Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 159 159 Draining Essence!

Chapter 159 159 Draining Essence!

"that is."

Bai Xue stuttered and told the story. She used her charm to lure Zhao Dezhu to the suburbs, and made indescribable movements towards the rows of big trees.

"You can do it."

After listening to her description, Lin Mo's expression was a bit complicated, and he didn't know how to describe it.

Bai Xue must be so bored that her stomach hurts when she is free, and she actually uses coquetry to do such insane things.

"Besides this, did you do anything out of the ordinary?" Lin Mo frowned and asked Bai Xue.

"No, I just punished him a little with coquetry, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary." Bai Xue shook her head, and said to Lin Mo seriously.

Although she was dissatisfied with the agreement between Lin Mo and Chang Qing yesterday, she still had a sense of proportion in her heart, knowing what is enough and enough is enough.

Zhao Dezhu, who harassed him, did not use any means other than punishing him with charms.

"Forget it this time."

"Be careful next time, don't abuse your charm to ordinary people." Lin Mo said seriously.

Bai Xue just used tricks to teach the other party a lesson, she didn't do anything out of the ordinary, presumably Chang Qing couldn't catch anything.

"I know, son."

Seeing Lin Mo let her go, Bai Xue rolled her eyes slyly, "Master, be more careful next time, right?"

"It doesn't mean that you are a vixen, you can't be an opponent of ordinary people without using charms and mana?" Lin Mo curled his lips.

He didn't give Bai Xue an accurate answer, but the meaning in his words was already obvious, even though he had an agreement with Chang Qing.

But the content of the agreement is only that Baixue cannot use mana against ordinary people, and there is no order to prohibit other means other than mana.

"Hey, young master is the best."

Bai Xue grinned, hugged Lin Mo and began to gnaw wildly.


"Brother, do you think this man is so dry, does it look like he was sucked dry by a monster?" Xu Fei, like Chang Qing, was staying at Gu Feng's house as a friend. It was the morning news.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong."

Chang Qing just glanced at the TV screen, and basically concluded that the other party must have died of exhaustion of essence.

"Could it be that fox demon did it?" Xu Fei frowned at this moment, and Bai Xue's figure immediately appeared in his mind.

"Don't speak nonsense, it shouldn't be her."

Chang Qing shook her head and looked at the TV screen with a solemn expression. Although the cause of death of the other party was like being sucked dry by a monster, the murderer was not necessarily Bai Xue.

After all, there are many monsters in this world, and they just made an agreement with Lin Mo yesterday, so they shouldn't relapse so soon.

"Who else but her?"

Xu Fei did not rule out Bai Xue because of Chang Qing's words. In his eyes, Bai Xue was still the most suspicious.

"Go to see the corpse, there should be traces of monsters left on it." Chang Qing said.


"But where are we going to find the corpse?" Xu Fei looked at Chang Qing in confusion and asked, both of them were not from the secular world and knew nothing about these things, but there was one person who was different.

After half an hour.

Gu Feng led the two of them to the hospital.

Although the police focused on protecting the corpse, the guards outside were no match for the three of them, so they easily entered the morgue where the corpse was stored.

"Master, uncle, do you suspect that this person was killed by a monster?" Gu Feng looked at the withered corpse and asked Xu Fei and Chang Qing curiously.

"That's right, the mummy in front of me obviously got all its essence absorbed by a monster, so it became like this." Xu Fei nodded.

Chang Qing has been carefully inspecting the condition of the corpse, "Three Qings above, order!"

He quickly chanted the mantra, and then probed around the corpse, and a dim light appeared, illuminating the entire morgue.

"This is... the evil spirit of that fox demon."

After Xu Fei saw You Guang, he immediately recognized that it was Bai Xue's demonic aura. Sure enough, the cause of the man's death had something to do with Bai Xue.

"Brother, I just said that the fox demon is not trustworthy. This person must have been sucked away by her to die in such a miserable state."

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Chang Qing didn't react at all, and the expression on his face was extremely solemn. Although he didn't want to believe that it was Bai Xue who did it, the evil spirit in front of him couldn't deceive anyone.

"Master, who is the fox you're talking about?" Gu Feng stood aside and asked Xu Fei curiously.

"It's just a fox who has practiced for thousands of years." Xu Fei replied in a bad tone.

Suddenly there was a sound outside, and the three people in the morgue immediately hid in the dark, and soon two people came in from outside.

"This is already the third mummy found in this city. How do you say they died?"

"Ghost knows, I heard that the city leaders take this matter very seriously, and have already sent people to investigate."

"It obviously looks like it has been dead for many years, and the test results show that the time of death is within 24 hours. Do you think it will be?"

"Don't think too much, just work."

They put the corpse on the cart and carried it out of the morgue. After the two left, Gu Feng, Chang Qing, and Xu Fei came out and looked in the direction of the gate.

"Brother, did you hear that, this is already the third mummy, and that fox demon still dares to say that he never killed innocent people." Xu Fei said to Chang Qing with an angry expression.

"This matter is quite strange. If that fox demon harms people, it will definitely have a fishy smell on it, but I didn't smell this smell on her yesterday." Chang Qing analyzed calmly at this time.

"Maybe it was covered up by some special spell." Xu Fei frowned and said.

"Don't rush to jump to conclusions."

"We are divided into two groups. You go to monitor the fox demon, and I go to the place where the incident happened to check for clues. If the fox really did this, the agreement made yesterday will be void." Chang Qing said immediately.

"Then what about me, Master?"

Gu Feng became interested, and asked Chang Qing excitedly, waving his hands.


"Just follow me."

The corner of Chang Qing's mouth raised slightly.

"I want to follow Master."

Gu Feng curled his lips, he wanted to follow Xu Fei to monitor Bai Xue, to see what the legendary fox monster looked like.

"No, your cultivation base is too low, and it's easy to be exposed as a teacher." Before Chang Qing could speak, Xu Fei directly rejected him.


Seeing Xu Fei's serious expression, Gu Feng also knew that it was impossible to change his mind, so he nodded and agreed to follow Chang Qing to the scene of the incident.

"Take action."

Chang Qing no longer hesitated, and left the morgue with Gu Feng, while Xu Fei went to monitor Bai Xue's every move.

Relying on the compass to guide him, he found Bai Xue who was shopping like an ordinary person.

"Young master, I want this."

In the shopping mall, Bai Xue shook Lin Mo's arm and said coquettishly, she was like a little girl who just came out of society and didn't understand anything, she wanted anything strange when she saw it.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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