Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 129 129 A new story begins!

Chapter 129 129 A new story begins!
As expected, the system task was completed after meeting Gu Feng, which is why he kindly sent Gu Jie home and went upstairs with her.

The Gu Feng in front of him can be regarded as an out-and-out scumbag in the novel, his grades are at the bottom of the class, and he often skips class to play games in Internet cafes.

The day I met the little fox happened to be that he skipped class from school to go to the Internet cafe all night, I don't know if it will be today.

"Chairman, here you are."

Seeing Lin Mo standing at the door, Gu Jie took out a pair of never-used slippers from the shoe cabinet with some embarrassment.

Soon the two put on their slippers and came to the living room.

"Sister, your water."

Gu Feng walked up to Gu Jie, and gave her the plastic cup filled with water.

"Go back to your room."

Gu Jie gave Gu Feng a dissatisfied look.


Gu Feng nodded with the corners of his mouth curled up, looked at Lin Mo on the sofa again, then turned around and returned to his room.

After only Gu Jie and Lin Mo were left in the living room, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and handed the plastic cup in her hand to Lin Mo, "Chairman, drink water."

"Thank you."

Lin Mo took the plastic cup and thanked Gu Jie, but he didn't drink the pure water in the cup, and the two of them had nothing to talk about, and the atmosphere seemed very awkward.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

After a while, Lin Mo put the cup on the coffee table, got up and was about to leave.

"Well, I'll see you off."

Gu Jie nodded, her expression was a little disappointed from the beginning to the end.

"Need not."

Lin Mo refused, came to the door and changed into his previous shoes, and left without looking back.

After Lin Mo left, Gu Jie sullenly yelled at Gu Feng's room, "Your surname is Gu, get out!"

"Sister, what's the matter?"

About two or three seconds later, Gu Feng came out of the bedroom pretending to be innocent, looked at Gu Jie in the living room and asked.

"Who made you skip class from school."

Gu Jie questioned him in a cold tone.

"That school is on holiday today, me."

"Come on, may I not know that your school is on holiday?"

Gu Jie directly exposed Gu Feng's lies, and looked at him very dissatisfied, "Now that you are in the third year of high school, you still don't know how to study hard, and if you fail to enter the university, let's see what your parents will do to you!"

"Anyway, they didn't like me when they were young. It's enough to have you as a top student in the family." Gu Feng shrugged.

He didn't take Gu Jie's words to heart, instead he joked with interest, "Old sister, your boss is very handsome, when will he kidnap you and be my brother-in-law?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gu Jie's face flushed instantly, she pretended to be angry and wanted to teach Gu Feng a lesson.

"Don't pretend, I can see it."

At this time, Gu Feng slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said to Gu Jie.

"What do you see?"

Gu Jie stared at Gu Feng with half-closed eyes, with a hint of threat in her tone.

"You must be interested in him, otherwise you wouldn't bring him home."

Gu Feng didn't realize his situation at all, and he still said without hesitation, "Is it because I am at home that I disturbed your good business?"

"Yes, you said how should I reward you, old lady?"

Gu Jie didn't refute this time either, she approached Gu Feng slowly, and when the distance between the two was only a few steps away, she immediately showed her true face and raised her hand to beat Gu Feng.

"Brat, skip class every day, see if I don't teach you a lesson today!"

"and many more."

Just when Gu Jie was about to strike, Gu Feng called to stop.

"what happened?"

She looked at Gu Feng with a slight frown and asked.

"That... I have no living expenses."

Gu Feng explained to Gu Jie with a smile.

"Didn't I just give you the living expenses the day before yesterday?" Gu Jie's expression immediately became displeased after hearing this.

"used up."

Gu Feng said awkwardly.

"Oh, that's none of my business."

Gu Jie pouted coldly.

"Old sister, help me one last time, or your brother will starve to death."

At this time, Gu Feng said to Gu Jie coquettishly.

"You deserve it, who told you to skip class and go to the Internet cafe every day." Gu Jie held back her anger, and finally vented to Gu Feng after hearing this.

"I promise I'll never go there again."

Seeing this, Gu Feng immediately promised that he would never go to the Internet cafe again, but even so, Gu Jie did not give him any good looks.

"Ghosts believe you, how many times have you said this before." Gu Jie said dismissively.

Gu Feng: "This time it's true, I promise."

Gu Jie: "Hehe!"

After finishing speaking, she took out two red tickets from her bag, "This is the last time, and there will be no more in the future."

"No problem, I love you to death, old lady!"

Gu Feng nodded, and after taking the two red tickets, he pretended to kiss Gu Jie.

"Go away, little brat."

Gu Jie pushed him away with a look of disgust, then went back to the bedroom and changed into her OL uniform.

Wearing loose casual pajamas, she had just walked out of the bedroom when she realized that Gu Feng was no longer in the living room. Only then did she realize that she was deceived again.

"Gu Feng, just wait for me!"

After knowing that Gu Feng took the money she just gave and ran to the Internet cafe again, he was very angry.


in the community.

Seeing Gu Feng sneaking out of the corridor, Lin Mo followed him. According to the development of the novel, it was almost time for the little fox to show up.

The two first went to an Internet cafe. When Gu Feng went to the Internet cafe at one o'clock in the morning, the Internet cafe suddenly lost power, and at the same time there was thunder and lightning outside.

"Fuck, my equipment."

Gu Feng, who was refreshing the copy, saw the sudden power outage in the Internet cafe, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Network administrator, why is the power outage?"

Not only him, many students who played games all night began to complain to the network administrator.

At this moment, the Internet cafe, which has lost its lighting system, is pitch black. The network manager at the bar lit a candle and explained, "Sorry, the switch was burned out today, and someone has been called to come over to fix it."

"When will it be fixed?"

Gu Feng frowned slightly and asked the network administrator.

Network administrator: "Tomorrow at the latest."

"Depend on!"

Hearing the network administrator's answer, everyone couldn't help cursing.

"I'm sorry everyone, come play again tomorrow." The network administrator said apologetically.

"What a disappointment."

He didn't continue to embarrass the network administrator, Gu Feng packed his things and walked out of the Internet cafe. There was a cool breeze on the street, and lightning flashed in the sky from time to time, like a harbinger of heavy rain.

"Hurry up and go home, I don't know if my sister has left the door for me." Gu Feng thought to himself, what he didn't notice was that there was a figure following him all the time.

That figure was naturally Lin Mo. Seeing the abnormal weather, he knew that the plot should start.

Follow Gu Feng, and you will meet the hunted little fox.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the plot!

Task content: save the little fox!
Completion reward: Qiqiao Linglong Heart!

Suddenly, the system's mission prompt sounded in his mind again.

Sure enough, the drama has begun.

To be continued

ps: please subscribe!
Alas, it's so miserable, I beg all the big readers to give Lao Qiu a subscription.

I heard that on rainy days, subscribing and tipping are more suitable, maybe you can get cheating photos of women's clothing.

(End of this chapter)

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