Chapter 125 125 puzzles!

Faced with Lin's mother's questioning, Lin's father did not explain anything.

No matter at home or in the group, or from the past to now, he never let Lin Mu ginseng have any business affairs.

"I don't understand, do you have any objections?" Mother Lin looked at Father Lin expressionlessly.

"No comment."

Father Lin had no choice but to shake his head at her. Although he was a little speechless in his heart, he didn't show it.

In front of Lin's mother, most of the time, he is more like a hard-working husband than the uncompromising chairman of the group.


Seeing Lin's father confessing, Lin's mother snorted triumphantly, and then turned her eyes to the dining room again, peeking at Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu's movements.

When Lin's father and Lin's mother's attention was once again attracted by Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu from the restaurant, they all froze in embarrassment.

"You son of a bitch, you don't know the occasion." Father Lin complained to Mother Lin as he spoke.

"What are you looking for? Go back to the study and practice your calligraphy." Mother Lin scolded in a low voice, and then blocked his sight with her hands.

Father Lin didn't say anything, and turned back to his study.

After Lin's father left, Lin's mother coughed twice inappropriately, as if on purpose.

This made Chen Xinyu in the restaurant suddenly wake up, and immediately pushed away Lin Mo who was doing whatever he wanted.


At this moment, Chen Xinyu's fluffy body was terribly numb, and her cheeks were red all the way to the roots of her ears.

And Lin Mo looked dissatisfied at Mother Lin who was peeping at him, "Are you still watching?"

The most taboo thing about this kind of thing is to be disturbed by others.

"Come out, I have something to tell you." Mother Lin waved to Lin Mo.

"what's up?"

He immediately walked out of the restaurant and came to Mother Lin to ask a question.

"Little bastard, do you know what is enough to stop!" Mother Lin looked at Lin Mo in front of her, and immediately grabbed his ear angrily and reprimanded him.

She has no objection to Lin Mo making out with Chen Xinyu, but you have to pay attention to the occasion, you think this is a movie, Lin's mother and Lin's father are blind and can't see it.

Even if Lin Mo doesn't care, what about Chen Xinyu, a girl can.
Thinking of this, Mother Lin became even more angry, and said to Lin Mo viciously, "From today onwards, you are not allowed to touch her for seven months until the baby is born."

"Are you serious?"

After listening to Mother Lin's words, Lin Mo frowned, and said something with an ugly expression.

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" Mother Lin rolled her eyes at him angrily, and then said, "Xiaoyu is pregnant now, so be careful."

"Xiaoyu is only two months pregnant, so it's too early to be careful." Lin Mo protested to Lin's mother dissatisfied.

Of course, I have to deny that what Mother Lin said just now has some truth, but Chen Xinyu's pregnancy is still short, so if you want to pay attention, you have to wait until at least six or seven months to pay attention.

"This matter is not negotiable."

"Before the child was born, Xiao Yu lived at home."

But Lin's mother ignored Lin Mo's protest and directly finalized the matter, and at the same time announced something that made Lin Mo more desperate.

"I disagree."

After hearing that Chen Xinyu would live here for at least seven months, Lin Mo immediately objected to Mother Lin.

Just like the protest just now, his objection was directly ignored by Lin's mother, and at the same time she said with a serious face, "For the sake of the child's health, I must be responsible to you and Xiaoyu."

"You're just looking for trouble." Lin Mo pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice.

"Do you have an opinion?"

Mother Lin snorted softly, and it was still the same dialogue with Father Lin, even if she was looking for trouble for nothing, so what.

"Even if I agree, Xiaoyu may not agree." Lin Mo said to Lin's mother immediately.

"I'll just talk to her later." Lin's mother replied indifferently.

"Okay, as long as you can convince Xiaoyu, I don't care."

Lin Mo nodded, as long as Mother Lin could persuade Chen Xinyu to agree to stay, he would have nothing to object to.

"no problem."

Mother Lin nodded confidently, looked at Chen Xinyu in the restaurant, and signaled to Lin Mo, "Go and call Xiao Yu out, and I will tell her personally."


Back at the restaurant, Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu, "My mother plans to let you live until the child is born."


Chen Xinyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lin Mo with doubts in his eyes: "Auntie really wants me to live here all the time?"


"That's what she just told me."

Lin Mo nodded. At this moment, he could clearly see the solemn expression on Chen Xinyu's face. It was obvious that she, like Lin Mo, did not want to live here forever.

"Then what should I do?" Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with some confusion and asked.

"Just say you don't agree."

Lin Mo reminded Chen Xinyu with a faint smile that as long as she disagreed, no matter what Mother Lin said, it would be useless.

"but I."

Chen Xinyu bit her lips in embarrassment. If she disagreed, Mother Lin would undoubtedly be disappointed, but if she agreed, she would not be able to adapt and fell into a dilemma.

"Don't be afraid."

"You can say whatever you want later." Lin Mo smiled helplessly upon seeing this.


Chen Xinyu nodded after listening, and then walked out of the restaurant with Lin Mo.

When she came to the living room, Mother Lin had already thought about her speech, and when she was about to say something to Chen Xinyu, she noticed Lin Mo beside her.

"You, go to the study."

Lin's mother took the lead in attacking Lin Mo and asked him to go to the study like Lin's father. If he was with Chen Xinyu by his side, it would undoubtedly hinder her.

"No, I don't want to see that bad old man." Lin Mo refused without thinking. This was not his excuse, but he really didn't want to see Father Lin's bad old man.

"Then go to the kitchen and clean things up."

Lin's mother did not force Lin Mo to go to the study. After changing his mind, he asked him to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

"Remember what I just said."

This time Lin Mo didn't refuse again. Before going to the kitchen, he whispered a reminder in Chen Xinyu's ear.

After he left, Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu with a smile on her face, "Xiao Yu, what do you think of Auntie treating you?"

"Auntie is very good to me."

Chen Xinyu nodded nervously, and glanced vaguely at the kitchen.

Mother Lin: "Xiao Mo should have told you just now."

Chen Xinyu: "Yes."

Mother Lin: "Auntie respects your ideas and doesn't force you."

Chen Xinyu: "Auntie, I."

Mother Lin: "Don't worry about Auntie getting angry, just say what you want."

Faced with Lin's mother's understanding, Chen Xinyu became even more entangled, wanting to refuse but didn't know how to say it.

Of course, these are all within Mother Lin's expectations. Her so-called empathy is just a deliberate act.

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to stay here forever, but that the group has many things that I need to go back to deal with." Chen Xinyu couldn't find any reason to reject Lin's mother, so she had to use the group as a shield.

"No matter how busy the group's affairs are, you can't wear yourself out. You are pregnant with a child now, so let Xiaomo handle the group's affairs." Mother Lin said to Chen Xinyu after she had already thought of a countermeasure.

Hearing Mother Lin's words, Chen Xinyu didn't know how to speak again, she seemed to have no reason to refuse anymore.

"Auntie, I have always been in charge of the group. Lin Mo has no experience." For the sake of her and Lin Mo's freedom, Chen Xinyu bit the bullet and said to Lin's mother.

To be continued

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