Chapter 13 013 Reminder!

Jiang Li's arrival was really unexpected by Lin Mo, but it was reasonable.

The last time I wanted to teach myself a lesson with the help of a gangster, but Ye Yan blocked it for me.

Jiang Li, as the mastermind behind the scenes, should have known all of this, and the person who came today must have been unkind.

Who have you seen drinking at a milk tea shop?
Isn't this an obvious mess?
Use the glass that has just been wiped, fill one-third of Niulanshan Erguotou, take out a few ice cubes from the freezer and drop them into the glass.

A cup of Lin's Erguotou is freshly baked.

The appearance is quite advanced, with such a little sense of ceremony!

Lin Mo then came to Jiang Li's side with a glass.

"The wine you want!"

With that said, he put the glass on the table in front of Jiang Li.

Jiang Li glanced at the wine in the glass lightly, leaned her neck slightly and took a sip.


Before it entered his throat, Jiang Li spat out the Niulanshan Erguotou that he drank into his mouth.

"Are you a whiskey?"

Jiang Li frowned and looked at Lin Mo, with a chill in her tone.

"That's right, this is whiskey, Lin's special foreign wine, it tastes good!"

Lin Mo nodded, and felt proud after seeing Jiang Li deflated!
Domineering and powerful queen?
A sinister and vicious female devil?

In Lin Mo's hands, he was not the same.

Come to the milk tea shop to drink whiskey, I am really full!

"Hmph, give me another drink!"

Jiang Li snorted coldly after listening to Lin Mo's words.

"Sorry, I can't change it!"

Lin Mo didn't intend to get used to Jiang Li in front of him, so he just shrugged and admitted that he couldn't change it.

Anyway, now Lin Mo is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, so Jiang Li has nothing to do directly.

"What a broken place, there is nothing!"

Jiang Li raised the corner of her mouth contemptuously and mocked Lin Mo.

Lin Mo: "."

After hearing Jiang Li's words, Lin Mo's mouth twitched twice.

Come to the milk tea shop to drink, and Kui Jiangli can figure it out!

"Small place, you can leave at any time if you are not used to it!"

Lin Mo also curled his lips, gave Jiang Li a white look and said.

"No one has ever dared to talk to me like that!"

Jiang Li sneered, staring fixedly at Lin Mo, no one knew what was going on in her mind.

"Now you will see it!"

Lin Mo didn't take Jiang Li's words to heart either, and shrugged happily.

"I didn't expect you to become even more fearless after leaving the Lin family. It really impresses me!"

"Each each other!"

The reason for the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two is unknown.

The moment Jiang Li walked into the milk tea shop, it seemed that she was already doomed to be uneasy.

"What's your relationship with Chen Xinyu?"

Finally, Jiang Li no longer hid her secrets, and without any extra dialogue, she asked Lin Mo straight to the point.

"You came today to ask this."

Lin Mo smiled when he heard it, and he knew that Jiang Li could never come to the milk tea shop to find him just idle and bored, and he must have some purpose.

"What is the relationship between you and Mrs. Chen?"

Jiang Li didn't answer Lin Mo, and still repeated what she said just now, but replaced the protagonist Chen Xinyu with the Chen Group.

"Joke, why should I answer you?"

Lin Mo was very upset about Jiang Li's attitude, and went back to the bar to start doing his own thing, leaving her aside.

"Do you know that Jiang and Lin are now in a cooperative relationship!"

Jiang Li didn't intend to let Lin Mo go, she got up and stepped on high heels and came to Lin Mo to question:

"Do you know how much your contact with Chen Xinyu, the president of the Chen Group, has dealt to the cooperation between Jiang and Lin?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, I have quit the Lin Corporation now, and your cooperation has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Mo quietly looked up at Jiang Li in front of him and said.

The so-called cooperation is nothing more than joining forces to deal with the Chen family.

The reason why Jiang Li looked for Lin Mo must be because he was afraid that he would be instigated by the Chen family and that the Lin Group would change their minds.

Lin Mo's words were also telling Jiang Li in a disguised form that what he did was only on behalf of the individual, and had nothing to do with the cooperation between the two companies.

However, with Jiang Li's cautious and suspicious character, it is impossible to believe Lin Mo for a while.

"Whether you have a relationship with Lin or not, I don't want you to contact Chen Xinyu again!"

Sure enough, in the next second, Jiang Li directly spoke to Lin Mo in a commanding tone.

"Why, are you jealous?"

I don't know why, but when Lin Mo saw Jiang Li say this, he actually had the urge to tease her.

"Hmph, jealous?"

"It's up to you!"

Jiang Li didn't have the slightest mood swings, her eyes were still so cold, and so was her tone.

"I don't want to ruin the cooperative relationship between the Jiang Group and the Lin Group because of you alone!"

"Don't let me find out that your relationship with the Chen family is unclear, otherwise... you will be at your own risk!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Li ignored Lin Mo. After the warning, the purpose of intimidation had been achieved, so she stopped staying any longer, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Jiang Li, do you think that you are so powerful that you can make others obey you unconditionally with just a word?"

Lin Mo smiled softly at Jiang Li's threatening words, and looked at Jiang Li at the door with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Sure enough, when Jiang Li heard Lin Mo's words, she paused, but then ignored it, pushed open the transparent glass door and was about to leave.

"In the company, not everyone is 100% loyal to you. With your character, it's hard for others to follow you and work hard!"

Just when Jiang Li was about to leave, Lin Mo still reminded her.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Li frowned slightly, retracted her slender hand on the door handle, and turned back to Lin Mo.

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a sigh!"

"For a boss as powerful as you, how could someone really work hard for you!"

Lin Mo curled his lips. Knowing the plot, he didn't want to tell Jiang Li too much about Jiang's group's inner ghost.

However, relying on Jiang Li's wisdom, when Lin Mo said such words, she should also take precautions, but she didn't know if she would notice that person.

"Hmph, I don't need you, the abandoned young master of the Lin family, to worry about this!"

Jiang Li taunted Lin Mo coldly after hearing this, and then left the milk tea shop without looking back.

After Jiang Li left, Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth and gave a chuckle.

In the novel, the reason why Jiang Li lost to the Chen Group was entirely because of the inner ghost.

And this inner ghost is a trump card that Chen Guoxiong planted in the Jiang family early on.

It was precisely because of the existence of this hole card that Chen Xinyu finally turned the tables and defeated the invincible Jiang Li.

Ye Yan, who is the leading actor, also sent Jiang Li to the endless prison through a special hand, and accepted the punishment of being a villain.

(End of this chapter)

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