Accidentally crossed into a big villain

Chapter 163 163 Regenerated vines!

Chapter 163 163 Regenerated vines!

"You fell under the illusion of the dryad."

"It's a good thing that your uncle set up a restriction in the compass before, and the golden talisman will be activated whenever there is danger." Xu Fei explained, then got up and looked in the direction of Chang Qing, who was currently fighting with the vines of the tree demon.

"Fortunately, I have a master, otherwise I would be dead." After listening to Xu Fei's words, Gu Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If he hadn't triggered the golden talisman just now, he might have become a tree demon's fertilizer by now.

"Get up quickly, it's dangerous around here."

Xu Fei didn't talk to Gu Feng about the past, the current situation of the few people is not optimistic, and there was a rustling sound nearby.

Countless vines came into view, these were the branches of the tree demon, some of them attacked Changqing, and the rest attacked Xu Fei and Gu Feng.

"Everyone be careful."

At this moment, Chang Qing cut off the vines in front of him, and then reminded Xu Fei and Gu Feng that those cut vines would replant in the next second.


"Young master, the dryad should be right ahead."

Bai Xue shrugged her nose, then turned around and said to Lin Mo behind her. She and Lin Mo were responsible for finding the real body of the tree demon, while Chang Qing and Xu Fei held the vines.

And the two of them were in a dense jungle at the moment. Rows of towering trees covered the night sky, and the moonlight couldn't penetrate it, making it look pitch black.

There are many trees around.

But there is not even a trace of insects or birds chirping, and the dead forest is particularly permeating. If ordinary people accidentally get lost here, they will probably die of fright instead of starvation and thirst.

Lin Mo: "Are you sure?"

Bai Xue: "Well, there is nothing wrong."

As a member of the fox demon family, besides her unique beauty, she also has a very keen sense of smell, which is why she and Lin Mo came to find the real body of the girdle.

"Okay, let them know."

Lin Mo nodded, took out the Qianjun sword and pushed aside the tree trunk blocking the view, and the view suddenly became clear.An open space enveloped all the moonlight, and a towering tree stood impressively in the center of the open space.Its size is countless times that of the other big trees, and the roots under its feet are stretching and intricate.

"that's it."

Lin Mo's mind flickered, the tree demon opposite him was much bigger than he imagined, with a huge grimace printed on its body, compared with the ghosts in any horror movies, it was nothing compared to it.

"Smelly Taoist priest, the real body of the dryad has been found, come to us quickly." Although Bai Xue was a little reluctant, she still took out the compass that Chang Qing had given her before, and then used her real energy to move it.

On the other side, Chang Qing, who was wrestling with countless vines, had a golden compass on his waist, and soon heard Bai Xue's words.

"I know, I'll be there soon."

Chang Qing nodded, and after replying to Bai Xue, he said to Xu Fei and Gu Feng: "The real body of the tree demon has been found, come to me."

"it is good."

Xu Fei understood, grabbed Gu Feng's shoulders and jumped behind Chang Qing. The three of them formed a circle back to back, surrounded by countless vines, "Two appearances and four images are divided, order!"

Chang Qing no longer hesitated, and inserted his saber into the rammed earth. A majestic sword energy cut off all the surrounding vines, and before new vines grew again, he brought Xu Fei and Gu Feng together. escaped from this place.

The tree demon not far away let out a roar, and the huge grimace above the tree finally opened its eyes, looking absurd.

"No, it discovered our existence." Bai Xue was startled at this moment, and immediately reminded Lin Mo beside her.

"So fast?"

"The entire jungle is within its range of perception. From the moment we step here, our every move is monitored by it."

Bai Xue's expression became serious. The reason why the Dryad didn't do anything to her and Lin Mo before was because he focused on dealing with Chang Qing.

"Be careful."

Suddenly a few vines attacked Lin Mo.

Bai Xue cut off these vines immediately, and soon countless vines appeared around the two of them, even more than those besieging Chang Qing, Xu Fei, and Gu Feng.

"Avoid these vines first, wait for someone."

Lin Mo used the Qianjun sword to perform the sword control technique, cut off row after row of vines, and then took Bai Xue's hand to prepare to escape from the forest first.

There are too many vines, he and Baixue alone will definitely not be able to get close to the tree demon, and even if they get close, they may not be its opponent, they can only wait for Changqing.

"Come, don't even think about leaving!"

The grimace on the Dryad had a cold expression, and he manipulated the vines to surround Lin Mo and Bai Xue.


"You want to trap Miss Ben with just these?"

Before Lin Mo could take action to deal with the vines, Bai Xue waved her hand, and purple smoke was emitted from her sleeves. All the vines that were absorbed by the smoke withered quickly, without even a chance to regenerate.

"My lord, let's go."

Before the new vines trapped her and Lin Mo, the two immediately flew out of the encirclement, "Sword Control!"

Lin Mo turned around and cut off all the new vines, but soon new branches grew out, as if they were endless.

"Useless son, as long as the tree demon doesn't die, these vines will keep regenerating." Bai Xue reminded Lin Mo at this time.

At present, the only method that can cause substantial damage to the vines is the purple smoke that Bai Xue just produced, which can instantly wither the vines that come into contact with it, and cannot regenerate.

At this time, the vines are intertwined with each other to form a huge net.

The sword qi slashed across, but the giant net did not receive any substantial damage, only small scratches were left on the vines, and then quickly disappeared.

"Young master, let me come."

Bai Xue shot again, using the purple smoke to attack the giant net, and soon the vines of the giant net aged at a speed visible to the naked eye, until they withered.


Lin Mo took the opportunity to cut through the giant net and escaped the siege with Bai Xue.

"Fellow Daoist, are you all right?"

Chang Qing also arrived with Xu Fei and Gu Feng, and the three immediately greeted Lin Mo and Bai Xue.


Lin Mo shook his head and looked seriously at the vines behind him. In just a few seconds, those vines multiplied several times. They were obviously surrounded by these vines.

"Uncle, what should we do now?"

Seeing this scene, Gu Feng flinched a little. There were so many vines in front of him that it was frightening. Not only were they many, but they were also extremely fast.

Except for Baixue's smoke attack, which is effective against it, any other physical attacks are ineffective against it. Even if those vines are cut off, new ones will grow, and if this goes on endlessly, it will only consume the true energy in several people's bodies.

"Attack with fire."

Chang Qing's face is serious, and he feels very difficult to face these countless vines. The only way he can think of at present is to use the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of all things.

"But where can I find fire now?"

Gu Feng was slightly taken aback, except for the densely packed vines, there were only vines.

Don't talk about fire, there is no fart.

To be continued

(End of this chapter)

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