Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 119 119 is reversed... the son-in-law... got the wrong script!

Chapter 119 119 The son-in-law took the wrong script!
After seeing Chen Xinyu's appearance, Lin Mo smiled to himself. The child may be the biggest surprise for her.

"Don't worry, the child is fine,"

Immediately, he uttered the question that Chen Xinyu had been worried about.

Before, Chen Xinyu was always worried that something unexpected would happen to the child in her belly because of the fire, but now she can rest assured.

Before leaving the hospital, Lin Mo asked the doctor specifically, and his answer was that there was no problem with the child's health.


Hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu's expression finally relaxed a lot, and the big rock that had been hanging in his heart finally fell down.

"Well, you're going to be a mother soon." Lin Mo nodded and teased her with a smile.

Now that Ye Yan has been dealt with by him, Chen Xinyu doesn't have to worry about any accidents. Judging from the current reaction, the Ye family probably doesn't know the news of Ye Yan's death.

Even if he knew Ye Yan was dead, he might not be able to find out that Lin Mo killed him, so relatively speaking, in the near future, he didn't have to worry about the Ye family's revenge on him.

"Now that the test report is out, do you still have to hide the pregnancy from your aunt?"

Chen Xinyu thought for a while, and asked Lin Mo in a low voice, it is not easy to hide the pregnancy from Mother Lin.

As someone who has experienced it, it won't be long before she discovers the clues by herself, and it doesn't make any sense to continue to hide it from her.

"No, you can tell her."

Lin Mo nodded, no longer intending to continue to hide it.

Before I got the test report, I kept it from Mother Lin because I was afraid that something might happen to the child. Now that the child is normal, we can naturally confess to her.

"Then go and tell auntie." Chen Xinyu immediately ordered Lin Mo.

Although the relationship between the two of them is getting closer, it is obviously difficult for Chen Xinyu to tell Lin's mother the news of her pregnancy in person. Shyness is part of the reason, and the main reason is that she still can't speak.

"I don't even have a chance to talk to her now, so you should tell her." Lin Mo complained to Chen Xinyu.

From the hospital to home, Lin Mo can be said to be in a state of being ignored the whole time, and the only few conversations with Lin's mother were still being used as tools.

"No, you go and talk."

Chen Xinyu quickly shook her head and rejected Lin Mo, this was the first time seeing her react so strongly.

"Okay, I'll tell."

Lin Mo nodded, and no longer forced Chen Xinyu, and planned to tell Lin's mother the news of her pregnancy.

He could even imagine Lin Mo's shock when he knew that Chen Xinyu was pregnant.

"Let's go back to the living room."

With that said, Lin Mo pushed Chen Xinyu out of the kitchen and came to rest on the sofa just now.

Looking at the relatively unfamiliar environment around her, even though she was accompanied by Lin Mo, she was still a little nervous, but it was not so obvious that Lin's mother was there just now.

Soon, Mother Lin came down from the second floor, and after glancing at the two people sitting on the sofa, her face was full of smiles.

"Xiao Yu, Auntie gave you a gift."

Walking into the living room, Mother Lin said something to Chen Xinyu, and then showed the jade bracelet in her hand.


Chen Xinyu looked at Mother Lin in surprise, apparently not expecting that Mother Lin went upstairs to get her a gift.

"Auntie, this gift is too expensive, I can't take it." Looking at the jade bracelet with a faint luster in Mother Lin's hand, Chen Xinyu quickly shook her head and refused.

Lin Mo watched from the sidelines, and didn't interfere too much in this matter. To put it bluntly, even if he interfered, it would be useless. Mother Lin would never listen to his opinion.

"Silly boy, this is a wish from Auntie, you must accept it."

When she came in front of Chen Xinyu, Mother Lin said something to her in a strong tone, giving no chance of rejection at all.


Just as Chen Xinyu opened her mouth to say something, Mother Lin grabbed her left hand and put on the jade bracelet.

Looking at the bracelet on Chen Xinyu's wrist, Mother Lin clicked her tongue and exclaimed, "It's really suitable, Xiaoyu, don't take it off."


