Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 11 Chapter 011 Match!

Chapter 11 011 Conversation!

After Chen Xinyu turned around and left worriedly, Lin Mo closed the milk tea shop again.

Looking at the broken brackets everywhere in the store, he couldn't help curling his lips.

"Jiang Li, Jiang Li, you are such a good fiancee!"

Isn't it just to break off a marriage contract, and to find these people to teach him a lesson.

But fortunately, Ye Yan became his own shield, and he must have disappointed Jiang Li.


Chen family.

"Old man, whoever likes to do this job, anyway, I won't do it again!"

Ye Yan only thought of the scene where Chen Xinyu slapped herself for Lin Mo.

There was a burst of resentment in my heart.

"Don't worry, I will definitely let Xiaoyu give you an explanation for this matter!"

At this time, Chen Guoxiong comforted Ye Yan rather helplessly.

Now Chen Xinyu slapped Ye Yan for an outsider.

Although talking about the affairs of the younger generation, as an elder, he shouldn't interfere.

But now Ye Yan's complaints have all come to him, if he doesn't give an attitude, it will obviously be unreasonable.

"Old man, I seriously suspect that the youngest Lin family who was abandoned by the Lin family may deliberately approach your granddaughter with some purpose!"

After listening to Chen Guoxiong's words, Ye Yan raised his eyebrows and said something.

"You mean, Lin Mo may be a smoke bomb deliberately released by the Lin family, and its purpose is to make us take it lightly?"

Chen Guoxiong immediately realized that the wrinkles on his old face were extremely obvious.

When he knew that Lin Mo was probably a smoke bomb to deceive people, he frowned.

"That's right. Originally, the marriage between the Jiang and Lin families represented a partnership to deal with you, old man, but at this time, the Lin family chose to dissolve the engagement. Don't you think it's strange?"

Ye Yan thought for a while and then reminded Chen Guoxiong:

"Lin Mo may be the smoke deliberately released by the Jiang and Lin families to confuse you, old man. The purpose is to make Mrs. Chen take it lightly!"

"Hmph, the Lin family is nothing to be afraid of, and the Jiang family is just a rising star. It's too young to join hands to pay me!"

After hearing Ye Yan's words, Chen Guoxiong snorted coldly.

When he was in the shopping malls, Lin's group was just getting started.

Not to mention that Jiang's didn't know which alley to sell breakfast at that time.

Now that the two companies are getting better, they want to join forces to deal with the Chen Group that they founded. They just don't know what to say!
"Old man, don't underestimate Jiang and Lin. Most of the industry in Shanghai is now monopolized by these two. If the two join forces, your position as the leader of the Chen family is in jeopardy!"

The corners of Ye Yan's mouth rose, and he leaned on the grand teacher's chair that Chen Guoxiong often leaned on to remind him.

"Don't worry, the Chen family is far from being as simple as they imagined. The Jiang and Lin families can't make any waves!"

Chen Guoxiong sneered after hearing Ye Yan's words. Although he has lived for so long, although he has long since stopped meddling in the group's affairs, he still has some background.

"Hey, old man, you are so confident, is it possible that you have hidden some tricks?"

Ye Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Chen Guoxiong curiously.

"A person who is about to step into the coffin, what else can he do!"

Facing Ye Yan's curiosity, Chen Guoxiong shook his head and smiled.

"Cut, don't say it!"

Ye Yan curled his lips, knowing that Chen Guoxiong didn't intend to tell him at all, he rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"In the group, there are a bunch of veterans who help Xinyu handle the company's affairs. I am very relieved, but the only thing that makes me worry is... alas!"

Chen Guoxiong wanted to change the subject, but when he was halfway through the conversation, he couldn't help but sigh again.

"Don't worry about your precious granddaughter!"

Ye Yan also continued what Chen Guoxiong had left to say.

"Xiao Yu has a pure heart and is easily deceived by people with evil intentions. This is the only thing I can't let go of!"

The unruly person Chen Guoxiong referred to was obviously referring to Lin Mo.

After Ye Yan's advice, Chen Guoxiong also felt that Lin Mo's appearance was not accidental.

Maybe it was the sign that the Lin family had deliberately sent them to approach Chen Xinyu, and the so-called dissolution of the engagement was just a cover.

"You can worry about it yourself, old man, anyway, I won't interfere any more!"

Ye Yan snorted softly, and said to Chen Guoxiong angrily.

"Xiaoye, if you are by Xiaoyu's side to protect her, I will be very relieved!"

Chen Guoxiong was not discouraged, and still persuaded Ye Yan with affection.

"Old man, no matter what you say this time, I will never go back to be this bodyguard again!"

Ye Yan immediately looked to the other side angrily, just in time to see Chen Xinyu hastily entered the room.

Chen Xinyu's arrival interrupted their conversation, and Ye Yan simply closed his eyes and acted like nothing had happened.


At this time, Chen Xinyu hurriedly changed her shoes, trotted to Chen Guoxiong, and sneaked a sneaky glance at Ye Yan who was pretending to be asleep on the grand master's chair.

"Did you slap Xiao Yeyan today?"

After seeing Chen Xinyu, Chen Guoxiong asked with love and helplessness in his eyes.

"I made a mistake, Grandpa, I shouldn't be impulsive!"

After hearing Chen Guoxiong's words, Chen Xinyu didn't refute and explain anything, and quickly admitted her mistake obediently, and at the same time swept Ye Yan on the grand master's chair apologetically.

Seeing that Ye Yan didn't respond, she couldn't help but recall what Lin Mo had said to her.

"Knowing that you are wrong and still being so impulsive!"

"How do I usually teach you, be calm in dealing with things, think twice before acting!"

Chen Guoxiong immediately reprimanded Chen Xinyu.

Although he loves Chen Xinyu in front of him very much, he is not to the extent of doting on him, and he is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to preaching.

What's more, Ye Yan is still there, if you don't speak sharply to Chen Xinyu, how can you calm Ye Yan down.

"I know Grandpa, I will never make such a mistake again next time!"

Chen Xinyu also listened carefully to Chen Guoxiong's teachings, and she was ready to be scolded as early as on the way back.

"Hmph, go and apologize to Xiao Yeyan, let's leave this matter alone, don't blame grandpa for being ruthless if you do it again next time!"

Chen Guoxiong couldn't bear to look at Chen Xinyu's pitiful appearance, so he waved his hand and asked Chen Xinyu to apologize to Ye Yan.

Chen Xinyu nodded, and walked to the grand teacher's chair with a complicated mood. After looking at Ye Yan on it and contemplating for a long time, three words "I'm sorry" popped out of his mouth.

The sound is very small, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

This also made Ye Yan who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair sneer in his heart, this apology was not sincere at all.

After thinking about it, he didn't pay attention to Chen Xinyu at all, and shook the grand master's chair by himself.

"I'm sorry, what happened just now is because I did something wrong!"

Seeing Ye Yan ignoring her, Chen Xinyu looked a little embarrassed, but she still held back her patience and said sorry loudly to Ye Yan again.


After Ye Yan heard these words, he opened his eyes and snorted at Chen Xinyu.

"Xiao Yeyan, don't be as knowledgeable as Xiao Yu, this time, for the sake of my old age, please forgive Xiao Yu!"

Seeing this, Chen Guoxiong knew that Ye Yan's anger had almost subsided, so he quickly stood up to smooth things over.

"Since you have said so, old man, let's forget about this time!"

Ye Yan had no choice but to follow Chen Guoxiong's words and forgive Chen Xin for fanning himself.

(End of this chapter)

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