Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 158 158 Let's go!

Chapter 158 158 Let's go!
"Young master, why are you stopping me?"

After returning to the villa, Bai Xue still questioned Lin Mo relentlessly, if he hadn't stopped him repeatedly, she would have been able to avenge her.

"Behind them is Mount Shu."

Lin Mo said to Bai Xue calmly, it is not difficult to kill Xu Fei, but after weighing the pros and cons, it is not necessary.

"What is there to be afraid of in Shushan?"

"My lady is not afraid of these bratty Taoist priests." Bai Xue said proudly.

Although Shushan is a well-known sect, it is nothing in her eyes. The fox demon clan in Xuanyuan Tomb is not a vegetarian.

If my mother knew that she almost died at the hands of two Shushan disciples, she would definitely call all the races to avenge her.

"All in all, from now on, you are not allowed to abuse your magic power and live like a normal person, and people in Shushan will not trouble you."

At this moment, Lin Mo turned around and said to Bai Xueyu earnestly.

"Do you really believe that those stinky Taoist priests will keep their promises?" Bai Xue chuckled.

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Mo shrugged disapprovingly.

"Of course there is a problem. Those stinky Taoist priests are very cunning. Let them go this time, and they will definitely use various reasons to make trouble next time." Bai Xue nodded and said.

"Young master, you are still too young."


Lin Mo gave her a white look, "Just take care of yourself, don't let me see you using mana on ordinary people, otherwise."

Bai Xue snorted softly, "Otherwise what, is it possible for the young master to attack the slave's family?"

"What do you say?"

Lin Mo pinched Bai Xue's chin, and then played with it like a teacher.

"The son is so eccentric, the slave family is angry."

Bai Xue looked at Lin Mo with a dissatisfied expression.

Like an angry little daughter-in-law, her bright eyes are full of resentment.

"Do you still want to eat ham sausage?" Lin Mo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and pinched Bai Xue's not so round face hard.

Different from Chen Xinyu, Bai Xue has a typical foxy melon-seeded face. Apart from sharp edges and corners, there is not much flesh on her face, and her hand feel is not very good.

"Don't eat, from now on, I want to break up with you." Bai Xue said angrily, and after pushing Lin Mo away with her hand, she had to draw a clear line with him.

"Are you serious?"

Lin Mo smiled, and didn't take her words too seriously.


Snow White nodded vigorously.

It seems that it is coming for real, not like joking with Lin Mo, but no one except her knows what the real thoughts in her heart are.

"Okay then, let's go."

"Hmph, let's go."

Bai Xue turned around and was about to leave. When she was about to walk out of the door, Lin Mo stopped her, and her expression was even more ugly.

She planned to give Lin Mo another chance, and then shouted at the top of her voice, "I'm gone, but I won't come back."

"Understood, let's go."

Lin Mo nodded, and still replied without any reaction, walked to the refrigerator and took out a box of yogurt, ignoring Bai Xue directly.

"Young man, goodbye."

Bai Xue was completely angry, and left the villa without hesitation, but Lin Mo shook his head and smiled, and didn't chase her out to find her.


"Smelly human beings, Miss Ben is already like this, and she doesn't know how to keep her, I hate it to death!" Bai Xue walked alone on the deserted street.

In the evening, the bright moon and the sunset are in the same frame.

Wandering on the sea in the distance, as if nothing happened before, and Bai Xue hugged her body and kept cursing.

She was just playing with her petty temper, and her purpose was to make Lin Mo subdue herself.

"Smelly human, I hate you!"

Bai Xue looked at the road ahead and was confused, not knowing where she should go for a while, sitting on the edge of the bridge shaking her snow-white thighs, and kept cursing Lin Mo.

Phrases such as not bringing an umbrella when it rains, and driving without gas, came out endlessly in her mouth, and she didn't know where she learned them.

"Beauty, alone?"

Suddenly a car stopped on the side of the road.

The driver rolled down the window, revealing a very wretched face. The other party was Zhao Dezhu who had harassed Chen Xinyu.

"Smelly human, it's best not to look for me, Miss Ben won't forgive you." Bai Xue didn't notice him at all, and still complained to herself.


Zhao Dezhu immediately honked the car horn twice, which made Bai Xue focus on him.

Bai Xue frowned suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Beauty, let me introduce myself."

"I am Zhao Dezhu, a resident member of the Shanghai Sports Car Club, are you interested?"

"Not interested in."


Before Zhao Dezhu finished speaking, Bai Xue interrupted him directly. Sure enough, human beings are superficial animals.

"Don't worry, I'm very warm-hearted. As long as you get in the car, just tell me what you want." Zhao Dezhu said to Bai Xue provocatively.


Bai Xue replied coldly.

But when he suddenly thought of Lin Mo driving her away, his heart immediately became unbalanced. He got up and looked at Zhao Dezhu and asked, "Are you willing to give me anything you really want?"

"of course."

Zhao Dezhu was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded excitedly after realizing it. Bai Xue in front of him was simply a beauty in the world, stirring his heartstrings.

"What if it's your life?" Bai Xue asked with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"To die under a pomegranate skirt is to be a ghost."

"My life, the beauty can take it if she wants it."

"Hehe, that's what you said."

Bai Xue smiled, and got into Zhao Dezhu's car.


The next day, morning news.

"Yesterday early in the morning, an unknown male body was found in the western suburbs of the city. The body was dry and the cause of death is unknown."

"The identity of the deceased is currently under investigation,"

After turning off the TV, Lin Mo took a sip of milk and was about to go out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Bai Xue curled up sitting at the door.


Bai Xue looked up at him pitifully.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Mo looked at her in a daze.

"My family wants to eat ham sausage."

Bai Xue didn't answer his question, but sobbed.

"Take it and eat it."

After Lin Mo took out the ham sausage from his pocket, he handed it to Bai Xue in front of him.

After receiving the ham sausage, Bai Xue happily tore open the outer packaging, and then ate it contentedly.

"You were at the door last night?" Lin Mo asked immediately.


Bai Xue was slightly taken aback.

But he nodded and admitted that he had been squatting at the door all night.

"Stupid or not, didn't you run away from home? Is this what you mean by running away from home?" Lin Mo looked at her with a helpless smile.


Bai Xue snorted softly, got up and threw herself into Lin Mo's arms, "Master, I seem to have made a small mistake."

"What is wrong?"

Lin Mo looked at her suspiciously and asked.

"Eh, it's a charm." Bai Xue said hesitantly.

"Why did you use charm?"

Lin Mo frowned when he heard this.

I just made an agreement with Chang Qing yesterday, I didn't expect Bai Xue to relapse so quickly, this speed is too fast.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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