Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 152 Friend Daoist 152, You Have a Demonic Aura!

Chapter 152 Friend Daoist 152, You Have a Demonic Aura!
"Auntie, you are back."

It was the figure of Mother Lin. When she came back after making her perfect face, Chen Xinyu quickly shyly pushed Lin Mo away, putting her hands behind her back, so blushing that she didn't dare to look up.

"You guys carry on like I don't see anything."

Mother Lin rolled her eyes and walked into the room on her own, ignoring Chen Xinyu and Lin Mo who had left the door.

This made Chen Xinyu even more shy. She didn't know how to face Lin's mother later, and then whispered to Lin Mo, "It's all your fault, I'm so ashamed."

"You enjoy it yourself, how can you blame me." Lin Mo curled his lips, saying that he would not take this responsibility, but only a little bit if he wanted to.

"You also said, ignore you."

Chen Xinyu blushed and pushed Lin Mo out of the room.

After the two said goodbye again, Lin Mo left the community and was driving back to the seaside villa. Suddenly a figure passed by on the road, as if he had hit something.


Lin Mo was stunned, even he didn't see what it was just now, he got out of the car and planned to check the situation when he was puzzled.

The car was intact, without any trace of impact, so what happened to the sound just now?

Suddenly, he frowned slightly, and felt something strange behind him. A man in Taoist uniform appeared in front of him, with a sword behind him.

This dress is very similar to Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, and it is the exclusive dress of Shushan disciples.

"Chang Qing has met fellow Taoist."

The man in front of Lin Mo is none other than Chang Qing, the senior disciple among the new generation of disciples in Shushan and the closed disciple of Taoist Qingfeng.

"I don't seem to know you."

After realizing that Chang Qing in front of him was a disciple of Shushan, Lin Mo looked at him pretending to be puzzled.

"Pindao is a disciple of Mount Shu. I don't know what sect and sect you are from?" Chang Qing then said to Lin Mo who reported his family background.

"I don't understand what you're saying."

Lin Mo curled his lips, didn't intend to continue talking to the other party, and was about to go back to the car and leave, but suddenly Chang Qing appeared in front of him and blocked the way.

"Fellow daoists, why pretend to be stupid, poor daoists have no malicious intentions." Chang Qing said lightly, with his cultivation base, he could see through Lin Mo at a glance.

"I'm just a casual cultivator. I don't know what advice you, a high-ranking student in Shushan, can give you?" Lin Mo asked coldly when he saw the other party repeatedly blocking him.

"It's just about the fox demon."

"Fox demon?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Lin Mo was shocked, but still pretended to be calm and looked at Chang Qing. The other party's cultivation must be higher than his, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared so unexpectedly, and he hadn't felt it at all.

"Fellow Daoist has a demonic aura about him, no doubt it's that fox demon." Chang Qing looked at Lin Mo and said.

"and then?"

Lin Mo frowned and looked at Chang Qing, and he might do it directly in the next second.

"Pindao just wants to remind fellow Taoists that human monsters will end up in different ways. If this continues, you will always be sucked out of your true energy by that fox monster."

Chang Qing said to Lin Mo seriously.

"Don't bother the Taoist priest to worry about it."

Lin Mo curled his lips speechlessly. The Shushan disciple in front of him didn't come here specially to remind him of this.

"Fellow Daoist, the gain outweighs the loss."

Seeing this, Chang Qing sighed, and said to Lin Mo earnestly and earnestly: "Human monsters have different paths, fellow Taoists should wake up as soon as possible."

"Think more about the Taoist priest's reminder."

Lin Mo replied politely, thinking quickly about how to get out, and Chang Qing's cultivation level in front of him was obviously much higher than his own.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry, the poor Taoist will not make things difficult for you. Go back and tell that fox demon to leave the mundane world as soon as possible within three days."

Chang Qing seemed to see through Lin Mo's mind, and said with a faint smile.

After finishing speaking, he turned around like a ghost, and disappeared in front of Lin Mo in just a moment without leaving any traces, as if he had never appeared before.

Without any stop, Lin Mo immediately drove back to the seaside villa.

Chang Qing's last words undoubtedly asked Lin Mo to tell Bai Xue that if he continued to stay in the secular world three days later, he would come to him.

Unlike Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen, he didn't do anything directly, but gave Bai Xue a chance to leave the mundane world by herself.

"Young master, why do you look so bad?"

Bai Xue transformed into a human form at this time, and met Lin Mo who had just entered the door. After seeing the embarrassing expression on his face, she asked suspiciously.

"I met someone from Shushan."

Lin Mo told Bai Xue what happened just now without any concealment, and Chang Qing's appearance undoubtedly broke the tranquility between the two.


"It's this group of bull-nosed Taoist priests from Mount Shu again, they really linger, I hate them to death!"

Bai Xue then snorted coldly, her eyes were full of hatred, and she still remembered that Xu Fei and Wang Qingchen took advantage of her while she was crossing the catastrophe, and shot her.

In her eyes, the people in Shushan are all self-proclaimed nobles with high morals, but their methods are incomparably despicable.

"What are you going to do?"

"How can the slave family be willing to leave the young master?"

Bai Xue smiled, and didn't take Chang Qing's words to heart. Her current cultivation base is in the late stage of alchemy, and she is not afraid of the other party at all.

What's more, Lin Mo is a big baby, how could she just let it go like this.

"Are you reluctant to part with me, or the constant stream of real energy?" Lin Mo smiled dismissively, and Bai Xue's little thoughts were all tightly controlled by him.


"Of course the slave family is reluctant to part with the young master."

Bai Xue blamed shyly, her weak figure softened, and she fell into Lin Mo's arms like this, looking at him with winking eyes, "Even if I die, I will die in the arms of the young master."


Lin Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and didn't pay much attention to Bai Xue's words. After all, the words of a vixen can be somewhat believable.

The two have only known each other for a few days, and the so-called relationship is nothing more than each seeking what he needs.

"If you don't believe me, son, you can feel the heart of the slave family to see if it is lying."

Bai Xue smiled, and as she spoke, she grabbed Lin Mo's hand and pressed it tightly to her chest.

Thump thump.
Feeling that Bai Xue's heartbeat was very steady, Lin Mo untied the other party's clothes without any hesitation.

"Young master, please take pity on my slave family"


In an alley near a high school.

"Gu Feng, Song Jiaqi is the woman I like, you'd better stay away from her."

As a school bully.

Zhao Buzhu is taking several younger brothers to block Gu Feng in the alley, the reason is that the other party is having an affair with the woman he likes.

"Zhao Buzhu, are you out of your mind?"

"Jiaqi is my girlfriend now."

Gu Feng, who is no longer what he used to be, doesn't pay attention to Zhao Buzhu in front of him at all.

The same goes for the younger brothers around him. Even if they fight together, they may not be his opponents. This is thanks to his cheap master Xu Fei and cheap uncle Wang Qingchen.

"Are you together?"

Zhao Buzhu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Gu Feng with extremely gloomy eyes.

In the next second, the younger brothers around him were signaled and waved the iron bars in their hands, intending to teach Gu Feng a lesson.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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