Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 130 130 The hunted little fox!

Chapter 130 130 The hunted little fox!

The sky was dark and dark.

Dark clouds hung over the sky, and the rumbling thunder was loud and noisy.

"Naughty beast, today is the day of your death!"

Two men in embroidered costumes, with slender hair, carried a long sword on their backs.

It looks like a Taoist priest in appearance, the leader is Xu Fei, and the one behind is Wang Qingchen. Both of them are disciples of Shushan, the hermit sect.

Standing in front of them was a woman of outstanding figure, exuding a suffocating charm all over her body, the kind that could make people kneel under her pomegranate skirt with every gesture.

"Smelly Taoist priest, I really hate it."

The woman's face was ugly, and she hated Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen in front of her to the extreme, if she hadn't gone through the tribulation today and broke through the alchemy from the foundation building.

How could he be hunted down by two mere Shushan disciples in the middle stage of foundation establishment?

The cultivation of monsters is different from that of human beings. Every time they break through a big realm, they will suffer a catastrophe. This time is a period of weakness, and they need to find a safe place to survive the catastrophe.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Xu Fei was the first to attack. He drew out the long sword behind his back and flew towards the woman. Wherever the sword touched, there was a golden light.

He wants to deal with the woman in front of him as soon as possible before the catastrophe falls.

"court death!"

The woman snorted coldly, raised her sleeves and wrapped around Xu Fei like a swimming dragon.

"Senior brother be careful!"

Wang Qingchen who was behind him immediately reminded Xu Fei, then drew out his own sword, and rushed towards the woman while chanting a mantra.

Although it is a woman's weak period now, it should not be underestimated. If there is no coercion of Heavenly Tribulation, even if the two join forces, they may not be her opponent.

The reason why they were able to suppress the woman temporarily was because of the continuous bursts of thunder above the sky, which was a harbinger of catastrophe and could deter all monsters in the world.

There was a burst of thunder, and the woman showed a panicked look, and said viciously to Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen: "Damn it, when I survive the catastrophe, I will definitely crush you two stinky Taoist priests!"

"There are few ways of heaven, punish evil!"

Xu Fei shouted loudly, and the long sword in his hand instantly chopped into pieces and wrapped around his sleeve, and then cut through the air with his control, and stabbed at the woman in the distance.

"Excuse the evil!"

It was another curse, and Wang Qingchen's sword pierced towards the woman like a bamboo.

Due to being suppressed by the Heavenly Tribulation, the woman's strength is not as good as before, and she can't face the offensive of the two at all. She can only repel the long sword that stabs her, and then turn around and run away.

The two of them caught the saber flying towards them, and chased after the woman with their demonic aura.


"This damn weather, why is there only thunder but no rain?"

Gu Feng kept complaining, and suddenly found that there seemed to be a figure flashing past before he could see it clearly, which made him stunned.

"In the middle of the night, I won't meet"

Gu Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked around in a panic, while Lin Mo behind him saw the figure clearly.

Not long after, two more white lights flashed past, as if trying to catch up to the thing just now.

"Brother, the evil spirit suddenly disappeared."

Wang Qingchen frowned at this moment and said to Xu Fei.

"There is popularity around, and the evildoer may have used some spell to hide her aura, so we can't smell her evil aura." Xu Fei glanced at Gu Feng in the air, and then explained to Wang Qingchen.

"Then what should we do? If we let her survive the catastrophe, we will definitely be retaliated." Wang Qingchen looked at Xu Fei with some seriousness.

The two entered weakly when the woman was crossing the catastrophe, and they had already been hated by the other party.

"No hurry, God will help us find her." Xu Fei showed a disdainful smile, and looked up at the sky.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky.

It struck at Gu Feng with lightning speed, but it seemed to have its own thoughts. After realizing that Gu Feng was not the target, it hit the tree on the other side.

"I rely on!"

Gu Feng was stunned, and looked up at the sky in surprise, "Grandma's, she was almost hit, can't she be so unlucky?"

A few more bolts of lightning struck him, but without exception, they all hit nearby trees or the ground without hurting him at all. I don't know whether to praise him as good luck or bad luck.

"The evildoer is attached to him."

Xu Fei immediately fixed his eyes on Gu Feng, and then jumped down from the sword, appearing in front of the opponent in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you?"

Gu Feng was stunned, and looked at Xu Fei in front of him in a bewildered manner, not knowing why the other party suddenly appeared in front of him, so he asked without a clue.

Now he regrets going out to surf the Internet, forget about being struck by lightning in the middle of the night, he won't encounter any unclean things.

"Little brother, did you see a woman passing by here just now?" Xu Fei asked Gu Feng with a little smile at this time.


"I didn't see it. I've always been alone here. I didn't see any women passing by."

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Gu Feng pretended to be calm and shook his head. Looking at the other person's attire, he didn't look like a normal person no matter what.

"Then did you see anything strange?" Xu Fei asked again.

"No no."

Gu Feng still shook his head, but the scene just now flashed in his mind, and something flashed past him.

"Who the hell are you?"

"A man who saved your life."

Xu Fei replied lightly.

"The person who saved my life?"

"You're crazy!"

After hearing this, Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei in displeasure, thinking that he had met a lunatic who came out of nowhere in the middle of the night.

He is very good, why do you want Xu Fei to save his life?
"Do you know why lightning struck you just now?" Xu Fei was not angry, and said to Gu Feng calmly.


Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei suspiciously, and he also wondered what kind of luck it was just now to let Lightning chase him and chop alone, even though they all chopped crookedly in the end.

He wasn't stupid, he could tell that the momentum of those lightning bolts were obviously aimed at him, but in the end they didn't strike him for some unknown reason.

"You were haunted by a monster, and now that monster is crossing the catastrophe, you were chosen by her to become a substitute." Xu Fei immediately explained to Gu Feng.

"What are you talking about?"

Gu Feng was stunned, he didn't understand the meaning of Xu Fei's words at all, what kind of monster and crossing robbery, what does this mean, are you sure this is not a movie?
"Simply put, if you want to live"

"Tell me, how much do you want?"

Hearing this, Gu Feng has basically determined that Xu Fei in front of him is either a trickster or a psychopath.

"I don't want money, I want you." Xu Fei replied blankly.

"Fuck, you're sick!"

The corner of Gu Feng's mouth twitched a few times, and he cursed at Xu Fei a few times, then turned around and wanted to leave.

But just a few steps away, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm struck the ground in front of him, emitting thick black smoke.

He froze again, swallowing with a dull expression.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated"

To be continued

ps: please subscribe, my friends

(End of this chapter)

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