Chapter 153 Uncle 153!


The younger brothers around Zhao Buzhu collapsed before touching Gu Feng, and they didn't even have time to see how he made the move.

"Why did they all fall down?"

The reversal came too fast, and Zhao Buzhu froze in place for a while.

"Zhao Buzhu, it's your turn now."

Gu Feng grinned proudly, swung his fists and walked towards Zhao Buzhu step by step. He was often bullied by him in the past, but now the old and new grudges can finally be settled together.

"Made, you have to rely on yourself for these useless things." Zhao Buzhu picked up a stick cursingly.

I don't know if it's because Gu Feng's aura is too strong, or because he is inherently weak, even if he holds a stick, he doesn't dare to face hard steel.

The sound of iron bars falling to the ground.

Zhao Buzhu finally gave up, knowing that he was not Gu Feng's opponent, he threw away the stick he had just picked up.

"That...Brother Feng, I was wrong." Zhao Buzhu begged for mercy.

"That's it?"

Gu Feng smiled dismissively, he didn't pay attention to Zhao Buzhu in front of him at all, and even sneered at his begging for mercy.

Just now I thought the other party was so ruthless, but it turned out to be just a paper tiger, not as good as the fallen brother, at least they dared to fight themselves.

"Go away, if you dare to harass Jiaqi next time, don't blame me for being rude to you." Seeing Zhao Buzhu's confession, Gu Feng instantly lost interest.

Just as Zhao Buzhu was about to leave the alley with a few younger brothers, he immediately revealed his true colors, turned his head and said fiercely to Gu Feng: "My surname is Gu, you wait for me, this matter is not over."

Gu Feng's expression turned cold, and Zhao Buzhu, who raised his hand to be frightened, ran away with a few younger brothers, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Apart from bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he didn't see that Zhao Buzhu had any abilities, so Gu Feng immediately snorted and planned to leave the alley as well.

"Where did the ring on your finger come from?"

But before he walked out of the alley, Gu Feng was blocked by a man, who was Chang Qing.

"who are you?"

Gu Feng was stunned, seeing that Chang Qing's dress was somewhat similar to that of his master Xu Fei, and curiously asked about his identity.

"This ring is unique to me in Shushan, where did you get it?" Chang Qing didn't answer, but looked at Gu Feng expressionlessly and asked.

"My uncle gave it to me."

After hearing Chang Qing's words, Gu Feng didn't hide anything, and told the origin of Najie. At least for now, Chang Qing in front of him is not an enemy.

Chang Qing: "Then who is your master?"

Gu Feng: "Why should I tell you this?"

"The ring in your hand belongs to me in Shushan. If you don't explain it clearly, I will take it back." Chang Qing said lightly.

"My master is Xu Fei. Since you are from the same sect, you should know each other."

Gu Feng's heart tightened, and when he heard that Chang Qing was about to take back his vows, he quickly moved Xu Fei out.

"It turns out that you are Junior Brother Xu's apprentice."

Chang Qing nodded, and looked at Gu Feng with blazing eyes: "The root bone is good, it is a good material for training, Junior Brother Xu has a good vision."

"Are you my master's brother?"

Hearing the other party praise him, Gu Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least it seems that Najie should be saved for now, but it took him a lot of effort to figure out how to use it.


"In terms of seniority, I am your uncle." Chang Qing said lightly.

"I have seen Master!"

Gu Feng is also very sensible. After knowing that Chang Qing's identity is his uncle, he immediately shouted respectfully.

"What's your name?"

When Chang Qing heard this uncle, he showed a long-lost smile.

"Gu Feng."

"Nephew Gu, do you know that you almost broke a precept just now?"


Gu Feng was taken aback again, and looked at Chang Qing in embarrassment: "Master, what kind of rules did I violate just now?"

"Since you are already a disciple of Shushan, you must remember not to do anything to ordinary people." Chang Qing said to him slowly.

"They did it first, and I did it first." Gu Feng explained immediately.

Chang Qing: "Because of this, you didn't completely violate the door rules. If you were the first to do it, I would take back your vows and abolish your hard-won cultivation."

"Wouldn't that mean that you will only be beaten in the future, and you can't fight back?" Gu Feng was obviously dissatisfied after hearing Chang Qing's words, and said with a slight frown.

"With your cultivation, why bother with these ordinary people." Chang Qing smiled, and said to Gu Fengyu earnestly like an elder.

"Master, haven't you ever met someone who is just looking for trouble?" Gu Feng curled his lips indifferently, and said that he couldn't tell anyone.

Chang Qing raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but did not answer Gu Feng's question. He has practiced for so many years, and he naturally encountered people looking for trouble for nothing, but those were also immortal cultivators.

"Uncle, if it's okay, I'll go back first." Gu Feng felt that staying with Chang Qing was very stressful, and immediately planned to run away.


But before he took a few steps, Chang Qing called out to stop him.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Gu Feng smiled wryly, looked back at Chang Qing and asked.

Chang Qing: "Although you are the apprentice of Junior Brother Xu, you have not formally started, and you are not counted as my Shushan disciple. These days, I will personally teach you how to practice."

Gu Feng: "Huh?"

Gu Feng: "You teach me yourself?"

He was stunned after listening to Chang Qing's words, and looked at the other party with a tangled expression.

"Why, you don't want to?"

"No, no, I'm just a little excited." Gu Feng explained with a coquettish smile, now he can practice only by his own groping, and there is no need for Chang Qing to guide him.

But Chang Qing's identity is there, and he is too embarrassed to refuse, and he is currently caught in a dilemma.

"If you don't want to, forget it, Pindao won't force you." Chang Qing has already seen through Gu Feng's little thought.

"How could it be? It's too late for me to be taught by my uncle."

Gu Feng said something with a smile.

In the end, he accepted Chang Qing's guidance to practice by himself. After thinking about it carefully, it is better to be taught by someone than to fumble alone.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Chang Qing snorted and nodded in satisfaction. He was quite satisfied with Gu Feng in front of him.

"Master, do you have a place to live?" Gu Feng asked Chang Qing curiously.

Chang Qing: "Pindao is going down the mountain this time, and he has no fixed place for the time being."

Gu Feng: "."

Gu Feng: "Why don't you stay with me for now?"

Chang Qing: "Yes."

Without any hesitation, the corners of Gu Feng's mouth twitched a few times. He was just being polite, but Chang Qing actually agreed.

"Okay then, I'll take you back."

Gu Feng sighed, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take Chang Qing home, praying that the old lady would not say anything.

In the past, Chang Qing might not have been like this, but recently his mind has been unstable, and he doesn't know why he agreed to live in Gu Feng.

Maybe in the dark, God has his own decree.

(End of this chapter)

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