Unable to match Lin's mother's kindness, Chen Xinyu nodded helplessly, and at the same time glanced at Lin Mo, "Auntie, he has something to tell you."


"What's going on."

Mother Lin was taken aback when she heard Chen Xinyu's words, and asked Lin Mo suspiciously with half-closed eyes.


Lin Mo hesitated for a moment. He didn't expect Chen Xinyu to tell Mother Lin the news of her pregnancy so quickly, "Xiao Yu is pregnant."


Mother Lin was completely stunned, fearing that she had heard it wrong, she reconfirmed to Lin Mo.

"Xiaoyu is pregnant."

"Xiao Yu, is what he said true?"

Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu with wide-eyed eyes and asked, not because she suspected that Lin Mo had lied to her, but because the news was unbelievable.

"Really, auntie, I am indeed pregnant."

Chen Xinyu nodded. Judging from Mother Lin's reaction, pregnancy was quite a surprise for her.

"Stinky boy, when did Xiaoyu get pregnant?" Mother Lin asked excitedly after receiving Chen Xinyu's reply.

She was still puzzled yesterday why the two of them had been together for so long and there was no movement. She did not expect to get the news that Chen Xinyu was pregnant today.

"Two months ago."

Lin Mo didn't hide anything, so he told Mother Lin the date of Chen Xinyu's pregnancy.

Looking back carefully, he and Chen Xinyu did have many encounters two months ago, and they were all in the group and the milk tea shop. Maybe it was one of them that won the lottery.

"Why did you tell me today after two months of pregnancy?"

Hearing Lin Mo's answer, Lin's mother, who was still in high spirits, suddenly became gloomy, and questioned him full of displeasure.

"Xiao Yu and I only found out today." Lin Mo pouted, and handed the test report in his pocket to Mother Lin.

"Who told you that you usually don't know how to take Xiaoyu to the hospital for examination, and you have no sense of responsibility at all."

Mother Lin took the report and glanced at it, then taunted Lin Mo mercilessly, and then looked at Chen Xinyu with gentle eyes, "Xiao Yu, what do you want to eat, just tell auntie that you need to nourish your body when you are pregnant Just do it."

The completely opposite attitude made Lin Mo dissatisfied for a long time, "I am also your own, can you?"


Before Lin Mo finished speaking, Mother Lin shook her head unceremoniously at him, and then snorted softly, "Actually, you are not my own. When I went shopping with your dad and passed the mobile phone store, After recharging once, you were the one who recharged the phone bill at that time.”

Lin Mo: .
There was a moment of silence, as if a flock of crows flew overhead.


Chen Xinyu was amused by Lin's mother's words, and covered her mouth and kept laughing at Lin Mo.

"It seems that this family can't accommodate me."

Lin Mo immediately followed Mother Lin's performance, lowered his head and sighed helplessly, "Then I'll go."

After finishing speaking, he resolutely got up and left, walking towards the gate.

When he was about to walk out of the door, Mother Lin didn't stop him in any way, and even shouted to him, "Go to the mall to buy some supplements for Xiaoyu, don't come back too early before dinner."

"You are treating me as a proper tool." Lin Mo turned his head and gave Lin Mu a dissatisfied look.

Isn't it just for the phone bill? It's just a Lin family, so don't wait!

Reversed, reversed, a little son-in-law would dare. Sorry, I took the wrong script.

"Whatever it costs, I'll buy it if I tell you to."


Without the slightest right to speak, Lin Mo had to go to the mall to buy supplements for Chen Xinyu. He couldn't afford to offend anyone who let this one in his family.

Besides, what Mother Lin said was right, Chen Xinyu really needs to nourish her body when she is pregnant.

To be continued

ps: please subscribe!

Sorry, something happened today, the update is a bit late, don't mind.

There is another chapter, Lao Qiu worked hard at night, trying to release it before twelve o'clock.

Refill, please subscribe~
 Got the title wrong before, don't mind.

(End of this chapter)

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