Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 157 157 Discuss Conditions!

Chapter 157 157 Discuss Conditions!
Xu Fei's Changhong Sword was also bounced back to Chang Qing's hand at this moment.

If it was just now, even if Bai Xue showed the original form of the six-tailed fox demon, he still would not be Chang Qing's opponent.

But now with Lin Mo's help, the situation is different. The Tai Chi dial in the sky does not have any suppressive effect on Lin Mo. With Bai Xue's cultivation and him, there is no need to worry about being an opponent of Evergreen.

"If Fellow Daoist insists on being with this fox demon, then the poor Daoist will not be polite." Chang Qing said to Lin Mo seriously.

"Smelly Taoist priest, do you think we are still our opponents?" Bai Xue smiled dismissively after hearing Chang Qing's words.

"Brother, let me help you."

At this time, Xu Fei, who was seriously injured, endured the surge of Qi and blood in his body, and urged his true energy to leap into the turntable.

"It turns out that you were the one who rescued the fox demon last time." Xu Fei frowned and said.

Lin Mo did not deny it, but took a look at the high bridge and the street in the distance. Since it had been enchanted by Changqing, the outside world could not see any supernatural sights.

"Hmph, new hatred and old hatred."

"Miss, I will make you, a bull-nosed Taoist priest, pay the price today." Bai Xue said to Xu Fei in a cold tone.

It's good that Xu Fei didn't mention the past.

His words angered Bai Xue instantly, wishing to tear him and Wang Qingchen to pieces, if it wasn't for the imminent catastrophe last time, Bai Xue would not have missed such a good opportunity.

"Don't be ashamed, today I will do justice for the sky and accept you, a fox demon." Xu Fei also shouted loudly, grabbed the Changhong Sword from Chang Qing's hand, and rushed towards Bai Xue and Lin Mo.

"Brother Xu, be careful, leave the fox demon to me."

Seeing Xu Fei being so impulsive, Chang Qing couldn't help sighing in his heart, and rushed towards Bai Xue and Lin Mo with his sword, but his goal was very clear.

"I know, brother."

Xu Fei understood. Although he was a little impulsive, his brain was not fooled. He knew that he was definitely not Bai Xue's opponent, so he set his sights on Lin Mo.

"Humans and monsters have different paths, why do you help the fox monster to cause harm to the world." When Xu Fei came to Lin Mo, he was not in a hurry to do anything, but asked him why he wanted to help Bai Xue.

"When did you see her doing harm to the world?"

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Lin Mo smiled dismissively.

Sure enough, as described in the novel, these self-proclaimed righteous people always like to demand others with their own rules, but the protagonist has changed from Gu Feng to him.

Xu Fei: "She is a demon, you are human."

Xu Fei: "Why do you need to be obsessed with it?"

Lin Mo: "Noisy."

Xu Fei: "In that case, don't blame me."

No longer wasting words in vain, Xu Fei stabbed Lin Mo with his sword. The two had similar cultivation bases, and a few short moves did not tell the winner.

But Xu Fei was injured by Bai Xue before, and he was able to fight against Lin Mo because of his strength. His physical strength was gradually unable to support him, and he was quickly kicked away.

"Brother Xu."

Seeing this, Chang Qing immediately caught Xu Fei.

He, who had a slight advantage, was accidentally knocked into the air by Bai Xue. His face was serious, and the situation of the two of them was not optimistic.

Originally, he thought that Baixue had just survived the catastrophe and his cultivation base was not stable, so he didn't take it too seriously.

But until the fight, it was discovered that Bai Xue in front of him was not only stable in cultivation, but also in a state that was almost the same as her own. With Lin Mo's help, the two were not rivals at all.

"Smelly Taoist priest, today is your day of death." Bai Xue was so proud that she showed her original shape without the slightest hesitation, and wanted to give Xu Fei and Chang Qing the last blow.

"Tai Chi instrument."

Chang Qing hugged the injured Xu Fei with one hand, and with the other hand, he made a kneading seal, and the yin and yang fish appeared.

But this time it was obviously not Bai Xue's opponent, the yin-yang fish in front of Chang Qing quickly shattered into pieces, and was slammed into the air, he and Xu Fei both fell on the beach.

"go to hell!"

Bai Xue set her target on Xu Fei, mobilized all the true energy in her body, the tails behind her gathered together, and waved towards him.

"Brother Xu, be careful!"

Chang Qing wanted to block the blow for Xu Fei, but his speed was too late. Seeing that his tail was about to hit Xu Fei, an accident happened.

The Qianjun Sword stood in front of Xu Fei and took Bai Xue's blow for him.

"My son, you?"

Bai Xue looked back in disbelief, she never expected that the person who rescued Xu Fei would be Lin Mo.

"How about a deal?"

Lin Mo ignored Bai Xue and came to Chang Qing.

"What conditions?"

Chang Qing looked at Lin Mo in a daze.

"As for me, I don't have any malice towards you Shushan disciples. I just promise to stop embarrassing Bai Xue and let you go."

Lin Mo smiled and said, the reason why he rescued Xu Fei was because he didn't want Bai Xue to have a grudge against Shushan.

Shushan is also a famous family, and Baixue is not a mountain villager, so there is no need for the two to go to the point where they can't die.

"As long as she is willing to leave the secular world."

"Pindao guarantees that the disciples of Shushan will not embarrass her in everything."

Chang Qing nodded.

"Hmph, do you think this lady is afraid of you stinky Taoist priests?" Bai Xuelian sneered and mocked.

"Apart from being a bit irritable, she hasn't done anything harmful, so why keep pestering her?" Lin Mo said with a curled lip.


"Not before, doesn't mean there won't be in the future."

Just as Chang Qing was about to say something, Xu Fei couldn't help but interrupted.

"Stinky Taoist priest, court death!"

Bai Xue frowned, trying to understand Xu Fei, but was quickly stopped by Qian Junjian.

"Young Master, why do you help these stinky Taoist priests everywhere." Bai Xue was a little angry, and complained to Lin Mo with her lips pouted. If he hadn't stopped him repeatedly, Xu Fei would have died countless times.

"To shut up."

Lin Mo glared at him, still wanting to hear Chang Qing's answer.

Chang Qing: "How can fellow Taoists ensure that she will not harm the world?"

Lin Mo: "with me here, she won't."

Bai Xue: "Hmph, bragging."

Lin Mo: "."

"A poor way of being a friend once."

"As long as she doesn't indiscriminately use her power to harm the secular world, Pindao agrees to the conditions of fellow daoists."


"make a deal."

Lin Mo smiled, then withdrew his Thousand Ton Sword, then looked at Bai Xue and said, "Let's go, stop abusing mana."

"No, he must die today."

Bai Xue pouted angrily, not giving Lin Mo any face, and pretending to attack Xu Fei beside her.

"Don't make trouble, I'll give you ham sausage when I go home."

Lin Mo rolled his eyes speechlessly, and pulled the stubborn fox away from the beach.

After the two left, Chang Qing helped the injured Xu Fei, "Junior Brother Xu, are you alright?"

"It's okay, brother."

Xu Fei shook his head, and said with a complicated expression: "You shouldn't agree."

"It's okay."

"As long as that fox doesn't keep her promise, the poor in the ends of the earth will not let her go."

Chang Qing said to Xu Fei with a faint smile.

He intends to stay in the secular world to monitor Bai Xue, as long as she doesn't keep her promise and use magic power on ordinary people in the secular world.

He will do justice for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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