Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 137 137 The Legendary Protagonist Template!

Chapter 137 137 The Legendary Protagonist Template!

Leave the beach house.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry to go home, but went to the Lin Group first.

In the group, Gu Jie is sorting out the files.

"Chairman, you are here."

When she saw Lin Mo, she quickly said hello.

"It should be off-duty time now, why haven't you gone back?" Lin Mo was slightly taken aback, looking at her curiously.

Not many people stayed to work overtime, let alone she was just a secretary.

"This is the document that was processed today, please take a look."

As Gu Jie spoke, she handed over the documents she had just sorted out to Lin Mo. Suddenly, she smelled a woman's fragrance from Lin Mo, and her expression changed.

"Not bad, you passed the test."

After casually glancing at the documents, Lin Mo nodded, recognizing her ability.

"Chairman, Madam came to see you at noon today." Gu Jie said to Lin Mo at this moment.


"Is she alone?"

Lin Mo immediately frowned and looked at Gu Jie and asked, "Mother Lin's coming to the group is not a good sign. What's more, he has been with Bai Xue all day. If this is discovered, it will be troublesome."

"There is a woman beside her, which is your girlfriend." Gu Jie said without hiding anything from Lin Mo.

"Well, I see."

After listening to Gu Jie's answer, Lin Mo nodded, and then asked her, "After coming to the group, did you say anything?"

"After Madam found out that you were not in the group, she left with your girlfriend without saying anything." Gu Jie shook her head.

At the same time, he looked at Lin Mo with a tangled look, as if he wanted to say something, but he was afraid to speak directly.

"Just say what you want."

"Chairman, the smell on you"

Gu Jie pointed at Lin Mo, but she didn't speak too carefully.

But after a few touches from her, Lin Mo also smelled a scent that only Bai Xue had on his body.

Fortunately, he didn't go home directly. If Mother Lin and Chen Xinyu smelled the smell, they wouldn't be able to wash it off even if they jumped into the Yellow River.

No, it should not be that he would not be able to clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River, but that even if he jumped in, he would not be able to cleanse himself. That is a fact.

"Do I smell anything?"

Lin Mo then looked at Gu Jie with half-closed eyes, with a hint of threat in his tone.

With Gu Jie's intelligence, she naturally understood what he meant, she quickly shook her head and said, "No, you don't smell at all."

"Well, go back."

Seeing that Gu Jie is so sensible.

Lin Mo raised the corners of his mouth and smiled triumphantly, then waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave.

"Goodbye, Chairman."

Gu Jie also showed a refreshing smile, and after saying goodbye to Lin Mo, she left the Lin Group.

This time without Lin Mo to see her off, she took the bus for an hour before returning home, looking at the dark living room.

She couldn't help frowning.

"This brat, it's fine if he didn't come home all night, but he refuses to come back after playing until now. He's really getting more and more lawless."

After saying that, Gu Jie took out her mobile phone and called Gu Feng.

"Sorry, the person you dialed has switched off, please try again later"


After a while, Gu Jie's cell phone only rang for a while, but the other party didn't answer the call, "Why is the brat's phone turned off?"

Gu Jie felt uneasy for a while, she put on her shoes again after she just took off her shoes, ready to go out to find Gu Feng.


In a cave somewhere.

Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen sat cross-legged, unconscious due to injuries, and of course Gu Feng was lying in front of them.

"Brother, his meridians are disordered, and there is no cure for it." Wang Qingchen looked at Xu Fei solemnly and said.

Gu Feng is just an ordinary person.

It's okay to be forcibly used as the eye of the formation, but the formation is still broken.

After suffering such a severe backlash, it is already very good to be alive. It may be because of the existence of the protagonist's aura that he is still hanging on his breath.

"Forget it, he fell to such a state, it's because of you and me, there is only one way to save him." Xu Fei sighed slowly.

Wang Qingchen: "What way?"

Xu Fei: "Using our cultivation base to reshape the meridians, let him build a foundation and embark on the journey of cultivating immortals. Only this way can he survive."

Wang Qingchen: "This"

Wang Qingchen: "Before going down the mountain, the master ordered us not to."

Xu Fei: "I know, there is no other way at the moment."

The journey of cultivating immortality is a change of fate against the sky. Unless there is a great opportunity, you will not even be able to touch this threshold.

There is a clear regulation in Shushan that disciples who have gone down the mountain to practice are not allowed to teach mortals the law of cultivating immortals privately, and those who violate the order will be severely punished.

"Okay, let's make an exception for him."

Wang Qingchen also gritted his teeth, and decided to join forces with Xu Fei to help Gu Feng build a foundation, and embarked on the journey of cultivating immortals.

Is this the legendary protagonist template?

Survive a catastrophe, there must be blessings in the future. Others can't touch the threshold in their whole life, but they reach it easily.

I saw both Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen running the formulas, urging the true energy in their bodies to continuously enter Gu Feng's body, repairing his disordered meridians, and cutting the marrow for him at the same time.

In a short while, Gu Feng's face turned from pale to rosy, bursting with vitality.

On the other hand, Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen had serious faces. The two who built the foundation for Gu Feng were only in the middle stage of foundation building. If it weren't for the unique secret method of Shushan, it would be impossible to complete it.

This caused great harm to oneself. After building the foundation for Gu Feng, both Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen spit out a mouthful of blood, which hurt the source.

If there is no chance against the sky in the future, or the help of heaven, material and earth treasures, this life can only stay in the foundation building stage, and there is no hope of forming alchemy in this life.

"Where is this?"

Gu Feng slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, he immediately stood up and looked at them defensively.

"you're awake."

Xu Fei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Gu Feng with a weak smile.

"Where is this place?"

Gu Feng hurriedly asked him, quickly recalling what happened last night in his mind, just like a dream, Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen in front of him were not ordinary people.

"You don't need to worry about where this is, you have to remember everything I say next." Xu Fei immediately stopped smiling and looked at Gu Feng with a serious face.

"What do you want to say?"

Gu Feng only felt that Xu Fei in front of him was a little inexplicable.

"From now on, you are the seventh-generation disciple of Shushan No.60, my disciple of Xu Fei."

"Our sect is the largest sect in the world of cultivating immortals. We must keep our mission in mind and take it as our responsibility to eliminate demons and defend the way."

"The number one commandment of our sect: Do not abuse mana and attack mortals"

Next, Xu Fei clutched his chest.

He told Gu Feng a lot of Shushan's program and principles, among which the duty of eliminating demons and defending the way is the most important.

If they hadn't forced Gu Feng to be the eye of the formation, they wouldn't have fallen into such a situation. The two of them had violated this precept, and they would have such doom.

To be continued

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The author has not eaten claypot rice for three days, and I really want to eat steaming claypot rice once.

(End of this chapter)

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