Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 150 150 Good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs!

Chapter 150 150 Good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs!
Ding Dong!

mission completed!

Completion reward: Yujianshu!

After learning the answer he wanted to know from Jiang Chaonan's mouth, Lin Mo seemed to have realized it, and at the same time, the reminder of the mission sounded in his mind.

The other party noticed him from the beginning, but he didn't try to stop him, but watched quietly. Jiang Chaonan took the initiative to sell the shares because he was interested in Lin Mo's potential.

He also seems to understand that there is nothing that can prevent Lin Mo from acquiring the Jiang Group, so it is better to take the initiative to fuel the flames.

However, Jiang Chaonan's original idea was to let Lin Mo cooperate with the Jiang Group, but unfortunately, with Jiang Li's character, it was difficult to do so.

Although Lin Mo is now Jiang's actual controlling shareholder, Jiang Li is still the second largest shareholder.

Jiang Chaonan is betting on whether Lin Mo can lead the Jiang Group to go further, and he believes that his vision will not be wrong.

"Grandpa, is that why you trust me?"

I have to say that Jiang Chaonan is the most willful and arrogant old man he has ever met.

"I think people can't be wrong, it's a pity."

Jiang Chaonan nodded, and heaved a sigh to himself as he spoke.

"What a pity?"

Lin Mo looked at him curiously and asked.

"If your engagement with Xiaoli hadn't been cancelled, I wouldn't have to worry about it." Jiang Chaonan said regretfully. If he had known earlier, he would have disagreed with Lin Mo's divorce.

"I can't help you with this."

Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders with a slight smile, and turned his eyes to Father Lin who was watching the show. He was dressed very much like the other party's follower.

"Boy Lin, Xiaoli is not bad, and she is also pretty, why don't you think about it again?" Jiang Chaonan was about to give it a try, and began to sell his granddaughter, Jiang Li, to Lin Mo.

"Old man, you should be very clear about your granddaughter's attitude. There is no possibility between us."

Lin Mo said lightly.

Jiang Chaonan also sighed helplessly, and stopped forcing Lin Mo, not to mention that he was not ignorant.

It is clear that Lin Mo already has a Chen Xinyu by his side, the reason why he wants to consider Jiang Li again is that he does not mind if Lin Mo can.
He doesn't mind, but it doesn't mean Jiang Li doesn't mind; Jiang Li doesn't mind, it doesn't mean Lin Mo doesn't mind; Lin Mo doesn't mind, it doesn't mean Chen Xinyu doesn't mind.

If even Chen Xinyu doesn't mind, then let's talk about it. Anyway, there is a vixen who will definitely mind, there is no doubt about it.

Thinking of that vixen, Lin Mo is one head and two big. I hope she won't mess with me at home.

"Master, I have something else to do."

Lin Mo immediately said that he wanted to go back and see if Bai Xue, a vixen, kept himself safe.

"carry on."

Jiang Chaonan nodded, but did not stop Lin Mo.

"You son of a bitch, why are you going?"

Father Lin suddenly asked him.

"Learn your fishing skills."

Lin Mo curled his lips, never thinking about talking to Father Lin, and after a casual sentence, he left the Jiang Group with Gu Jie.

As for when to send someone to take over the group, there is no rush yet.

"This brat is really getting more and more unscrupulous." Seeing that Lin Mo didn't give him any face, Father Lin was extremely dissatisfied.

"Old Lin, let's discuss something."

Jiang Chaonan said something to Father Lin without any scruples.

Father Lin: "Old man, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Chaonan: "Lin Mo is following Jiang Li."


After leaving the Jiang Group.

Lin Mo sent Gu Jie back to the company, while he came to the seaside villa alone.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Bai Xue wearing loose pajamas, lying lazily on the window sill looking at the scenery outside, very comfortable.

"Master, you are back."

After hearing the sound of the door opening, she withdrew her gaze from the window and turned to look at Lin Mo at the door.

"You didn't get me into any trouble, did you?"

After Lin Mo scanned the furnishings in the living room, he felt relieved.

"Young master, do you not believe in the slave family?"

Bai Xue curled her lips, came down from the window sill, and walked slowly in front of Lin Mo, shaking her slender long snow-white legs, "My lord, I miss you."

As she spoke, she began to help Lin Mo unbutton his shirt. Just as the two were about to continue their development, there was a sound of keys opening the door.

There are only two keys to the seaside villa. Apart from Lin Mo herself, only Chen Xinyu owns the other one. She must be the one who doesn't want to open the door outside.

"Little fox, change back quickly."

Without time to think, Lin Mo hurriedly pushed Bai Xue away, and then urged her to return to her original shape.

"What a disappointment!"

Bai Xue pouted dissatisfiedly, but obediently changed back to her original white fox appearance. In the next second, Chen Xinyu opened the door and walked into the villa with big bags and small bags.

"Mr. Lin?"

"Miss Yu?"

Both of them looked at each other in surprise. Chen Xinyu really didn't expect Lin Mo to appear in the villa, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use the key to open the door, so he shouted directly.

It's not time to get off work. According to the normal situation, Lin Mo should still be working in the group now.

"Mr. Lin, you are not working hard again, are you?" Chen Xinyu came to Lin Mo.

"Who said that, I have taken care of the group's affairs." Lin Mo retorted.

He also just returned to the villa, just a little earlier than Chen Xinyu.

"By the way, why did you come back suddenly?"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously and asked, while looking at the things in the bags from the corner of his eye.

"I thought you didn't have time to take care of it in the group, so just"

Chen Xinyu said with some disappointment that the things she bought were basically pet food, which were specially bought for Bai Xue to eat.

It's a pity, Bai Xue is not an ordinary pet, she is an out-and-out vixen, she doesn't eat the pet food bought by Chen Xinyu, she only eats ham sausage and Lin Mo's.

Bai Xue also let out a howl, and glanced at the pet food in the packaging bag with a little disgust.

"What about my mother, is she willing to let you come back?"

After Lin Mo took the things in her hands, he asked jokingly, with Lin's mother's character, she shouldn't let Chen Xinyu back so easily.

"Auntie is doing beauty treatment in the beauty salon, and I came back early."

"Are you sure you didn't sneak back?"

"Hmph, shut up!"

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly, took out the natural pet food from the bag, and prepared to feed it to Bai Xue.

"Don't waste the food, she won't eat this." Lin Mo kindly reminded her before Chen Xinyu called to pack it.

But the other party didn't seem to appreciate it, she rolled her eyes and said, "I picked this one carefully, it's very nutritious, and it will definitely eat it."

"Are you going to eat?"

Lin Mo immediately glanced at Bai Xue and asked her a question.


Bai Xue shook her head cooperatively, and pointed in the direction of the refrigerator with her paw, the meaning was already obvious.

"What does this mean?"

Chen Xinyu looked at Lin Mo with a slight frown.

Her expression was a little disappointed. After looking at the pet food she bought, she pouted and said to Bai Xue: "Xiao Bai, these things are very nutritious. Would you like to try it?"


Bai Xue shook her head, showing no face at all.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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