Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 10 010 Wronged Ye Yan!

Chapter 10 010 Wronged Ye Yan!

"Don't be sad, it doesn't have to be Jiang Li."

Seeing that Lin Mo was in a low mood, Chen Xinyu quickly said something comforting.


Lin Mo nodded, and set his eyes on the milk tea shop again.

Soon there was no movement in the milk tea shop, and after a while, Ye Yan pushed open the door and walked out slowly, his clothes looked messy.

"Lin Mo, let me die!"

Ye Yan, who was regarded as Lin Mo's sword, was very angry now. He was inexplicably recognized by a group of idiots and stabbed himself with a baseball bat.

If it wasn't for his kung fu, he would really be overwhelmed by these little bastards.

He was so worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger, when he happened to see Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu hiding in the alley.

"Damn, you're good at playing, grandson!"

"No wonder I offended someone by asking me to make milk tea!"

Ye Yan looked at Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu, who were behaving so intimately, and felt annoyed.

Chen Xinyu was the woman he had his eye on, Lin Mo, whoever he was, would dare to rob him of a woman!
"Ye Yan, how's the milk tea shop going?"

After seeing Ye Yan walking out of the milk tea shop, Chen Xinyu didn't care whether Ye Yan was injured, but asked about the situation of the milk tea shop.

"What can I do, mess up, break up!"

Ye Yan answered Chen Xinyu angrily, and stared fixedly at Lin Mo beside Chen Xinyu.

"Say, who are you!"

The next second, Ye Yan grabbed Lin Mo's collar without saying a word, which made Chen Xinyu next to him dumbfounded, and looked at Ye Yan in disbelief.

"Ye Yan, you are crazy, let go of Lin Mo!"

After reacting, Chen Xinyu quickly scolded Ye Yan to loosen Lin Mo's clothes.

Ding Dong!

Trigger the plot!

Task: win the sympathy of the heroine!
Completion reward: 2% personal shares of Chen Group.

"It's okay Xin Yu, if your bodyguard wants to take it out on me, let him do it!"

When hearing the mission, Lin Mo directly gave up resistance and said to Chen Xinyu.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart, and when he was strong enough, he must make Ye Yan kneel in front of him.

"Shut up, I have every reason to suspect that you are deliberately approaching Mr. Chen in order to achieve some ulterior purpose!"

Ye Yan looked at Lin Mo's innocent eyes, coupled with Chen Xinyu's scolding, which made him even more disgusted with Lin Mo. He always felt that Lin Mo's appearance was not accidental, but carefully planned.

"What nonsense, let go of Lin Mo!"

Seeing Ye Yan grabbing Lin Mo's lapel with nonsense, Chen Xinyu couldn't bear it anymore and slapped him across the face.

"You slapped me because of him?"

Ye Yan looked at Chen Xinyu in disbelief.

At this time, Chen Xinyu was also stunned, she did not expect that she would be so impulsive, she would hit someone even though she was always gentle.

"Who told you to hold Lin Mo's collar all the time!"

Chen Xinyu's eyes were a little dodgy and he didn't dare to look directly at Ye Yan, but when he talked about Lin Mo, his tone suddenly became firm.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Ye Yan, who had never been angry before, couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed Lin Mo away angrily, turned and left.

Of course Chen Xinyu wanted to apologize to Ye Yan, but when she saw Lin Mo being pushed away by Ye Yan, she staggered and fell to the ground.

Quickly squatting on the ground and caring about Lin Mo, Ye Yan's departure was immediately forgotten by her.

"Are you okay, Lin Mo?"


This scene was just left by Ye Yan who saw it out of the corner of his eye. Angry and unwilling, he clenched his fists and quickly left the street.

After walking away, a sense of grievance welled up in his heart, and Ye Yan took out his mobile phone to call Chen Xinyu's grandfather, Chen Guoxiong.

"Hey, old man, I quit this job!"


Inside the tea shop.

The group of people just now left, a group of unprofessional hooligans, naturally couldn't help Ye Yan, the mercenary king who came back from abroad.

Lin Mo started to clean up the mess and straightened the table and chairs.

And Chen Xinyu helped Lin Mo clean up.

"Lin Mo, I'm sorry for what happened just now on Ye Yan's behalf!"

After cleaning up almost, Chen Xinyu apologized to Lin Mo.

As her bodyguard, Ye Yan has a great responsibility for what she did to Lin Mo just now!
Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host for completing the task!

Mission reward: 2% personal shares of the Chen Group!
"What a big deal, it's normal for your bodyguard to be angry. It was indeed because of me that he was surrounded and beaten by a group of people!"

After Lin Mo heard the system's beep, he immediately waved his hand to express that he didn't care.

Naturally, Dafang pretended to show Chen Xinyu.

If it wasn't for pretending, he would have fought Ye Yan just now.

No one has ever dared to grab his collar, Ye Yan violated a taboo!

He will let Ye Yan know the consequences of angering him!

He has a hundred ways to disgust Ye Yan with secret methods.

"How can you blame this? If you want to blame, blame those people just now!"

"Besides, Ye Yan's duty is to protect me, so it's only right to come forward just now!"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Chen Xinyu was at a loss for words for a while, and hurriedly waved her little hand and said, telling Lin Mo not to blame himself.

"I can see that your bodyguard seems to be interested in you. Just because I shot him, I think he should be very sad now!"

Lin Mo said to Chen Xinyu pretending to be regretful.


Chen Xinyu was stunned, and looked at Lin Mo in a daze.

Lin Mo: "Don't you see that your bodyguard seems to be interested in you?"

"No, he's just a bodyguard invited by Grandpa!"

After hearing this, Chen Xinyu shook her head quickly, and said to Lin Mo in a self-affirming tone.

"There is no conflict!"

Lin Mo smiled lightly. The reason why he said such things to Chen Xinyu was also intentional.

"Stop talking nonsense, I..."

Chen Xinyu panicked and wanted to change the topic, but didn't know what to say.


While the two were silent, Chen Xinyu's cell phone rang.

"It's Grandpa calling!"

After glancing at the notes, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo nervously.

It's like a child who has done something wrong, afraid of being punished by an adult, and wants to seek asylum.

"Hurry up and pick it up!"

Seeing this, Lin Mo reminded Chen Xinyu to answer the phone quickly.


Chen Xinyu nodded, came to the side and connected Chen Guoxiong's call.

Lin Mo naturally stood by and observed Chen Xinyu's expression changes.

"I know, go back now!"

After chatting with Chen Guoxiong, Chen Xinyu quickly hung up the phone, then walked to Lin Mo and said in a suit:

"Lin Mo, my grandpa told me to go back first and come to you next time!"

After finishing speaking, he showed a heart-warming smile.

"See you!"

Lin Mo nodded and waved goodbye to Chen Xinyu's departure.


Chen Xinyu also waved her hand, and when she was about to walk out of the milk tea shop, Lin Mo suddenly said:
"If you encounter something on your mind, you can come to me at any time, and I am on call 24 hours a day!"

"Yeah, I will!"

Chen Xinyu turned around and smiled at Lin Mo. The smile was very romantic, giving people a feeling like bathing in the spring breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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