Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 162 162 Dealing with the Dryad!

Chapter 162 162 Dealing with the Dryad!

"Master, I still have things to deal with. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Gu Feng rolled his eyes, and immediately turned around to run away.

"Good nephew, where do you want to go?"

Chang Qing grabbed Gu Feng's neck and pulled him back in front of her like a chicken.

"Uncle, just bypass me."

How could Gu Feng not understand what Chang Qing meant, he just wanted him to be the bait.

"Aside from you, who else is more suitable to be this bait?" Chang Qing said with a faint smile.


Gu Feng was stunned for a moment, raised his head, glanced at Xu Fei first, then turned his attention to Lin Mo, and finally locked his eyes on Bai Xue.

"Hmph, don't let me go."

Bai Xue said something displeased, and after she finished speaking, she turned into half a fox's head, baring her teeth to scare Gu Feng.

"Damn it, you monster."

Gu Feng was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Chang Qing, not daring to look at Bai Xue.

"You're so timid."

Covering her mouth, Bai Xue sneered, this made Xu Fei's expression uneasy, after all Gu Feng was his apprentice.

"Who says I'm timid, isn't it just as a bait, who is afraid of whom!" Gu Feng was also a little embarrassed to be ridiculed by Bai Xue, and Gu Feng stood up from behind Chang Qing, and said with a blushing face.

"Yo, have you figured it out? With your small body, it's still not enough for the opponent's teeth." Bai Xue still had no scruples, and taunted Gu Feng unscrupulously.

The reason why she hit Gu Feng so hard was entirely because of Xu Fei, who made the two of them have a master-student relationship.

"Don't worry, I will guarantee your safety." Chang Qing said to Gu Feng at this moment.

"Okay, I'll do it!" To prevent himself from being underestimated by Bai Xue, Gu Feng gritted his teeth and accepted the arduous task of being a bait. As long as his life can be guaranteed, being a bait just once is no big deal.

Chang Qing: "Start action tonight."

After they agreed on a time, Lin Mo took Bai Xue back home.

"My lord, do you really want to help them?" Bai Xue finally couldn't hold back and asked Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Well, is there a problem?"

"It's a big problem. Subduing demons and eliminating demons is what their stinky Taoist priests should do. What does it have to do with us?" Bai Xue said with a curled lip, she was still dissatisfied with Lin Mo's promise to Chang Qing.

"Don't forget, I'm also a human monk." Lin Mo shook his head and smiled.

In a sense, it wasn't him helping Chang Qing and Xu Fei, but relying on their means to get rid of the tree demon for himself.

"whispering sound!"

Hearing Lin Mo's answer, Bai Xue was instantly speechless, and could only roll her eyes angrily to express her dissatisfaction.

"Why, you don't want to help me?" Lin Mo said jokingly.

Bai Xue pouted and said: "If you want to help the young master, my family will naturally be 1 willing, but if you want to help those two bull-nosed Taoist priests, my family will be 1 unwilling."

Lin Mo smiled to himself, and said earnestly, "Then you should help me."

"Hmph, is there any benefit?" Bai Xue puffed up her chest arrogantly, and asked Lin Mo with her hand.

"What benefits do you want?"

"What does my servant want, my lord doesn't know?" Bai Xue smiled, and looked at Lin Mo with winking eyes. After the two looked at each other for a while, she slightly moved her thin lips to greet him.

In an instant, the silk-thin Chinese clothes were scattered on the ground, Bai Xue bit her lip, and hugged Lin Mo's neck with a complicated expression.


It's ten in the evening, and the night is full of stars.

According to the agreed time, Lin Mo and Bai Xue came to a wasteland in the suburbs, and soon found Chang Qing and Xu Fei.

"Fellow Daoist, you are here."

When Chang Qing saw Lin Mo and Bai Xue, he immediately stepped forward to say hello, while Xu Fei behind him seemed extremely reluctant.

"Where's the bait?"

Bai Xue snorted softly, glanced around, and asked Chang Qing curiously after finding no trace of Gu Feng.

"He's already started."

Chang Qing replied indifferently, long before Lin Mo and Bai Xue arrived, Gu Feng had already started his task of being a bait, pretending to be a lost donkey.

"So early, will the dryad be fooled?"

After hearing Chang Qing's words, Bai Xue frowned slightly, and said something suspicious.

"I don't know, the compass hasn't responded yet." Chang Qing shook his head, even he was not [-]% sure that the tree demon would be fooled.

That tree demon killed three people in a row, it would definitely not be satisfied so easily, and it would definitely continue to commit crimes. The only thing it can do now is to let Gu Feng be a lure and try its luck.

"Uncle, it's pitch black and there's nothing here, is it possible that the tree demon isn't here?"

Suddenly, Gu Feng's voice sounded from the compass in Chang Qing's hand. This is the secret method of Shushan, which can transmit sound for thousands of miles through the compass, and the function is the same as that of a mobile phone.

"The tree demon kills people with vine trunks, don't worry, just keep pretending." Chang Qing immediately replied to Gu Feng using the compass.


Gu Feng nodded, and then canceled the conversation, looking at the compass in his hand, the pointer on it was normal.

Xu Fei told him before that as long as the needle of the compass rotates erratically and wildly, it means there are monsters nearby, so be careful.

"Take a break first."

Right now the pointer is normal, Gu Feng sat under a tree without hesitation and planned to rest, but he didn't notice that there was a vine moving slowly behind him.


The needle on the compass turned suddenly, which made Gu Feng tense up immediately after sitting down to rest, watching the needle of the compass keep turning, and the next second it pointed behind him and stood still.


Gu Feng looked back with some hesitation, and saw an extremely long vine appearing behind him, stabbing straight at him in the next second.

"Fuck, Dryad!"

It was only at this moment that Gu Feng came to his senses. He rolled sideways on the ground a few times before avoiding the attack of the vines, and then frantically ran for his life.

"Uncle, the tree demon has appeared!"

He yelled at the compass, but the other party didn't respond, and the vines behind him were chasing after him.

"Master, help me."

Gu Feng dodged the vine's attack again.

Then he ran out of the forest and came to the open space outside. Originally, he hoped that Chang Qing and Xu Fei would show up to save him, but there was no one around.

"Run this way."

Suddenly, Chang Qing's voice sounded in Gu Feng's ears, instructing him to run to a dark forest.


Gu Feng hurriedly followed the instructions and ran towards the forest.


When the screen turned, Gu Feng was still in the woods just now, his eyes were empty and lifeless, as if he was bewitched by something, only to see the vines behind him slowly wrapping around him, everything just now was just an illusion.

Just as the vines were about to make a move, the compass on the side burst into golden light, and a talisman appeared to shake it back, and Gu Feng also regained consciousness.

"Stop the dryad!"

Chang Qing jumped up and caught up with the vines who wanted to escape.


As soon as Gu Feng opened his eyes, he saw Chang Qing and the vine wrestling together, and he was shocked.

"Are you okay?"

Xu Fei appeared next to him at this time, and said something soothing.

"Master, what was I just now?" Gu Feng was stunned, looking at Xu Fei and asked in confusion.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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