Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 9 009 Blocking the Knife!

Chapter 9 009 Blocking the Knife!

"You have to tell your old man about this!"

Ye Yan shrugged, and put his eyes on Lin Mo comfortably.

"Brother, I didn't hit you, your skills really need to be improved!"

"Come here if you have the ability, can you stop standing and talking all the time without back pain!"

When Chen Xinyu heard Ye Yan's words mocking Lin Mo again, she was completely angry, and directly replied not to be outdone.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Ye Yan curled his lips, how could he let go of such an opportunity to show off.

After staying abroad for so many years, he is no better than a little Lin Mo.

"Okay, I'm also curious about your craftsmanship!"

Seeing this, Lin Mo took off the waterproof apron, then walked out of the bar and looked at Ye Yan.



Ye Yan snorted, walked into the bar swaggeringly, and put on an apron in front of Chen Xinyu.

"Study hard, what is technology!"

Putting on the apron, he said proudly to Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo ignored him at all, and said to Chen Xinyu with a smile:
"Let's go sit and talk!"


Chen Xinyu nodded knowingly, and at the same time glanced at Ye Yan like an idiot.

At this time, no matter how stupid Ye Yan was, he finally realized why Lin Mo was so kind to let him try.

After he understood, he immediately felt that he had been deceived, but he couldn't take off his apron and follow Chen Xinyu, so he gritted his teeth and started making milk tea.

However, he still doesn't have the mind to make milk tea. Seeing Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu sitting together intimately and chatting, his teeth itch with anger.

She wished she could take off her apron immediately and give Lin Mo a hard lesson.

"Thank you!"

After sitting on the sofa, Chen Xinyu thanked Lin Mo gratefully.

"no need thank me?"

Feeling a little baffled, Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously.

"Let that bastard be deflated, and help me vent my anger!"

Chen Xinyu then explained to Lin Mo angrily puffing her cheeks.

Not to mention that she looked so cute, it gave Lin Mo the urge to grab her.

"Small things, it's my honor to be able to solve the problems for the beauty!"

Lin Mo then jokingly said something to Chen Xinyu.

"Smelly poor!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Xinyu, who was still angry, blushed suddenly, and said to Lin Mo angrily:
"Are you so glib in front of all the girls?"

"Have it?"

Lin Mo touched the tip of his nose, and from the corner of his eye, he happened to see Ye Yan at the bar looking at him and Chen Xinyu angrily.


"Of course there is!"

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly.

In the next second, a group of thick-backed men in colorful shirts and various tattoos broke into the milk tea shop.

Lin Mo frowned slightly after seeing these people, and looked at the menacing look of the other party, it was obvious that the visitor was not good.

Chen Xinyu was also taken aback by these menacing-looking people. She had never seen such a fight before, and her body couldn't help trembling.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Ye Yan who was standing at the bar was the first to speak, and asked in a rather unhappy tone.

Even he was taken aback by the sudden intrusion of these people.

"You two have nothing to do here, hurry up!"

The head of the rough man ignored Ye Yan, but pointed the baseball bat in his hand at Lin Mo and Chen Xinyu.

"Who the hell are you?"

When Chen Xinyu saw this, he immediately questioned the rough man, and he could be regarded as a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

If it were someone else who would have run away, like Chen Xinyu, the flowers grown in the greenhouse are always ignorant of the dangers of society.

"What are you talking about, tell you to get out and get out!"

The rough man cursed at Chen Xinyu unceremoniously.

"You guys, believe it or not."

"Shh, let's go!"

Looking at the man-eating eyes of the rough man, Lin Mo calmly grabbed Chen Xinyu's little hand, got up and took her out of the milk tea shop.

When Lin Mo took Chen Xinyu out of the milk tea shop, several younger brothers closed the door of the milk tea shop, and then pointed their finger at Ye Yan at the bar.

"You are Lin Mo calling me!"


Ye Yan looked at these people in front of him in a daze.


"Lin Mo, who are they?"

In a small alley near the milk tea shop, Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo puzzled and asked.

If Lin Mo hadn't pulled her just now, she wouldn't have left so easily. Don't look at the viciousness of those people just now, she is not afraid.

"I don't know, but they should all be directed at me."

Lin Mo glanced at the direction of the milk tea shop at this time, and he roughly guessed who sent these people.

Besides his good and considerate ex-fiancee Jiang Li, who else could send these people to teach him a lesson.

"Aiming at you?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo in a daze when he heard this.

"Well, it should be directed at me."

"Maybe they thought your bodyguard was me, that's why they let us go so easily."

Lin Mo nodded, and there was a sound of equipment colliding in the milk tea shop.

Don't think about it, it must be that Ye Yan has already started fighting with those people.

"Did you mess with anyone?"

Chen Xinyu was obviously not stupid, and gradually realized after listening to Lin Mo's words.

It seemed that the other party was really targeting Ye Yan at the bar, mistaking Ye Yan who was making milk tea for Lin Mo.

"There is one."


Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo curiously and asked.

"Jiang Li!"

Lin Mo slowly uttered two words to Chen Xinyu, knowing without thinking that the other party must have been sent by Jiang Li to take revenge on him.

After all, he still knew Jiang Li's character very well. He made her unable to get off the stage in front of so many people. She who pays attention to face will definitely not let her go easily.

It's a pity that the person Jiang Li sent didn't seem to know him, otherwise he wouldn't have mistaken Ye Yan for him.

In that case, he still has to thank Ye Yan for helping him save himself.

I am afraid that Ye Yan at this time has already greeted Lin Mo's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart.

"It turned out to be her?!"

And Chen Xinyu opened his mouth wide in surprise, and looked at Lin Mo in disbelief.

In her heart, Jiang Li's image has always been very good, so why would she send someone to trouble Lin Mo.

But seeing Lin Mo's serious face, she began to waver, Jiang Li might really be different from what she imagined.

It's not as perfect as I imagined!

Chen Xinyu began to look in the direction of the milk tea shop, and soon asked Lin Mo:
"Is it because of the divorce that she troubled you?"

"It should be. Now everyone knows that I dumped her, and they feel unbalanced, so it's understandable to find someone to teach me a lesson!"

Lin Mo sighed deeply, and his tone seemed a little low.

The melancholy shown was mainly acting for Chen Xinyu to watch.

In fact, he was quite happy to let Jiang Li take revenge on him, so that he would have enough reasons to approach her.

(End of this chapter)

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