Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 131 131 Array eyes!

Chapter 131 131 Array eyes!

"It can't be so evil, can it?"

Gu Feng froze in place. Originally, he just regarded Xu Fei as crazy, but at this moment he seemed to start to trust him.

Well, why did Lei attack him? Could it be that, as Xu Fei said, he was possessed by some monster and became the opponent's substitute.

Gu Feng was terrified when he thought that he might be smashed into pieces by lightning later.

"That. Master"

He turned around and looked back at Xu Fei, not daring to show any disrespect on his expression.

"Little brother, do you believe it now?" Xu Fei asked with a slight smile.

"I believe it."

Gu Feng nodded quickly, and then asked Xu Fei curiously: "Master, what kind of monster is attached to me?"

"A fox demon who has practiced for nearly a thousand years."

Xu Fei then slowly opened his mouth and uttered a few words to Gu Feng, the woman just now was a little fox who had practiced for nearly a thousand years.

Monsters are different from humans, and it is extremely difficult to embark on the path of cultivation.

If they don't absorb the essence of human beings, or don't have the help of heaven and earth treasures, it is difficult to make a difference by practicing alone.

Even a fox demon like Little Fox who has practiced for nearly a thousand years has just broken through foundation establishment and entered the alchemy stage without absorbing any human essence.

But Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen in front of them have only reached the middle stage of foundation establishment after only a few decades of practice, and they can form alchemy in a maximum of a hundred years. This is the gap.

Logically speaking, a monster like the little fox who absorbs the aura of heaven and earth on its own body instead of harming humans should not be considered a bad monster.

But for Shushan disciples like Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen who have just come down to practice, it doesn't matter so much. In their eyes, as long as they are monsters, there is nothing good.

"Master, don't scare me."

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Gu Feng couldn't help swallowing again.

"Whether I'm scaring you or not, you'll know later." Xu Fei said lightly.

The dark clouds in the sky were thick, and the thunder was getting louder and louder. Against the background of this weird weather, Gu Feng didn't believe that Xu Fei couldn't do it.

"No, what should I do?" Gu Feng immediately asked Xu Fei how to save himself.

"It's very simple, you just need to cooperate with me." Xu Fei said to Gu Feng after he had already thought of a countermeasure.

"How to cooperate?"

Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei suspiciously and asked.

"This is a suppressing magic weapon, you hold it in your hand." Xu Fei took out a bottle of vajra from nowhere and handed it to Gu Feng.

"What's the use of this?"

"Suppress the fox demon in your body so that she cannot escape from your body." Xu Fei explained.


Gu Feng was dumbfounded after hearing Xu Fei's explanation, looked at the vajra in his hand and said, "If the fox demon is not allowed to escape, then what should I do, won't I just let her stay attached to me?"

"After my junior brother and I set up the formation, you will be safe and sound." Xu Fei said.

"Brother, do you want to?"

At this time, Wang Qingchen also put away his sword and appeared, looking at Xu Fei with a serious face.

"That's right, now that fox demon is attached to this person, it can only be done with that formation." Xu Fei nodded.

"But with our two cultivation bases, it's not enough to activate the eyes of the formation, and we are prone to backlash. If the fox demon uses this to survive the catastrophe, the consequences will be disastrous."

Wang Qingchen said with some concern.

"At the moment, there is no other way but to fight for luck with that fox demon." After Xu Fei finished speaking, he looked at Gu Feng, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Little brother, please do me another favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei with a slight frown. He thought that the other party was unreliable just now, but now he wants to help himself.

"My junior brother and I are still relatively young, and we need you to be the eye of this formation." Xu Fei replied.

After Wang Qingchen heard his words, he was also taken aback, and looked up and down at Gu Feng a few times.

"Don't do it."

Gu Feng rejected Xu Fei without even thinking about it.

Xu Fei also expected that Gu Feng would reject him, but he was not disappointed. Instead, he exchanged glances with Wang Qingchen, and the corners of their mouths were raised, revealing strange smiles.


Wang Qingchen grabbed Gu Feng's wrist with lightning speed.

"Hey, what do you want?"

Gu Feng tried his best to resist and wanted to withdraw his hand, but his strength was no match for Wang Qingchen.

The cold light passed by.

A small scratch appeared on his wrist, and Wang Qingchen let him go at this time.

"Brother, you can start to set up the formation."

"Go ahead."

Xu Fei nodded, pulled out the saber on his back, and formed a formation together with Wang Qingchen. The two of them surrounded Gu Feng with sword dancing and chanting incantations, billowing black smoke above the sky.

Xu Fei recited the Xuan Jue and said:
"Taiji produces two forms, and two forms transform into four images!"

"Four images are divided into eight trigrams, and eight trigrams control the universe!"

After saying that, the sharpness of the surroundings showed, and an invisible sword array began to surround Gu Feng.

When the formation formed, Gu Feng was unable to move, and the sword marks on his wrist healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Little brother, you are now the eye of the formation, as long as you stick to the shock position."

"That fox demon is doomed."

Xu Fei said to Gu Feng at this time, just as he was speaking, a figure flew out of Gu Feng's body, it was the woman just now.

"Stinky Taoist priests, why bother to kill them all?"

The woman looked at Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen coldly. At this moment, she was trapped in the formation of the two and had nowhere to escape. The only chance was to kill Gu Feng and destroy the eye of the formation.

"There's no balance between good and evil, you'd better be obedient and let him go." Xu Fei replied flatly.

"Although I am a monster, I have never harmed a single person in my practice. You are the righteous way, but you sneak in while I am going through the calamity. Don't you think it is ridiculous?"

The woman sarcastically said something to Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, and then she turned her attention to Gu Feng.

"It's none of my business, they forced me." Seeing the woman looking at him, Gu Feng hurriedly wanted to get rid of the relationship, but the woman didn't pay him any attention at all.

"Slick tongue."

"Who knows if you have ever hurt someone."

Xu Fei snorted coldly, and rushed towards the woman with his sword in hand, "The way of heaven is limited, punish evil!"

In the formation, Xu Fei has the blessing of the sword formation, women are not his opponents at all, they are restricted everywhere, and the thunder calamity in the sky is getting more and more oppressive, she is afraid that she will fall into Xu Fei's hands.

"You forced me."

Facing Xu Fei's approaching every step of the way, the woman became angry and turned her attention to Gu Feng. Only by getting rid of Gu Feng could she escape from the sword formation.

Originally, she wanted to use Gu Feng's body to escape for herself, but she didn't expect that the god damn God would not help her, and would not give her the slightest chance to breathe.

That being the case, there is no need for her to continue sticking to the rules and look at Gu Feng fiercely.

This was the first time she had harmed someone, but she was also forced to do so. If she wanted to survive, she had to kill Gu Feng.

"Don't blame me, blame these two stinky Taoist priests!" The woman flew towards Gu Feng, just as she was about to get rid of him and escaped from the formation.

Wang Qingchen moved, he stood in front of Gu Feng, and did not give the woman a chance to get close at all.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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