Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 12 012 Wronged Heroine!

Chapter 12 012 Wronged Heroine!
"Xiao Yu, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and thank Ye Yan!"

After Chen Guoxiong saw Ye Yan forgiving Chen Xinyu, the stone in his heart finally fell.

"Thank you!"

Although Chen Xinyu felt guilty towards Ye Yan, it was really hard for her to say thank you, and it took a long time to utter two words with difficulty.

Ye Yan rolled his eyes, got up from the grand teacher's chair, patted his sleeves and said to Chen Guoxiong:
"Old man, I won't get involved in your family's affairs!"

"Your granddaughter is high-spirited, don't want me as a bodyguard, I don't want to continue to have a hot face and a cold butt, I'd better go back to my capital to play!"

After hearing Ye Yan's words about returning to the capital, Chen Guoxiong also showed a helpless face, so he could only continue to comfort him in a low voice:
"Don't go back to the capital, stay and continue to be Xiaoyu's bodyguard, just treat me as a bad old man who owes you a favor!"

"Old man, it's not that the younger generation doesn't give you face, it's your granddaughter who insists on not wanting me as a bodyguard, so you can't blame me!"

After Ye Yan listened to Chen Guoxiong's words, he pursed his lips and said, but what he said was still related to Chen Xinyu.

"I promise you, things like today will never happen again in the future!"

Chen Guoxiong immediately understood Ye Yan's thoughts, and then he looked at Chen Xinyu and said:

"Xiao Yu, from today onwards, you will treat Ye Yan like your brother, do you hear me?"


Chen Xinyu just wanted to say something, but when she saw Chen Guoxiong's eyes froze, her extreme grievance turned into helplessness.

"I know grandpa."

Chen Xinyu nodded jerky.

The grandfather who loved her since she was a child, now blames her for an outsider, and suddenly feels sad.

"Also, don't touch that Lin Mo again!"

Chen Guoxiong nodded in satisfaction with Chen Xinyu's response, and then said something else.

"Why, Grandpa, Lin Mo didn't do anything, why don't you allow me to touch him?"

But when he mentioned not letting Chen Xinyu contact Lin Mo, Chen Xinyu, who had been silently enduring, finally raised his first question.

"There's no reason. With your current status, it's not suitable for you to have contact with him again!"

Seeing that Chen Xinyu lost his composure because of Lin Mo, Chen Guoxiong's face darkened, and he said something in a cold tone.

"But grandpa and I are friends with Lin Mo, he is so pitiful now...he was kicked out by the Lin family."

"Don't talk about it, in short, you are not allowed to have any more contact with him!"

Just when Chen Xinyu was about to speak to persuade Chen Guoxiong, she was interrupted just as she spoke.

This was also the first time she saw Chen Guoxiong being so serious to herself, she couldn't help being stunned.

She really didn't understand, Lin Mo didn't do anything wrong, why grandpa didn't let her get in touch, was it because of Ye Yan?

Thinking of this, she frowned slightly and looked at Ye Yan:

"Did you say something to grandpa, so grandpa told me to stay away from Lin Mo!"

"Don't slander good people, I didn't say anything!"

Seeing this, Ye Yan dodged his guilty eyes.

"Nonsense, be more polite to Ye Yan from now on, otherwise Grandpa will not treat you as a granddaughter!"

Chen Guoxiong was also angry, facing Chen Xinyu's questioning, his expression was gloomy.

"Grandpa, you actually killed me for him!"

Chen Xinyu was stunned, and stared blankly at Chen Guoxiong.

She never thought that her grandfather, who loved her so much, would kill her because of Ye Yan.

"Woooo X﹏X"

For a while, Chen Xinyu couldn't accept this fact.

The grievance and helplessness came to my heart immediately, and then I covered my sore nose and ran out of the room heartbroken.

"Old man, are you being too ruthless like this?"

As the instigator of this incident, Ye Yan also couldn't stand the tearful Chen Xinyu.

"I hope Xiao Yu can understand my good intentions!"

Chen Guoxiong seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

He was weaker than the white-haired one he looked, and when he saw Chen Xinyu running out of the room helplessly, he also sighed silently.

"Xiao Yeyan, Xiao Yu's future safety depends entirely on you!"

After saying this, Chen Guoxiong's body softened and he almost fell down. Fortunately, Ye Yan's eyes were sharp and his hands quickly caught him.

"Grandpa, your body?"

It was only at this time that Ye Yan realized that Chen Guoxiong's physical condition was not as optimistic as it seemed.

In other words, he is now on the verge of running out of oil and lamps, and he is all supported by one breath.

"It's okay, I can't die yet!"

As Chen Guoxiong said, he took out a small medicine bottle from his arms, and after swallowing two specially made pills, his complexion eased a lot.

"Grandpa, why bother? If your body is like this, you will be hospitalized for treatment, and you will be supported by long will you be able to carry it?"

Seeing this, Ye Yan also sighed regretfully.

The medicine Chen Guoxiong took was a special medicine for treating cancer.

"You're right. Although Jiang and Lin are rising stars, their momentum is enough to equalize the Chen family."

"If I am admitted to the hospital due to illness at this time, there will definitely be turmoil within the group."

"Xiaoyu is still young and lacks ability, how can I clean up this mess!"

Chen Guoxiong moved his lips, the dry wrinkles revealed the vicissitudes of the age.

He has lived for such a long time, Chen Xinyu is the one who is most worried, otherwise it will be so if he closes his eyes.

"So you specifically asked me to help her?"

At this moment, Ye Yan finally understood Chen Guoxiong's good intentions.

"Ye Yan, Xiao Yu will take care of you from now on!"


a few days later.

Forget about unhappy milk tea shops.

Familiar bar, familiar figure!
As the boss, Lin Mo wiped the glass in his hand over and over again when he was idle.

In the past few days, he asked someone to redecorate the milk tea shop, and he also kept an eye on Chen Xinyu's movements.

It's a pity that since Chen Xinyu went back that day, he has never been to the milk tea shop during this period of time.

Da da!

Just as Lin Mo was concentrating on wiping the glass, a beautiful figure walked into the milk tea shop, and her exquisite high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor, making a rattling sound.

"Give me a Whiskey!"

The woman ignored Lin Mo, sat directly on the newly bought sofa, and ordered Lin Mo with an unquestionable tone.

"Miss, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. I don't sell wine or Whiskey here!"

Lin Mo glanced at the woman and said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I don't care, a glass of Whiskey with a higher concentration, as soon as possible!"

"If not, I think you should know the consequences!"

Jiang Li still said something to Lin Mo unreasonably.

The reason why she came here today can't be as simple as reminiscing with Lin Mo.

"Excuse me."


Just as Lin Mo was about to speak, Jiang Li stared back at him coldly.

The natural domineering temperament, coupled with the glamorous eyes, made Lin Mo stunned.

"Although I don't sell alcohol here, it doesn't mean I don't have any!"

Lin Mo smiled to himself, and took out a bottle of Niulanshan Erguotou from the cabinet behind him.

Whiskey is gone, Jiang Li wants to drink at the milk tea shop, only Niulanshan can make do.

(End of this chapter)

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