.

The reason why his culinary skills are so good is entirely due to the accumulation of previous lives. As a promising young man in the new century, how can he do without good cooking skills.

The three of them just sat at the dining table and had lunch. Halfway through, Mother Lin also asked Lin Mo a few innocuous questions, and spent the rest of the time chatting with Chen Xinyu.

Although Lin's mother had a lot of intersections with Chen Xinyu before, she still said that she had heard a little about some things about the Chen Group.

Knowing that Chen Xinyu's life experience is pitiful, her father disappeared, her mother passed away early, and even the only grandfather who loved her the most left her not long ago.

"Xiao Yu, Auntie will be your relative from now on." Mother Lin said to Chen Xinyu with distressed eyes.


After chatting for so long, Chen Xinyu gradually developed a lot of feelings for Mother Lin. After hearing her words, she nodded very moved.

Except for Lin Mo, she once again felt the feeling of caring.

"Stinky boy, I warn you, if you dare to bully Xiao Yu, see how I deal with you." At this time, Mother Lin turned her finger to Lin Mo, who was aside, and said to him viciously.


Lin Mo pursed his lips, and just had a meal honestly, but he didn't expect that Lin's mother would follow all of this.

"Auntie, Lin Mo has always been very kind to me, so you don't have to worry about him bullying me." Chen Xinyu, who saw this scene, explained to Lin's mother with some dumbfounding.

Except for some times, Lin Mo generally treats her very well, and can even be described as meticulous.

"Silly boy."

Mother Lin smiled, she really liked Chen Xinyu's performance more and more.

After lunch, Mother Lin and Chen Xinyu went to rest on the sofa in the living room. Lin Mo naturally became a dishwasher again, and went to the kitchen alone to wash the dishes.

"Mr. Lin."

Suddenly a figure appeared behind him and hugged him, slowly pressing his head on his back.

"Where is my mother, is she willing to let you go?" Lin Mo smiled, and then joked to her.

"Auntie went upstairs to get something." Chen Xinyu replied.

"Tell you some good news, do you want to listen?"

Lin Mo wiped the water stains on his hands, turned around and asked Chen Xinyu in his arms.

"What good news?"

Chen Xinyu nodded and looked at Lin Mo curiously.

"The test report says that you are indeed pregnant."

Lin Mo immediately told Chen Xinyu the contents of the report. The two had already prepared for the news of pregnancy.

But when Chen Xinyu learned that she was really pregnant, her expression froze for a moment.

"Am I really pregnant?"

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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