Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 149 149 The teammates are all undercover agents!

Chapter 149 149 The teammates are all undercover agents!

"You brat, you have a really big appetite!"

Facing such a tense atmosphere and situation.

Jiang Chaonan did not show a very angry look, but looked at Lin Mo with a little appreciation, which surprised most of the shareholders in the conference room.

Jiang Li also looked at him with a puzzled expression. Unlike most shareholders, she was aggrieved besides being confused. This was the first time I saw her aggrieved.

"I'm sorry old man, the winner is the king and the loser."

"I just accept Jiang's group with a smile."

Lin Mo looked at Jiang Chaonan in front of him, not timid because of his identity.

"He even played with idioms with me."

Jiang Chaonan grinned and glanced at Father Lin from the corner of his corner: "Old Lin, you are lucky."

"Where is the old man, I am ashamed."

Hearing Jiang Chaonan's words, Father Lin showed a look of shame.

After all, it is the Jiang Group now.

And his identity is Lin Mo's father, besides Lin Mo and Gu Jie, his identity is the most special.

"Boy Lin."

"Do you know who sold most of the shares you bought to you?"

At this time, Jiang Chaonan did not continue to pay attention to Lin's father, but looked at Lin Mo. His words aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

At the same time, including Lin Mo, a bold idea suddenly came to mind.

"Old man, listen to what you mean. Those shares I received, you didn't sell them all, did you?"

He then told Jiang Chaonan what he was thinking, which caused Jiang Rong and Jiang Li to be stunned, looking at Jiang Chaonan in disbelief.

The second daughter quickly discovered the clues. Before, she wondered why Lin Mo was targeting the Jiang Group so much. As the founder of the group, how could Jiang Chaonan not know about it, or even be indifferent.

"It's a good thing you're quick-witted."

"Yes, I sold all the shares you received."

Jiang Chaonan nodded.

As soon as this remark came out, the shareholders in the audience were in an uproar.

No wonder Lin Mo was able to control 39% of the group's shares so smoothly. It turns out that Jiang Chaonan has always been behind him.

It's a fart, it's just for fun for their shareholders.

"Grandpa, why did you sell your shares to him?" Jiang Li looked at Jiang Chaonan in astonishment.

It's okay to be betrayed by Jiang Rong, but I didn't think that I could be tricked by my grandfather. The huge Jiang's group made it seem like she was the only one from the Jiang family.

My aunt and grandfather successively helped outsiders buy their own groups. This kind of operation is not only unheard of, but also unthinkable.

Besides Jiang Li, there was another person who was the most surprised, and that was Jiang Rong, who was also from the Jiang family.

She never expected that when she helped Lin Mo acquire the Jiang Group, there would be Jiang Chaonan's shadow in it.

What kind of thing is this? Jiang Chaonan contributed a lot to Lin Mo's initiative to sell his shares to Lin Mo and help him successfully acquire the Jiang Group.

Isn't the revenge that Jiang Rong has always believed in becoming a complete joke, and this is an indisputable fact.

But she couldn't accept this result, and she was in the same mood as Jiang Li at this time, and it was the first time that they could stand together.

"Old man, you did it on purpose, right!"

Without the slightest sympathy at all, Jiang Rong scolded Jiang Chaonan coldly.

"Jiang Rong, you let me down so much."

"From now on, everything about the Jiang family has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Chaonan's face turned cold, and he vented all his temper on Jiang Rong, venting his few dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, do you think I'm rare?"

Now that her face has been torn, Jiang Rong no longer hides her resentment. She has been waiting for a day for nearly ten years.

Although I don't know why Jiang Chaonan sold the shares to Lin Mo, at least her goal has been achieved, and now the Jiang Group no longer belongs to the Jiang family.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Chaonan pointed at Jiang Rong angrily.

"Old man, now the group is not up to you." Jiang Rong sneered.

She looks very much like the villain's female partner who finally succeeds in her plot.

"You go first."

At this time, Lin Mo also spoke, and he gave Jiang Rong an order.

The reason why Jiang Rong left was also very simple.

After all, Jiang Chaonan is at that age, if this stalemate continues, it will not be fun to get angry at him.

"What's the meaning."

Jiang Rong was stunned. She looked at Lin Mo coldly, and everyone around her could feel that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

It is not uncommon to kill donkeys by unloading grinds.

But Jiang Rong never thought that such a thing would happen to her. She knew her own value very well, and with Lin Mo's character, she would definitely not turn against her so easily.

"Get out, I'll only say it once."

The tone was still flat, but this time it was obviously more intimidating than before. Jiang Rong frowned. Although she was unwilling, she still walked out of the conference room.

"Old man, in return for the shares, I have let her go." Seeing Jiang Rong walk out of the conference room, Lin Mo smiled and said to Jiang Chaonan.


Jiang Chaonan nodded, and looked at the rest of the shareholders: "If you want to sign, just sign."

With his words, the shareholders no longer hesitated. Except for two individuals, the rest signed the document one after another, agreeing to sell their shares at three times the price.

from this moment.

Lin Mo has completely controlled the Jiang Group, and even if the shareholders who did not sign the contract add up, the shares in their hands will not exceed him.

The shareholders who signed the signatures were also very sensible, and left the conference room with their own things after finishing the work, and had nothing to do with the Jiang Group.

After all these shareholders left, Jiang Li didn't react at all. From the initial confusion to the current bewilderment, Jiang Chaonan was undoubtedly the culprit.

She has more doubts in her heart.

From the moment Jiang Chaonan admitted to selling the shares, it didn't matter anymore. Who would have thought that apart from his most trusted aunt, there was also his closest relative, grandpa, who would have betrayed him.

This is the same as playing a game with a team. At the end of the game, you realize that apart from yourself, the teammates around you, including the captain, are all undercover agents.

"Xiao Li."

Jiang Chaonan sighed, and just wanted to explain clearly to Jiang Li, but the next second the other party rushed out without giving him any chance.

"Master, I'm curious about a question."

"Ask what you want to ask."


Jiang Li, who left angrily, did not lose her target, but quickly found Jiang Rong.

"Auntie, I have a question I want to ask you."

Jiang Li looked at Jiang Rong with a complicated expression. In a sense, the two encountered similar situations.

"Just ask."

Jiang Rong naturally didn't have much hatred for Jiang Li, and it was the first time they met honestly after letting go of their prejudices.

"When did you sell the group to help Lin Mo for the first time?"

"the first time?"

"My first time is not for him!"

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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