Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 14 014 Hidden Mission!

Chapter 14 014 Hidden Mission!

Ding Dong!

Release the plot hidden mission!

Mission: Go to the Jiang Group and collect evidence of the ghost!
Completion reward: master the core information of Jiang's Group, and obtain 5% of the personal shares of Jiang's Group!
Just when Lin Mo was still feeling secretly, the system finally released the task again.

But this time is different, it is not an ordinary task, just like playing a game, it is a hidden task that can only be performed when a certain plot is triggered.

Of course, hidden missions naturally have the characteristics of hidden missions. In addition to the high difficulty, its rewards are also higher than ordinary missions.

In addition to the core information of the Jiang Group, Lin Mo was also given 5% of his personal shares.

This may not be a big deal to Lin Mo, but it is absolutely intolerable to Jiang Li.

Although the shares are only a pitiful 5%, they are priceless.

One must know that Jiang Group's valuation is close to [-] billion.

The cash value involved can be imagined.

As long as Lin Mo completes the task, he will own the shares of Jiang's and Chen's groups.

Perhaps these shares are nothing within the families of the respective groups.

But if it is in the hands of outsiders, the meaning will be different, and it may not be possible to buy it at a price several times higher than the market.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

It must be very interesting to think of Jiang Li's expression when she finds out that Lin Mo owns shares in the Jiang Group.

As for the information about the ghosts in the Jiang Group, Lin Mo knew it clearly, and it was someone Jiang Li would never suspect.

That was Jiang Li's aunt, the executive director of Jiang Group, Jiang Rong.

A woman who holds most of the core content of Jiang's Group and owns 5% of Jiang's Group's personal shares.

She is also the only Jiang family member who was successfully instigated by Chen Guoxiong many years ago.

As for why Jiang Rong was instigated by Chen Guoxiong and became the family's inner ghost, Lin Mo didn't know why it wasn't detailed in the novel.


a few days later.

19: 30.

In the evening, twilight fell.

In the bustling city center, there are countless towering commercial buildings.

Within the Jiang Group.

One by one, the employees began to pack their things and prepare to go home.

CEO's office.

Jiang Li sat on the office chair with a solemn expression, flipping through the previous company documents.

After Lin Mo's reminder, she also began to pay attention to the internal affairs of the group.

Previously, they focused on dealing with the Chen Group, but they forgot that moths might appear within the group.

After a few days of reviewing the previous documents, she found out that many important documents were missing, and the company's bills had also been tampered with.

If Jiang Li hadn't looked carefully, she might not have been able to discover these tiny details.

"How did he know that there was an inner ghost in the Jiang family?"

Jiang Li's expression was rather complicated. It wasn't for Lin Mo's reminder that she would not have noticed that there would be ghosts in the group.

And how did Lin Mo know that there was an inner ghost in Jiang's group?
Is it really just a coincidence, casually said?
"My president, everyone is off work, why are you still so dedicated!"

Just as Jiang Li was thinking, the door of the office was pushed open.

A middle-aged beautiful woman walked in from the outside, dressed elegantly and looking high-end, with a calm posture, there was a temperament very similar to Jiang Li in her bones, that is, self-confidence.

Jiang Rong, a woman in her 40s who is still charming.

Although the years have left many marks on her face, she has a good appearance when she is young, and even in middle age, she is still a big beauty.

Putting her and Jiang Li together, those who didn't know thought they were sisters. Who would have thought that Jiang Rong's real identity was actually Jiang Li's aunt.

"Auntie, why are you here?"

The moment Jiang Li looked up and saw Jiang Rong, her tense face stretched instantly, and she rarely showed a pleasant smile.

"Of course to see if my precious niece is not tired!"

As Jiang Rong spoke, she walked slowly behind Jiang Li, and thoughtfully helped Jiang Li squeeze her shoulders.

"Thank you auntie!"

Enjoying Jiang Rong's massage service, Jiang Li gradually relaxed while leaning on the office chair.

"You have been staying in the company for the past few days. Is there something wrong with the group?"

After two or three minutes, Jiang Rong asked Jiang Li again.

Jiang Li did not disclose the matter of the inner ghost to Jiang Rong, but said with a slight smile: "No problem, just deal with some unfinished documents in the past."

"Fool, the company's affairs are important, but we must not forget to rest!"

After Jiang Rong listened, she pretended to be angry and said to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li didn't pay too much attention to Jiang Rong's blame, but instead felt a warmth from her family.

"Understood, aunt, I'll go back and rest after finishing what I'm doing!"

"No, go back now, your grandpa still misses you!"

Seeing that Jiang Li still refused to leave the company, Jiang Rong knocked Jiang Li on the head angrily.

"But I haven't read the file yet."

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Rong helplessly and said.

If it were someone else, she would have been cold-faced, but who made Jiang Rong her aunt and her elder.

Besides her grandfather, her aunt is the person she cares about the most.

Since her parents died young, she only experienced the feeling of maternal love under the care of Jiang Rong.

"If you haven't finished watching it, watch it tomorrow. You are the president but not the president. There is no need to be so tense!"

Jiang Rong said something jokingly, and then scanned the documents on the desk.

"What are these documents?"

When Jiang Rong saw the documents on the desk, she showed a hesitant expression and looked at Jiang Li with some doubts.

"It's just some early bills, nothing."

Seeing this, Jiang Li hurriedly closed the folder in a panic, and then pretended to be relaxed and smiled and said to Jiang Rong:

"Auntie, haven't you thought about finding a partner for yourself?"

"Your aunt is 40 years old, she is a kind of middle-aged and young lady, who can still fall in love with your aunt!"

Jiang Rong laughed at herself after listening to Jiang Li's words.

But it was mostly teasing herself, because Jiang Rong's looks, even though she was forty, still had no worries about suitors.

What's more, she is also the executive director of the Jiang Group, with a net worth of more than [-] million.

Based on these two points alone, those who pursue Jiang Rong can go from Shanghai to Kyoto.

Then why Jiang Rong is so attractive and still single all the time, it can only be that Jiang Rong doesn't want to find her, not because no one pursues her.

"How about I introduce a few to my aunt?" Jiang Li said to Jiang Rong teasingly.

It was only when facing Jiang Rong that Jiang Li showed such ease, as if an iceberg had suddenly melted.

"Okay, who do you want to introduce to your aunt as your uncle?"

Jiang Rong smiled after hearing Jiang Li's words, and asked casually.

"Well, Uncle Ma of Dongsheng Group is quite good. The company's market value is 100 billion, his life style is decent, and he is still single, so he is very suitable for my aunt!"

Jiang Li also thought about it seriously, and then told Jiang Rong a suitable partner.

(End of this chapter)

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