Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 126 126 Who is better!

Chapter 126 126 Who is better!


"He used to deal with that stuff a lot, no problem at all."

Mother Lin smiled and said something to Chen Xinyu.

"That. Auntie, I want to think about it again." Chen Xinyu said after seeing that she was not Lin's mother's opponent, taking a deep breath.

"Alright, Auntie won't force you."

Mother Lin nodded, and did not force Chen Xinyu to agree at this time, but gave her time to think about it.

"Thank you auntie."

Only then did Chen Xinyu breathe a sigh of relief, her expression was no longer as solemn as before.

Mother Lin: "Talk to Auntie after you think about it."

Chen Xinyu: "Yeah."

After finishing this conversation, Mother Lin went to the second floor to pack her things, while Chen Xinyu came to the kitchen to watch Lin Mo who was busy.

"Well, did you agree?"

Looking at Chen Xinyu behind him, Lin Mo asked her curiously.

"No, Auntie asked me to think about it again."

Chen Xinyu shook his head, and then said to Lin Mo with a pitiful expression, "I'm afraid I won't be able to help but promise what my aunt will do."

"What did she tell you?"

Seeing Chen Xinyu's tangled face, Lin Mo was even more curious about what Mother Lin had told her just now.

"Auntie didn't say anything, just let me think about it." Chen Xinyu sighed with a bitter face.

Lin's mother's move is called "advance by retreat", leaving all the initiative to Chen Xinyu to make his own decisions.

Obviously, as long as she simply said those three words, she could reject Lin's mother, but when these three words came to her lips, she couldn't say anything.

"Then don't think too much, and think about it when she asks you." Lin Mo immediately reminded Chen Xinyu, obviously Lin's mother caught Chen Xinyu's mentality to be so casual.


She nodded, wondering if she had listened to Lin Mo's words.


late at night.

Lin Mo lay on the sofa in the living room and watched TV boredly.

Chen Xinyu temporarily lived in his former bedroom, sleeping with Lin's mother, which made it impossible for Lin Mo to sneak in to find her in the middle of the night.

"It's the middle of the night and you still don't sleep."

At this time, Mother Lin came out of the bedroom in her pajamas, with a mask on her face, and while preaching to Lin Mo dissatisfied, she went to the water dispenser and poured a glass of warm water.

"Aren't you sleeping too?"

Lin Mo replied to Mother Lin without interest.

If she hadn't stopped him from looking for Chen Xinyu, he wouldn't still be lying on the sofa watching TV in the middle of the night.

"I'm chatting with Xiao Yu."

Mother Lin walked into the living room with a glass of water, glanced at the content on the TV, and said to him, "Guess what we talked about just now?"

"Don't guess."

Lin Mo curled his lips, he was not in the mood to play such silly tricks with Mother Lin.

"Xiao Yu told me just now that in order to chase her, you deliberately pretended to be a milk tea clerk." Mother Lin had a faint smile on her lips, and she sat beside Lin Mo as she spoke.

"She really said that?"

Lin Mo was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Mother Lin nodded, then looked at Lin Mo with some doubts and asked, "Did you take the initiative to cancel the engagement because you fell in love with Xiao Yu?"

"more or less."

I didn't want to explain too much on this issue, and Lin Mo didn't deny anything.

"Since you are already in love with Xiao Yu, why do you want to get engaged to Jiang Li?" Mother Lin frowned, apparently puzzled. You must know that Lin Mo himself proposed the engagement back then.

"Who do you think is better, Jiang Li or Xiao Yu?" Lin Mo didn't answer Mother Lin's question directly, but asked her rhetorically.

"Let's have a little rain."

Mother Lin thought about it carefully, and finally gave her own answer.

She didn't deliberately belittle Jiang Li because of the relationship between Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo. Chen Xinyu was much better than Jiang Li in terms of character alone.

"That's why I called off my engagement."

Lin Mo gave his own answer based on Mother Lin's answer.


Mother Lin sighed helplessly, and returned to the bedroom with the cup in hand.

After Lin's mother left, Lin Mo didn't have the heart to continue watching TV, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

By midnight.

Lin Mo, who was already asleep, felt someone hugging him, opened his eyes and looked at the figure in front of him, it was Chen Xinyu.

"My mother is asleep?"


"do you miss me?"


Seeing Chen Xinyu stuffing it into his arms, Lin Mo hugged her and sniffed the orchid fragrance on her body with his nose.

"Auntie said, you are not allowed to touch me."

Just as Lin Mo was preparing for the next move, Chen Xinyu reminded him with red ears.

"What did she say to me?"

Lin Mo curled his lips in disdain, and became unscrupulous as he spoke.

Chen Xinyu's ears became more and more red, and her breathing became short of breath, "Well, don't make trouble... Auntie is still in the bedroom."

Lin Mo stopped, just when Chen Xinyu thought he was going to give up, unexpectedly he picked her up and walked towards the bathroom.

Locked the door and turned on the shower.

The melodious singing voice, combined with the sound of the shower water, sang joyfully.

Early the next morning.

Chen Xinyu slipped back into the bedroom before Mother Lin woke up, while Lin Mo made breakfast in the kitchen refreshed.

"You son of a bitch, go to the group to report today." Father Lin came down from the second floor at this time, went into the kitchen and said to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo nodded, ignored Father Lin, and started cooking Chen Xinyu's favorite sweet and sour pork ribs.

Not long after, Mother Lin also walked out of the bedroom, and went to the bathroom to wash up. When she smelled a faint fishy smell, she frowned slightly.

"This stinky boy."

Mother Lin muttered with a very unhappy expression. She didn't give Lin Mo a good look until breakfast.

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

Seeing Mother Lin staring at him, Lin Mo asked with a dry cough.

"You know it yourself."

Mother Lin replied to him coldly.

Chen Xinyu was quietly eating at the side, and did not participate in the battle between the two.

"I do not know anything."

Lin Mo pretended to be stupid and replied to Lin's mother, then quickly finished breakfast, and went to the group with Lin's father.

"Xiao Yu, did you sneak to him last night while I was asleep?" After Lin Mo and Father Lin left, Mother Lin looked at Chen Xinyu and asked.

"Auntie, I'm innocent."

Seeing Mother Lin pointing the finger at her, Chen Xinyu immediately activated her passive skills, looked at Mother Lin with her big watery eyes, and pretended to be pitiful.

"You, you just dote on him too much."

Mother Lin shook her head helplessly, and did not continue to blame Chen Xinyu.


Hearing what Lin Mu said, she didn't know how to explain it. In fact, Lin Mu didn't say anything wrong.

"Be careful next time."


Chen Xinyu nodded, and secretly decided not to give Lin Mo another chance. Last night was the last time.
"Auntie will take you shopping today."

At this time, Mother Lin smiled and said to Chen Xinyu that the best way for women to enhance their relationship is to go shopping together.

Mother Lin obviously knew this truth, so she decided to take Chen Xinyu to go shopping.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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