Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 151 151 It's all your fault!

Chapter 151 151 It's all your fault!

"Mr. Lin."

"Look, it all nodded and agreed to eat."

A jaw-dropping scene appeared. Chen Xinyu pursed her lips, not paying attention to Bai Xue's shaking of her head just now, but said something to Lin Mo.

"She obviously shook her head just now."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu speechlessly, but then he thought that there was no need for him to help Bai Xue, so he immediately changed his words and said, "You're right, she seems to have nodded."

"Xiao Bai obediently eat."

Chen Xinyu snorted arrogantly.

Satisfied with Lin Mo's performance, regardless of Bai Xue's willingness or not, she immediately opened a bag of pet food and put it in a newly bought bowl.


Bai Xue first gave Lin Mo a blank look, and then looked at the pet food in Chen Xinyu's bowl, showing a disgusted look, "Master, my family wants to eat ham sausage, so I don't want to eat this."

Suddenly, Lin Mo heard Bai Xue's voice asking for help. The pet food Chen Xinyu bought had a very strong fishy smell.

It would be fine if Bai Xue was really an ordinary pet, but unfortunately she is not.

Compared with the ham sausages in the refrigerator, these pet foods were so low. Under Chen Xinyu's expectant eyes, Bai Xue didn't even sniff them, and turned directly to the refrigerator.


She slammed on the refrigerator door and howled.

The meaning is already obvious. She doesn't eat the so-called pet food. As for Chen Xinyu's expression was very disappointed, she looked at Lin Mo with her lips pouted: "Mr. Lin, why doesn't she eat pet food?"

"Maybe because of her tricky mouth."

Lin Mo shrugged and replied.

"Then what does it usually eat?"

"Ham sausage and heel."

When Lin Mo was about to blurt out that word, he suddenly realized that he didn't say it, but looked at Chen Xinyu with an embarrassed expression.

"Following what?"

When Chen Xinyu heard the word ham sausage, she frowned slightly, looked at Lin Mo suspiciously and asked.

"With ham sausage, she only eats ham sausage."

Lin Mo smiled, and said perfunctorily to Chen Xinyu, and at the same time glanced at the trash can beside him, it was indeed full of ham sausage packaging.

"No, ham sausage is not nutritious."

"If it continues like this, its health will get worse and worse."

Chen Xinyu immediately preached to Lin Mo seriously, his eyes seemed to be blaming him, and he was not responsible for Bai Xue at all.

"You're right, you can't eat ham sausage all the time." Lin Mo didn't refute, but nodded in agreement, looking at Bai Xue beside the refrigerator.

"Young master, don't force the slaves."

At this time, Bai Xue was looking at Lin Mo with resentful eyes, and she heard clearly the conversation between the two just now.

Not only did Lin Mo not speak for her, but instead he helped Chen Xinyu everywhere, which is really disgusting.

"Xiao Bai, the ham sausage is not good, come and taste this." Chen Xinyu immediately came to Bai Xue without giving up, and said to her earnestly.


"The slave family will not eat this kind of thing."

Bai Xue glanced at it in disgust, then bypassed Chen Xinyu and jumped onto the window sill, and began to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside.

"Might as well."

Lin Mo finally stood up and spoke for Bai Xue, but Chen Xinyu rolled her eyes.

"It's all your fault."

Chen Xinyu puffed up her cheeks and blamed, that appearance made people love and anger, she was almost overwhelmed by cuteness, she put all the responsibility of Bai Xue not eating pet food on Lin Mo.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Mo smiled helplessly, looking at Chen Xinyu who was so persistent, he didn't know how to explain, or no matter how he explained, the other party would not listen.

He could even imagine that scene.

Lin Mo: "She's a vixen, so she doesn't eat pet food."

Chen Xinyu: "You are a vixen, you are used to it, don't argue."

Lin Mo: "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you."

Chen Xinyu: "If you don't listen, you don't want to listen to the scriptures."

Lin Mo: "."

The above conversations are all Lin Mo's fantasy, but the content is extremely authentic.

"If things go on like this, Xiaobai's body will have problems sooner or later." Chen Xinyu said dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu dumbfounded, Bai Xue would not do anything wrong, who made her a veritable vixen.

Going on like this is not an option, he has to find a suitable opportunity to confess to Chen Xinyu.

"If you have any other problems, Xiaobai, I will never end with you!" Chen Xinyu snorted, and threatened Lin Mo with a pursed mouth.

"Why do you care about her so much all of a sudden?"

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xinyu curiously, as if they just met last night, which is really unbelievable, could it be...
Thinking about it, Lin Mo looked at Bai Xue on the window sill suspiciously, "Little fox, is it your fault?"

"Master, you really know how to slander the slave family."

Bai Xue grinned when she knew what was going on in Lin Mo's mind. Except for doing some indescribable things when she took a bath with Chen Xinyu last night, she didn't do anything.

As for why Chen Xinyu suddenly became so concerned about her, it must be due to her own charm, who made her a vixen.

"Auntie should have a perfect face at this point, and I'm going back." Chen Xinyu didn't answer Lin Mo's question, but said something on her own.

"Okay, then I'll see you off."

Lin Mo nodded, walked out of the house with Chen Xinyu, and drove her back home. Mother Lin hadn't come back yet, and the hall was empty.

"Mr. Lin, remember to take good care of Xiaobai." At the time of parting, Chen Xinyu reminded Lin Mo very seriously: "You can't let him eat unnutritious things all the time, it's not good for your health."

The unnutritious things she said were naturally ham sausages.

"Understood, I will pay attention."

Lin Mo nodded and rubbed her little head lightly.

"Well, hug~"

Chen Xinyu opened his arms, and fell into Lin Mo's arms in the next second, and the two listened to each other's heartbeats quietly.

"Mr. Lin, do you still remember what you promised me?"

"Oh, what did you promise?"

"Did you forget it?"

"Fool, I'll tell her."

Lin Mo smiled, and naturally remembered what he had promised Chen Xinyu last night, which was to bid farewell to Mother Lin for her.

"Hmph, disgusting."

Chen Xinyu pushed Lin Mo away pretending to be angry.

"I am leaving."


Seeing that she didn't respond, Lin Mo turned around and was about to leave, but before he took a few steps, he was hugged tightly on his back.

"Big idiot, have you forgotten something?" Chen Xinyu's voice came from behind, and she reluctantly pressed her cheek against Lin Mo's back.

Lin Mo then turned to look at her, forgetting the time and place, without any extra words, and then kissed deeply, stirring up each other's love.
"Cough cough."

When the two were in a strong relationship, there was an untimely coughing sound at the door.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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