Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 138 138 Bestow Sword!

Chapter 138 138 Bestow Sword!

"Wait, you said you wanted to take me in as a disciple?"

Gu Feng looked at Xu Fei hesitantly, and all the other things he said were forgotten.

"The law of Shushan should not be taught to outsiders."

Xu Fei nodded, and looked at Gu Feng with blazing eyes: "I think you are talented and have a great opportunity, so I accept you as an apprentice."

"What big chance can I have?"

Gu Feng curled his lips after listening to his words.

"It's a chance that ordinary people can't meet in this lifetime for you to meet me and senior brother." Wang Qingchen said to Gu Feng at this moment.

"Why does it sound so unreliable?"

"What's your name?"

"Gu Feng."

"Originally, Shushan was strict in accepting disciples, but today I made an exception for you."

Xu Fei then spoke to Gu Feng.

"and many more."

"I haven't agreed to recognize you as a master yet." Gu Fengwei pouted his lips and looked at Xu Fei with some dissatisfaction.

"Boy, my senior brother is willing to accept you as an apprentice, but you still don't agree?"

Wang Qingchen was amused by Gu Feng's words.

No matter how many people want to worship in Shushan, there is no way. Now that Xu Fei took the initiative to take Gu Feng as his apprentice, Gu Feng is not happy.

"Who knows if you two have real skills, what if it's just a show?" Gu Feng said to Wang Qingchen.

He still remembers the scene from last night. Although he was very handsome at the beginning, he was still defeated in the end. If he didn't see clearly, he didn't know what was hit, and he flew straight out.

"Boy, after all, you still don't believe in my senior brother and I's abilities, right?" Wang Qingchen snorted softly as he spoke, as if he had seen through Gu Feng's thoughts.

"You said it yourself, I didn't say that"

Gu Feng waved his hand, and glanced at Xu Fei intentionally or unintentionally, whether the thoughts in his heart were as Wang Qingchen said, it was self-evident.

"Boy, today I will let you see what flying with a sword is." Seeing that he was underestimated by Gu Feng, Wang Qingchen was very unhappy, and grabbed his hand and flew out of the cave.

Read the formula.

The saber was immediately suspended in mid-air.

Wang Qingchen stood firmly on the blade of the sword, while Gu Feng swayed and hugged the opponent's arm. Only then did he see clearly that they were halfway up the mountain at a height of [-] meters.

"Boy, hug me."

"If you fall later, I won't have the time to save you." Wang Qingchen was secretly proud when he saw Gu Feng's timid look.

"No, I believe it."

"Put me down quickly."

How could Gu Feng have seen such a battle before? He hugged Wang Qingchen's arm tightly, fearing that he would fall from the sword if he was not careful.

"That won't work, stand still!"

The corners of Wang Qingchen's mouth rose slightly, and the sword finger urged the true essence, and the two of them began to travel the sky and fly into the sky on the sword.

After a moment.

Go back to the cave.

Wang Qingchen always looked calm, but Gu Feng behind him was pale and trembling constantly, as if he had been frightened by something.

"Boy, do you still doubt my senior brother and I's ability?" Wang Qingchen swiped his sword finger, put away his saber, and asked Gu Feng beside him.

"No, no, no."

Gu Feng quickly shook his head, not daring to look down on Wang Qingchen and Xu Fei any more, instead he asked excitedly, "Maybe I can learn the spell just now by worshiping you as teachers."

"It is to worship my senior brother as a teacher."

Wang Qingchen gave Gu Feng a blank look, then tapped his head with his hand to remind him.


Gu Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Fei in embarrassment, and knelt on the ground very righteously, "Master, please accept my apprentice's respect."

"Get up."

Xu Fei smiled, waved his hand and used all his strength to make Gu Feng stand up.

After feeling his legs being pulled up by an invisible force, Gu Feng admired Xu Fei even more.

"As a master, I don't have any good meeting gifts for you, so I will give you this saber."

Xu Fei said with a thought, and the sword bag next to him flew directly into Gu Feng's arms, which made Wang Qingchen on the side dumbfounded.

"Brother, this is the saber that you begged for a long time from the master. Would it be too much to just give it to this kid?"

"It's okay."

Before Wang Qingchen finished speaking, Xu Fei interrupted him, and then said to Gu Feng: "This sword is called Broken Wound, and it has its own consciousness. Be kind to it."

"Thank you master for giving me the sword!"

Gu Feng nodded, and saluted Xu Fei with the saber in his hand.


The broken wound in his hand also let out a sword sound, as if he was reluctant to part with Xu Fei.

"From today on, he is your master."

Xu Fei couldn't bear to say a word.

This saber has been with him for so long, and he also has feelings, but what he says is like water poured out, there is no reason to take it back.


The broken wound in Gu Feng's hand uttered a sword sound again, and suddenly flew out of the sword bag, circled around Xu Fei a few times, and then returned to the sword bag.

This is a farewell, and it will be Gu Feng's sword from now on.

"Senior brother, you are so embarrassing."

Wang Qingchen wanted to say something at first, but after seeing Xu Fei's gaze, he could only sigh, looked at Gu Feng and said, "Boy, treat him well."

"I will."

Gu Feng nodded seriously, feeling the sword intent from the broken wound.

"This is the method of sword art and practice."

Seeing that the wound had completely recognized Gu Feng as the master, Xu Fei took out two ancient books from his bosom, on which were written "Shushan Sword Jue" and "Tuna Shu" in small seal script.

"That master, I can't understand the words on it." After Gu Feng took the ancient book, he said to Xu Fei with a little embarrassment.

"Tsk tsk."

"I don't even know Xiaozhuan."

Wang Qingchen rolled his eyes contemptuously. In a sense, he is also Gu Feng's uncle now.

"It's all simplified characters now, who wants to learn Xiaozhuan?" Gu Feng curled his lips.

Wang Qingchen turned his sword finger quickly, and then pointed at Gu Feng's temple, and soon the knowledge about Xiaozhuan was introduced into his mind.

After teaching Gu Feng all the basic knowledge, Wang Qingchen looked at Xu Fei and said, "Brother, it's time for us to return to the sect."


Xu Fei nodded, got up and prepared to leave the cave with Wang Qingchen.

"And me?"

Gu Feng stared blankly at the two of them.

Xu Fei: "You can't go back to the sect with us just yet."

Gu Feng: "Then at least send me back."

He doesn't know anything now, he's just an ordinary person, how to get back from the halfway up the [-]-meter-high mountain is still a problem.

"Boy, my brother and I will build the foundation for you"

"You only need to practice the sword art for half an hour, and you can control the broken Yujian to fly." Wang Qingchen explained to Gu Feng.

"Junior brother, as an uncle, shouldn't you also give some greetings?" Xu Fei said to Wang Qingchen with a smile.

"I knew it."

Wang Qingchen snorted softly, took off the ring in his hand and threw it to Gu Feng, "This is my ring, you can figure out how to use it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he took Xu Fei away, leaving Gu Feng alone in the cave alone, looking at the backs of the two leaving gracefully.

"You should give me an instruction manual anyway."

Holding the ring that Wang Qingchen gave him, Gu Feng sized it up a few times in bewilderment. Except for its unique shape, it was completely no different from ordinary rings.

To be continued

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(End of this chapter)

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