Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 136 Young Master 136, do you really want to leave?

Chapter 136 Young Master 136, do you really want to leave?

"Little Fox."

"Do you still want real yuan?"

Lin Mo said to Bai Xue threateningly.

"My lord, are you reluctant to give others real energy?" Bai Xue got up from the chair, came to Lin Mo at a speed invisible to the naked eye, raised her hand and pushed him against the wall.

Then he pressed Lin Mo's wrist with one foot and pinned him in the corner without any chance to resist.

Qiqiao Linglongxin only works on charm.

As long as she doesn't use the charm technique on Lin Mo, with Lin Mo's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment. Now he is in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he is not her opponent at all.


Just as Lin Mo was about to say something, he was directly blocked by Bai Xue, and the corner of his mouth squirmed a few times, and a steady stream of real energy in his body flowed into the opponent's mouth.

Since Lin Mo can quickly fill up the true energy in his body by using Qi training techniques, Bai Xue doesn't have to worry about him being sucked dry by herself.

"Little fox, you are so beautiful!"

Lin Mo blinked, and the two had the same mind. No matter what he was thinking at the moment, Bai Xue could sense it.


Bai Xue raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly, and then touched her heartstrings more deeply.


There are twelve hours in a day.

Lin Mo spent at least six hours feeding Bai Xue.

I have to say that Bai Xue in front of me is an out-and-out vixen. This is not insulting her, but a compliment.

Now Lin Mo finally understands a sentence, what is "The hibiscus tent warms up the spring night, and the king will not go to court early from now on."

If you are fascinated by the white snow in front of you, if you don't have strong willpower, it is impossible to escape from her.

It's approaching evening.

The setting sun shines on the sea.

"Little fox, stay at home." Lin Mo said to Bai Xue after pushing her away.

"Young master, are you leaving?"

Bai Xue curled her lips, glanced at Lin Mo with dissatisfaction, and then deliberately showed her attractive shoulders.

It's not that she really doesn't want to part with Lin Mo, but that she doesn't want to part with the constant flow of real energy.

"Well, I have something else to do."

Lin Mo nodded, holding back the restlessness in his heart, not letting himself be confused by Bai Xue again.

Chen Xinyu was pregnant, and he was messing around with a vixen at home, and the other was a real vixen.

Made, is he still human!

"My lord left because he was still thinking about that woman, right?" Bai Xue smiled disdainfully, and when the two of them connected with each other, she felt Chen Xinyu's existence.

Foxes are generally jealous.

They don't like the man they fancy, who think about other women besides themselves, so they will use any means to make the man only think about themselves.

The same is obviously true for Bai Xue in front of her. Lin Mo has already taken a fancy to her. Apart from herself, she doesn't want other women around Lin Mo to appear. This is the jealousy of a vixen.

"You just understand."

Lin Mo nodded, and planned to leave the bedroom after speaking.

"My lord, if you leave, believe it or not, I'll kill that woman." Just when Lin Mo was about to leave, Bai Xue spoke.

She got dressed and walked out of the bedroom, looking at Lin Mo with a threatening tone.

"Are you serious?"

Hearing her words, Lin Mo's expression suddenly darkened.

"Of course, the son can only belong to the slave family." Seeing Lin Mo's reaction, Bai Xue became even more jealous, and continued to provoke him.

"Little fox, you are going too far."

"I don't care, the young master can only accompany me tonight."

Bai Xue sneered, and blocked Lin Mo's way. Although the vixen is attractive, she is much more jealous than ordinary people.

"I've been with you all day, haven't you smoked enough?"

"Young master's true energy, the servants will never feel enough, let alone"

Bai Xue smiled slightly, then put on a pitiful and lovely look, and touched Lin Mo's side face with her hand, "Young master is so attractive, how could I be willing to let you accompany other vixens."

"Are you still qualified to call others a vixen?"

Lin Mo laughed angrily.

It was the first time he had seen Bai Xue call someone a vixen, but he was the real vixen himself.

"Young Master, you can leave if you want, but you must agree to one condition." Bai Xue did not argue with Lin Mo on this topic.

"What conditions?"

Lin Mo looked at her suspiciously and asked.

"It's just to bring the servants with me." Bai Xue said lightly.


He refused without even thinking about it. If Bai Xue was brought back to see Chen Xinyu, let alone how Chen Xinyu would react, Mother Lin alone would not be able to spare him.

"The young master is so cruel, he has already taken the servant's family away."

"Stop, we don't have that much."

"Young Master, if you want, you can just accompany the slave family tonight."

Bai Xue attached her whole body to Lin Mo, and said in a charming tone, no one can resist a stunner like her.

"I'm afraid of being sucked dry by you."

Lin Mo shook his head and refused. If he hadn't had Qi training skills, he would have been sucked to the bone by Bai Xue for this first-class bug.

Even with Qi training skills, he couldn't resist Bai Xue's unscrupulous demands.

"The big deal is that I don't need real energy." Bai Xue pursed her lips, trying her best to look harmless to humans and animals, but her charm was already natural.

No matter how you hide it, it won't help.

"Do you believe this yourself?"

Lin Mo looked at Bai Xue angrily.

From the beginning to the end, she had taken a fancy to her own inexhaustible true energy, and the two of them just asked for what they needed.


"I don't care, I don't care, who made the young master so attractive." Bai Xue slammed Lin Mo against the wall again, and slowly licked it.

No one can bear it, neither can the saint, but Lin Mo can. He pushed Bai Xue away, and then quickly escaped from the villa.

"If you dare to touch her, I guarantee you will have a hard time!" After leaving a cruel sentence, Lin Mo disappeared from sight, while Bai Xue raised the corner of her mouth and smiled faintly.

"It's really interesting."

A purple light appeared in her eyes, and Chen Xinyu's figure appeared in her eyes, "Are you the young master's sweetheart?"


Lin Mo, who escaped from the villa, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't pay much attention to Bai Xue's words.

After all, she is not like that in the novel.
Um. To be precise, it's not that vixen.

Otherwise, I have practiced so far, and I have never harmed a person, let alone practiced by absorbing the essence of others.

Of course, today is an exception.

Ever since Bai Xue discovered that Lin Mo's true essence could regenerate quickly, she no longer had any scruples, anyway, she didn't suck white or suck it.

Why did you threaten Lin Mo just now, because only when a vixen really likes someone, will he be jealous.

When she sucked the real essence, she didn't use any charm technique, even though the charm technique had no effect on Lin Mo.

This is what a vixen is like, only when he really likes someone, will he use his own charm to attract the other person without using the charm technique.

To be continued

ps: Please subscribe, Lao Qiu hasn't eaten yet, and wants to eat claypot rice.

I heard that on rainy days, you can let Lao Qiu eat claypot rice by tipping and subscribing~

(End of this chapter)

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